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You Are My Hero
2 people found this review helpful
May 6, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

i first thought it's long drama now i want more just watch it

i personally don't like long dramas but i loved this one as it was just too good and not like other dramas ...
the thing with long dramas is that you get to know the characters very well so that's why i got attached to them
i loved that their was no miscommunication between the main leads no breakup or anything of that sort
cause it's overused
i loved the main leads love alot and their determination and dedication to their work is absolutely fabulous....they are a perfect couple ..even though their is so much going on in their work-life they try to stay with eachother as much as possible so that is great...they are so cute and they kind of bring out the best in eachother ...i am jealous and i want a relationship like them to be fair not the working part their friends are so good and supportive even though mikas bff does something it is forgiven quickly..
the second lead couple i was mad at wenbo but he is just the non communicativr type and xia is perfect for him they balance out eachother ....xia loud and extrovert
wenbo quiet and introvert loved them but a little mad at wenbo but he makes up for it so that is coool
the third lead couple the doctor and mainleads sis
they are soo cute and quiet
...they are private and no-one knows alot about them but all is cool i loved it they have been through alot together
i loved the actions scenes to be fair i am not an action fan but this was very enjoyable
i loved this drama and if you want to watch it you should i don't think you'll regret at all..

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My Love Mix-Up!
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 1, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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I love Gemini fourth but wth is this?

I definitely wanted to stop this drama after 6th episode...
I'm getting annoyed at EVERYONE Like wth is happening...
why are you guys so dense and you guys are trying to be funny but you aren't ....
like fourth and Gemini are great actors and have a funny personality but this script is trash
and what's with the kissing like they know how to kiss and still what was that
I was watching at 2x and 4x at times.
too cringe for me I stayed because of Gemini fourth like I pushed through it....
I hope they get better dramas with good script like this isnt it...
I won't recommend
but still I would say there were lots of scenes where I loved the acting of the cast where they were being serious and like normal human being even some comical scenes which is proof that they are great actors it's the script that's not the best.....

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The Eclipse
1 people found this review helpful
May 11, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
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must watch for me

i loved this bl drama as the characters have soo much chemistry with each other
the issues dealed with in the drama are some really needed ones even though they are showcased in others bl i still love this drama..
the characters have their own character other than just comedy ...
all characters feelings are showcased and what happens to them
i know a lot of people are mad at thua but i kind of think that he did what he thought was right and fairly what really was right .. even though i was shocked and scared at first later i kind of understood it so yeah and another thing is that that couple were also great
i hated when the teachers were all behind ayan and he was sad and i felt so bad for him like whyyyy
i loved the twist in the drama
Ayan and akk ❤️❤️
ayans mom was so understanding and soooooo good and akka mom and dad ufff they were sooo good at accepting the son and understanding his feelings too
another thing i liked was the parents were very supportive
i was mad at the female homophobic teacher
i loved the English teacher who helped wat
i loved the third couples too everyone was soooooo cute
their kisses were filled with chemistry and they tugged at my heart i love it sooo much

Homophobic people

suicide and how it affects people

mental health issues

lack of self confidence

accepting ourselves

being scared to choose passion over the "normal secure jobs"

PS i am writing this at literally 3 months after watching so i might have forgotten the details

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Flower of Evil
1 people found this review helpful
Dec 28, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
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You have to watch it right now

