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Just meh...
I am a fanatic for cheesy romances so I truly thought I would like this but ended up wasting my time. I tried watching this drama two times before I actually finished it the third time. I was bored the first couple of times but because of the high praises I decided to stick to it cause maybe it will pick up, unfortunately it never did for me. I don't care too much for drama and conflict so personally I didn't need it to be entertained but it was just plain boring. There are many dramas where the cp is together throughout the series without any conflict, however, they still managed to make the drama entertaining. I'm all for easy to watch dramas but this was just boring, nothing ever picked up, the couple were sweet but it was just that. I didn't necessary enjoy watching them tbh, I became more interested in the side couples but we barely got anything from them. I just personally feel that it didn't deserve over 30 episodes, should've been 24 maximum. The fl's family were more interesting, wish we got more of them, it was just way too much screentime of the main couple which sounds like a ridiculous complaint but that's how much I was bored of them despite the fluff (which I absolutely adore). Overall, the drama just wasn't it, it didn't move me at any point and main couple didn't do anything for me (lowkey didn't feel the chem between them), it was a cute setup but ended up being nothing.Was this review helpful to you?

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If you love yourself a cliché rom-com, but WITHOUT the frustrating love triangle or too much unnecessary drama, only small misunderstandings that are resolved VERY maturely then you have to watch this drama. Sure the plot isn't very unique but the drama is incredibly entertaining and even the cliché's are well done tbh.One of the few dramas where the main leads are actually carrying the whole drama. The chemistry was off the charts, like I wasn't even exclusively waiting for the couple to get together cause even before they became an official couple it already seemed like they were in a relationship for years (probably cause they're childhood friends), but they understand each other so well and even when problems ensued it wasn't dragged they were just mad at each other (like normal human beings) and they both resolve their misunderstandings very cutely, quickly and maturely, it was adorable to watch honestly. As well as the friendships that have been made in this drama, it's very very wholesome to watch honestly, the drama has so many sweet moments and fluff, it kept me smiling.
I would definitely watch this again, it's a light hearted rom-com to pass time without getting frustrated at the the main leads so it's a really easy watch, it didn't even feel like it was a really long drama, the entire flow of the drama was natural (maybe a little rushed towards the end but not too bad, maybe cause it was supposed to be a 40 episode drama originally). Not even exaggerating when I say this has become one of my favourite Chinese dramas of all time, honestly wish it was longer which is rare for me to want especially from a c-drama.
Definitely would recommend you to watch the drama if you haven't but do not start the drama thinking it's a new concept or anything it's just one of the best dramas produced of the rom-com genre, the storyline, the acting, it was all so good that's why it's getting so much praise, also do not start the drama and make assumptions right off the bat cause so many have done that only for it to be wrong, and yes the female lead is actually smart for once. The male lead is incredibly smart and is always winning but the female lead is also very smart even if you may think at times she's not, but she actually is and from the beginning till the end she is.
Overall, I just really enjoyed watching this drama, from the entire flow of the storyline, to the acting and the chemistry between the actors/actresses as well as the music which was incredibly good, wish more dramas were like this.
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It could've been so much more....
I don't have much to say except the drama had potential to be so much better, especially when I watch all the deleted scenes, my heart hurts. The editing was horrible from a certain point and the story line didn't make sense until I watched the cut scenes, most of them I don't even understand why it was cut. I know censorship exists but I don't think any of the cut scenes went against it especially when many other dramas show just as much intimacy as the ones we see in the deleted scenes.The story itself had potential but the villain characters pissed me off bad, especially the emperor, he has such a punchable face and his little eunuch sidekick with that annoying voice and he's beady eyes. The emperor is a full blown creep, I hated him till the end and also the fact he harasses the fl to that extent is disgusting. I also hated the SA scene for obvious reasons, it just went on for too long and brushed off. I don't understand how they kept a clear assault scene in but cut out all kiss scenes like what even was the standards when putting the drama together??
Personally I think this was just a waste and I feel sorry for the actors, I really did enjoy the actors and the relationship dynamics but unfortunately the production completely butchered the show, I only stuck around for the leads tbh and skipped any scenes with the villains at some point even the ending was bad. I really want to know how the show would have turned out if they didn't get rid of so many important and intimate scenes. The chemistry was definitely there between the leads and even more in the deleted parts. Overall, it's just unfortunate what the end product is :(
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LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I just love how it was a simple drama that wasn't too complicated, and I love that they didn't waste time and focus on creating some backstory for the villain; he is just a bad guy who happens to be present. This is the first time in a while where a drama didn't lose me because I felt the storyline was getting weaker. The drama stayed true to what it was meant to be, a cheesy rom-com with all the cliches and I love when a rom-com is unapologetically exactly that. It was simply full of fluff and I don't remember any product placements being shoved in my face, which was nice. I'm glad everyone had a beautiful and fulfilling ending, and this is definitely a drama I would rewatch.Everyone worked so hard on this drama after having so many setbacks. I'm glad it got popular, and I really hope more dramas like this will be produced. It truly is nice to simply watch a lighthearted drama. I was giggling and grinning from episode one all the the way to the last episode, even when the last timeline began and Sunjae didn't remember Sol, his personality didn't change and the couple still managed to make me laugh. The music in the drama was also so beautifully done, spring snow in particular might just be one of my favourite OSTs of all time. Thank you to everyone who worked on this and thank you for letting me experience such a wonderful drama. <3
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