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Jessica Brown


Jessica Brown

Candy and Kiss japanese movie review
Candy and Kiss
22 people found this review helpful
by Jessica Brown
Apr 1, 2019
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 10.0
This movie is perfect in my eyes. Is the acting pretty bad? Yes it is. Are there a couple cliches? Yeah. Totally, but they're great.
This movie while very simplistic takes on a concept I've never seen before. The main character is a guy who is plagued by his anxiety. Because of this, there may be a time where the viewer'd get annoyed, but the ending is completely satisfying. It's a love story that leaves you with nothing but happiness. It's super pure and super sweet.
It's a JAPANESE MOVIE. I want to say that about every Japanese anything. Because of this, the way the movie is shot and the elements of it will be weird to someone who is not accustomed to Japanese stuff. However if you like Japanese stuff, this is perfect for you.

Rewatch value?: For you crazy BL fans, 100%.
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