finished the drama and I am really happy with the drama but the ending was small and short for me I wish this your little bit more of their family life after having a everything get settle down and I wish they showed like after a year type thing but I am not disappointed at all I really liked this drama and I will say that there are people who are saying that this drama is not good because it has the memory loss plot twist in it but I think it fit just right because when he first got injured in the pool  and had lost his memory for temporary amount of time so I did see it coming if he get injured again that he could lose his memory and he did
There was some scenes which made me feel so sad like the 11th episode was really heartbreaking the ending and I had to wait half an hour for the next episode to download and I didn't sleep I slept really late that day I slept at 2:30 or something like that because I want to finish it that seen that broke my heart who has when she was crying and he also started crying and talking about how he doesn't know if what he is feeling is going to be permanent or temporary because he is never consistent about any of his feelings I just love the drama and the family dynamic in the story is so good
Loved the detectives in this drama and I wish they show the little bit more about them and I wish they show the food party that they had talked about in the in the episodes there sister brother dinner would be there with brothers family and sisters family like I mean sisters boyfriend the reporter but that didnt happen and I love how she didn't get a story that I predicted I thought that she is going to get married or engaged or at least start dating the reporter but they didn't and instead she went to explore herself and had a new beginning and I love how the sister told the brother that you also should have a new beginning but the thing that i am curious about or is really concerning to me is that the main lead doesn't know that his father was killed by the villain because only the villain and the last victim knew that and they didn't talk about it afterwards in the drama so I am not sure about it but it's not like they will have a good connection if they new that is he didn't die because of suicide he was also murdered
Really loved their acting and I didn't have sleep that day because of the main characters their love I just couldn't
I loved the child and I wish I could see more offer I love the parents fake parents to even though the acting was oh my god because they made me hate them which is a good thing because that means there acting was on point I love the drama and wish there was more scenes there was family involved and Happy ending even though there was happy ending and I love how the ending had and cute hug I saw a lot of behind the scenes and it was really heart warming and I love that so I am not going to talk more about it as it's making me emotional
In short I will recommend this drama to everyone who loves romance and loves mystery
Detective skills of these people in this drama was so good I love that the story was written so nicely ♥️♥️♥️

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Honey Lemon Soda
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 16, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
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This is a feel good drama to me

This drama is a feel good drama with not a lot of dramtic things in them or suspence .This drama doesnt have any villian or antagonist in it everything is very beautifull. All the friends are very nice people its is a very good drama
This drama is about a girl who has social anixety and wants to change because she doesnt wants to be bullied anymore and their are so many cute moments i personally loved this drama and i will most probably rewatch it when i am in a sad mood
And at last i have to say that the actors were great and that wait for the end of the movie its really good and cute scenes

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Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 20, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
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started off great but ended very badly

this story was very interesting to watch and I was very excited about how this drama will progress

the story was kind of messed up... like in the start it was great but by the 6 episode I was fully confused....
I liked the leads and the flashback were great
the kids did something bad and their families didn't treat it in a mature way and dealt with it in an even immature way than I expected
like really abandoning your child In an whole new country with a whole new language was the best they could do to teach ren what's right and wrong like wth
then kazumas mother literally hating on the ren and preventing ren from loving his son and then after a few episodes saying that "the moment I saw them together I knew that they were in love a very deep love that they can't be separated from" like what...
you can't change your mind just like that

And what the hell was the end like
the ren traumatic experience and trauma was healed just because ren got his lover back 🙄

AND WTH was the I'm not gay I just love him like bro what are you talking about grow up just accept it

and it was funny that while kazuma was crying just a tear drops from just one eye like what is that bro and the other eye isn't even wet

I'm a little annoyed

and his friend yagami like do you like him sir I don't understand ( I like that he's there to help ren )

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Jul 9, 2024
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 3.5

watch only for tincan

so the first 7 episodes didn't feel like a season 2 to me they just repeated the story again but removed pete / saint from their storyline
I just didn't like that season 2 had season 1's part but just in a different manner
there were alot of characters missing in the season 2
I love that tincan had a season 2 I love that but still I wish this drama just had tincan as their main focus cause they didn't have a lot of moments together (or maybe I just love them so much and I can't get enough of them)
I love how tins past was showed and I love how supportive and great all the family members were ...
I want to know more about tins brother relationship and phupha too
I like that tar and stepbrother ( forgot the name) didn't become the endgame
I thought that Maybe perth will have a new love interest but I'm happy he didn't cause in the end I guess his love came back
I would only watch this drama from episode 8 to 13 because otherwise it's too boring and I watched season 1 and 2 back to back
I wasted my time watching 1st 8 episode
there are alot of people saying that pergs character has changed alot while I do agree I think that maybe if we were abandoned by the love of our life I'd have the same reaction so I don't feel too irritated by that
I love the friendship of ae and pond

there are alot of problems in this drama but I didnt get that mad because tincan was too cute

bye thanks for reading ....

