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He's Coming to Me thai drama review
He's Coming to Me
2 people found this review helpful
by VAN21
Jan 4, 2020
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
For my first impression about this drama is i thought this drama will be boring to watch but after continue watching my first impression have change. I said to my self (hmm i guess this story is very exciting and have a good story plot) and after watching many episode until the end i can say the actors especially Mes and Thun their acting skill is very good they really adapt their rule like it is their own life i can feel their act they really did put an effort but their are only one thing that i don't like is that how will their story ending (Disclaimer this is not a spoiler) we all know that Mes is a spirit and Thun is a living human so they/we cannot avoid the truth that someday Mes will be reincarnate and Thun will be left alone not to mention he will be really sad and we fans don't want that kind of story to happen right and if that is really the ending i come up some of my idea to ease my mind i wan't to happen that if Mes really did reincarnate and after 1 or 2 years Mes reincarnated Thun and Mes will accidentally meet again in the same campus (well Mes died 20 years ago so that means no one will know who he is except the one who know his face) so back to the story when Mes and Thun meet again. Thun have been starstruck for a while when they bump each other and after 5 seconds Thun hug mess like their's no tomorrow and Thun said while hugging Mes (I finally found you again i will never let you go again) thun said but of course Mes have no idea of what Thun is saying because in Mes memory he doesn't know Thun because Mes doesn't remember his past before he have been reincarnated and even Thun know that Mes doesn't remember him he still make a move on Mes with hoping and knowing that (even if you forgot your memories love will always reveal the truth).....

Well that is my own opinion what will happen in season 2 if their will be a season 2 and i'm hoping that their will be really a season 2 cause i really love this drama and i know i'm not the only one whose hoping for season 2. And THANK YOU FOR READING MY REVIEW LOVE YOU ALL.
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