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  • Location: shinee world
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shinee world


my name is abee ابي 

leo // isfp

my home country locally dubs kdramas so i've watched a lot as kid, but  i started watching (subbed) kdramas a decade ago ❀  boys over flowers is my first kdrama and the reason why i discovered shinee and hana yori dango. hana yori dango eventually became my first jdrama and one of my favorite asian dramas of all time, while shinee became my first kpop group and they still remain to be my favorites until now. ❀ i’m currently on a romance-dramas-only phase, particularly the ones with shoujo romance tropes ❀  but i do pretty much watch anything and everything    i may not have the longest attention span out there  ❀, so i am not the one to binge and finish a drama in a short amount of time; also,  ❀ i rarely skip so i drop a LOT of dramas to not bore myself ❀ 


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