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 30, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

just watch it .. you won't regret

this is one of the dramas that I am giving 10 on 10 rating because I never expected to give a drama like this the rating that I am giving it but this drama has made me cry uncontrollably it has made me smile laugh out loud think about some things

your life is not about tomorrow it's about living in the present is also one of the greatest thing you understand after watching this drama

this drama makes you want to live life and make you enjoy every moments and not regret anything in your life
there might be some things to make this drama not the best but for me it's very great drama and I will rewatch this drama whenever I am feeling low
I don't know this drama made me feel so much... there are lot of people saying that you know this drama is very boring after 6 episode it's very hard to like get through it I didn't feel like it
I am someone who always put the dramas that I am watching at 2x and watch it but this is one those drama that I have never had to watch with higher speed
I loved the past shown and how the depicted the world and how the characters change the clothing according to the time that we are in and all the digital things because the world is now more digital and stuff like that I loved everything about this drama I definitely didn't expect to cry but It did
it was a Happy ending they were a lot of moments swhere I was like why do why is happen to them like they are dealing with a lot of serious topics and they depicted it good enough
I love how the show that even animals can want to take their own life because they don't want the owners to feel sad

This is a perfect example of Korean drama
because this drama talks about a lot of things that happened in Korea even though they are unfortunate things
but this things really did happen and we can't really hide the truth we have to remember them and honour the people that did a lot of things for us
in the end I would tell everyone to watch the drama
cause I loved it
a lot of people were commonly on the age gap and how the actors don't have any chemistry I don't think we watch the same drama I won't lie
they were the whole chemistry lab guys what the hell
they didn't even kiss but the tension between them uff
I loved them ....
the friendship,the regrets,the teamwork,the love,the kindness,the purity,the boss everyone

I love how they depicted that even if someone is bad they will get what they deserve like how a criminal was saved by the RM team but he got what he deserved in the end
I know that most of the time we say like a lot of females get for the deserve they needed to get more but maybe they lived their life haven't to makeup for it in some way or maybe after life we don't know what happens after but maybe they get what they deserve
and there is one concept that I didn't love this that is the people who commits suicide don't go to heaven they go to hell which definitely was not something that I would really expect but it's a cool concept to think about...

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HIStory: Obsessed
0 people found this review helpful
May 4, 2024
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

toxic af

its soooo toxic
I mean they literally took the title too seriously
they are too obsessed and I don't like it
not my fav
the way the lead is reborn and how the. is acting just to get close to him and how he just kisses him whenever he does something wrong as if kissing just makes every problem right
I felt that the is manipulative and toxic
I didn't enjoy it at all

I have seen all history stories and I hate this the most
don't watch it it's a waste of time

for me out of the 3 history stories I liked stay away from me the most

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0 people found this review helpful
Apr 23, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

it's a good bl

so speaking of the drama I like it a lot the acting the story line everything is good but what I don't like is the back story of yuan is not shown and the ending was a little unsatisfying for me and I wanted to see lilis wedding and stuff but they bombarded us with the accidental pregnancy trope in here
I like the family aspect of it and in my opinion it isn't incest ..
I loved the friendship between mr tan and quan but I didn't see any chemistry between lili and mr tan.
I liked this drama alot it's refreshing to see the plot in this not having a lot of toxicity and stuff
and I loved to see dr lin ( love him)...
in the end I liked this drama
so that's it

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Pit Babe
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 6, 2024
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 3.5

it's an okay watch

to be honest I really like this dramas characters but I feel like all the characters were in the end made to be good. They rushed in the story a lot didn't explain anything clearly to be fair they didn't even talk about the alpha and enigma storyline and how and why the people who have the special senses have the senses .... there was a lot of chemistry between( I feel like ) all the characters...
a lot ships could be made from the drama
I don't understand how they just suddenly get a happy ending like the characters the main characters got their happy ending but what happened to the children after the death of Tony is still unclear.. what happened to Kenta is unclear...
what was the reaction of the people from the outside world when the news was flash is not shown. like it would be a very big thing if someone as influential as Tony who as always been an Angel and "world most wanted husband" is proven to be an evil person who had so many bad things done to children's and had human trafficking and stuff like that going on behind the scenes like nothing was shown in the end
main characters romantic scenes and cute scenes for shown which I did like but I would want a little more knowledge about what happened afterwards.....
I do understand the that the characters just went back to their normal life and Kim got into the x hunter side and they continued there racing life but I would have like to know little bit more context about the stuff that was introduced into the story and I would have always liked the ending to have more explanation of what happened to the people and kids after the death of Tony
there are lot of plotholes in the story and at times the conflicts were very repetitive I am not talking about the reason but I'm talking about the way it the conflicts ressolved was always the same way

