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Heroes in Harm's Way chinese drama review
Heroes in Harm's Way
3 people found this review helpful
by Alwayswithgyu
Sep 26, 2020
14 of 14 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Emotional, Heartwarming, & Heroic

Was excited to try this drama out because it discusses the COVID-19 pandemic in China, but it also relatable to my life because the entire world is fighting against this virus right now. The first episode started off pretty alright but the following stories are what convinced me to keep watching. The soundtrack for this drama is also very touching; it just hits you in the right spots during certain scenes. Some stories are not very dramatic and interesting since it is based on the real situation that happened in Wuhan when the virus hit, but it touches your heart in a special kind of way. I would recommend anyone to watch because it really makes you realize that that medical personnel are true heroes.

What I liked:
1. Great soundtrack
2. Splendid cast- very talented senior and junior actors/actresses in the different stories who played the emotions very well
3. Very emotional parts/heartwarming parts- the bowing and saluting just hit me in a special way; It's amazing what these doctors, nurses, volunteers are doing for the country; everyone is just working together
4. Stories- most of them were good although some were more interesting than others; they all however did cover a different situation that occurs to the people in Wuhan (My favorites were the mother-in-law/daughter-in-law one, the doctor/nurse couple, and the truck driver ones)

1. Not anything in particular, just that some stories were less interesting to watch compared to others
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