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Water Queen

A Star Somewhere In This Starry Universe

Water Queen

A Star Somewhere In This Starry Universe
The Untamed chinese drama review
The Untamed
1 people found this review helpful
by Water Queen
Mar 11, 2024
50 of 50 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

A Never-To-Be-Missed Piece...!

The dictionary is in lack of words to express my love for the amazing main leads, great actors even the villains, wonderful soundtracks, breathtaking sceneries and everything else rom A to Z showed in this masterpiece is just not possible to be expressed enough.

Actually, I first just ignored the constantly growing popularity of TU for a very long time. A that time I had just newly arrived in the Asian Drama World. But then, I grew fond of Wang Yibo after watching Legend of Fei (when it was aired in Dec 2020). I soon found out that his most amazing drama was the one I was overlooking since a long time...

I immediately started The Untamed. At first it really seemed hard to get through the seemingly boring starting episodes, but I stuck to it for the promising reviews I had collected, and just gave it a chance to prove them. But believe me, when the real story begins (and that comes sooner than expected), I found myself just addicted to it.
I have watched nearly 200 dramas and movies by now, but have yet to find a drama worthy to be called on par with The Untamed... You know, right now, I just want to get amnesia and watch this drama all over again...! Everytime I can't find a good drama, I just return to TU and it feels like I'm back home...

The way the story is adapted and shown is really wonderful... Those plot twists arrive just when required... The CGI effects are also very lifelike... Those eye-tearing scenes with the sad osts in background really make you cry, and trust me, I don't cry easily... The funny scenes leave you rolling on the bed... The suspense scenes make you forget to even breath... The fight scenes have you repeat them again and again to enjoy the wonderful fights...

You just want to be there in the series, console the main leads when they are heartbroken... Your hands keep itching to just go and give a hard slap to the villains... You just want to go in the screen and shout at the stupid ones who wrong the innocents...

The fact that Wang Yibo really is the only one who could carry out LWJ's role perfectly as required is just amazing. Xiao Zhan too is like the only one able to show cute naughty smiles in really hard and serious times...

The way Wei Ying shows his despairing emotions, laughing when crying, it is just perfect... His cute and naughty moments, his creative but kinda infuriating ideas, his mature moments when he stands up to fight... His babysitting the children, or should I say him being babysitted by the younger ones.... And don't forget that 'Lan Zhan' call after every 2 minutes...

The way Lan Wang Ji upholds his image even in troubled times... Always concerned about his friend... Standing by his side when he needed it the most... Finding the true direction in the chaos... The hard to ignore 'Wu Liao'... And when he gets drunk, those funny moments... An amazing Hanguang Jun...!

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