and bro what I hated ... I hated was the way they treated death ... at first Charlie dies even though fake death like the only one who was sad was babe babe only everyone was sad when they went to the graveyard and stuff but that's the only time they were sad that I think I was more sad than them because I was sad throughout the whole episode and they were sad for a few minutes and done I understand that babes don't only one who will be depressed because the person he loved died but everyone else also like Charlie so why were they as sad as babe or at least half as sad as babe I don't understand but then comes the real death of way not fake REAL death bruh I was so shocked so sad I thought maybe is not dead you know I don't understand how but again they was sad I'm not saying they were in sad they were sad only when they were putting flowers on the graveyard ... Babe and surely were walking out of the graveyard and they were talking about some random shit about eating food of Something like that bro your best friend of 10 years died and that's your reaction that's how sad you are uff

the fake death scene I know that they did it for a reason but what was the reason bro like you really thought that a fake death would make everything better it doesn't make sense and in the end how they was like very forgiving of Charlie for doing a fake death scene and not telling anyone about it like wth he just accepted him that second he saw Charlie no questions asked done ( I know that babe asked why did you do it and stuff but still)

this is something I am still mad about but Jeff can see the future and j knew that WAY would die but he kept quite about it like really
EVERYONE HAD A HAPPY ENDING BUT WAY and that makes me very sad
I did love Alan and jeff
pit and babe
the acting of the actors in this drama was phenomenal I love it....
I just hope that the actors could get a better story in which everything is explained and even if the episodes are bit longer it would be okay but the context should be given like I still don't understand what they really meant by Alpha and enigma I had to research about it after I finished the drama to understand it so yeah
I hope they improve their writing but I really would be okay with recommending this drama

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Semantic Error
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 28, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

Its a cute enemies to lovers def recommend

I like this drama alit tbh its plot isnt that crazy its a normal drama with an ok plot. Just like straight dramas But i wont lie it did give me alot of butterflies there is alot of cute stuff too
Its addictive and a fun watch
Watching this is like a cool breeze
I would recommend watching this drama
I liked the ending its cute
I definitely loved the friendship and i like that there isnt a very toxic love triangle ..
I am a fan of the last episode i can watch it everyday and i dont think ill get bored
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Your Lie in April
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 5, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

so I loved it


it's a sad movie didn't expect her to die but she did I cried q lot but loved her a lot and the friendship and the twist omgg I loved it it's very good like she liked him from her childhood and finally when they could be together she dies misunderstanding happens everything but feels like an story that can happen in real life so yeah
I loved it hope you guys did too I love the friendship alottt and the family everything I lived it it was perfect it fit according to the movie even if I cried buckets
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TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 29, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 1.5

read this after watching this drama or before ?

so I liked this drama this drama is ok it's a little toxic and immature but by the end the story got better one thing that made me go to not give it 10/10 rating is how they have been together for 7 years and still dont understand each other and have so many problems i hate that it's mostly communication problems like please just communication would end this drama early I liked it but i watched it only for fiat and Leo and they were a little immature too ok ok not little very immature 🙂

i loved their friendship i mean thata very beautiful i love the sister brother bond the brother brother bond
i love tharns family and thorn too love them❤️❤️
i love types mom and dad they are soo funny i loved them
it's not that cringey too

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My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 17, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

if you want to cry watch this for sure

i cried a lot lot lot
i am someone who can't tolerate it when it's sad and if the actors don't get together i am destroyed and i was fully destroyed after watching this i wint lie for sometime i was not understanding whatever was happening but then i started catching up with the storyline
the story was awesome i hope most people watch this movie
the concept is risky and unique i loved it
very heart touching and heart wrecking movie i wasn't supposed to cry i wanted fluffy romance today but I guess i am stuck with this it is a movie where you can't skip even a little portion cause if you do you will not understanding anything
i loved it i am sure most people will
anyway hope you don't cry too much ❤️❤️❤️
but please watch it it's a beautiful story which u hope doesn't happen to anyone who i know even the people i hate
❤️❤️love you for reading till here
NOW go and watch and let me cry

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