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Berbox Kay lee Zona

Berbox Kay lee Zona

Family Matters korean drama review
Ongoing 4/6
Family Matters
10 people found this review helpful
by Berbox Kay lee Zona
13 days ago
4 of 6 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0


I usually wait to write a review untill Iam half way through the drama but seeing how this is underrated and deserves more love..I have decided to give my personal feedback and hopefully get more people to watch!

Family Matters is a thrilling drama that captivates with its unique premise. It follows a group of individuals with supernatural powers who escape from a special training institution, disguising themselves as a family to avoid both the institution's pursuers and the heinous criminals they encounter along the way. The storytelling is dark yet exciting, and it keeps you engaged from start to finish.

The narrative structure, which alternates between present events and flashbacks that reveal the characters' backstories, adds depth to the plot. While the show does contain violent scenes, which may be triggering for some viewers, it enhances the intensity of the story. The characters themselves are fascinating; each member of this unconventional family is delightfully unhinged, making them a joy to watch. The mother is a calm yet dangerous presence, while the father offers support and stability. The grandfather provides comic relief, shrouded in mystery, and the children bring an exciting dynamic: the boy is cheerful and bubbly, with a surprising violent streak, while the girl is a badass who relishes punishing those who deserve it.

Having only watched two episodes, I felt compelled to write this review because I believe this drama is underrated despite its amazing start. The family dynamics are atypical, weird, and crazy, but incredibly interesting. I hope more fans of the genre will give Family Matters a chance; it certainly deserves a wider audience!
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