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This show is the worst thing i've ever done to myself and if that's the case with you too, congratulations. You've come to the right place. I have extreme hatred towards everything that happened, specially Tharn. Let's get further into it, you and me. Join me in this journey and scream into a void with me.Starting with the fact how the title is fooling us. It's been 7 minutes since Type and Tharn started dating and not 7 years bec that's how they act. Their relationship has always been toxic but I never expected that they'll have no trust in each other whatsoever. They act like babies and it's frustrating to watch. Definitely not a like couple who has been together for 7 years and that's how you know that the show is already bad.
Moving on, THARN IS HUMANITY'S WORST ENEMY! he is really the worst character. He is obsessed with one thing and one thing only. and that is getting into Type's pants. It's like he can't seem to think of anything else at all. He said he likes type in tank tops and that Type is trying to seduce him by wearing them around the house. ????? What does this even mean? So Type can't even wear comfortable clothing in his own house bec apparently he's "seducing" his sex crazed partner? What an amazing message to convey to the viewers. *SLOW CLAPSSS*. Secondly, his whiny face. He is constantly complaining or crying about something or the other each and every episode. It's really unpleasant, and most importantly, it doesn't make me feel bad for him at all because he's a full grown man. It's just repetitive and shows that Tharn has no other personality trait.
I can never wrap my head around the fact that Tharn saw Fiat kissing Type but not when Type pushed him away and yelled at him? How is that even possible? Anyway, that whole plot was garbage.
Let's talk about Type a bit now, he was genuinely doing so well. The only character who grew up and was acting like an adult. His character development was interesting to watch and it made the show a little bearable. BUT NO, they had to go ahead and ruin that by showing ugh the whole Fiat kidnapping and assault plan. YES, YOU HEARD ME RIGHT. IT WAS ASSAULT AND IT IS NOT ROMANTIC AT ALL. What Fiat did was wrong but this was not the way to deal with it all!! Because assault is never the answer to anything! whether it's physical or mental. It traumatised Fiat and will probably affect him for the rest of his life. There were 847567475 ways to deal with this but the writer of the novel has always been obsessed with assault and non consensual scenes so I wasn't surprised. Disappointed , YES FOR SURE but not surprised. Considering the fact that Type is a victim of assault himself, he should've known what it can do to a person and would not have done what he did. Now that's what Type after 7 years of graduation would've done because that's how a rational grown up will react. But it's been 7 minutes and not 7 years so what can we do. Also, why was Type interested in Fiat's love life more than clearing things out with Tharn or making sure that he's doing alright?? I would never understand.
Type's dad is another garbage character. He's been complaining about the same thing since 7 years. Homophobia was never funny to me and never will be. He is extremely annoying and overbearing and he makes me wanna punch a wall. He didn't resist telling his committed son (repeatedly) that he should find a "beautiful" girl and get married to her. The worst part of it all is that he's been against the relationship for 7 years but immediately agrees to it once Tharn's sister Thanya comes to visit? WHY? Because she's his favorite actress? I can't get over this shit. Speaking of unbearable characters, Techno. I actually liked him in the first season. But again, they had one good thing but they tried soo hard that they ended up ruining that too. He doesn't stop talking and is clowning ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME.
The last episode was extremely boring and dragged. I really didn't understand why we got to see Thorn's wedding for 20 mins since I never connected with the couple, they had a total 15 mins of screen time in the whole season but we're somehow supposed to feel heartfelt and enjoy their wedding for the majority of the season finale? Shit is not adding up for me.
Saving the best for last, DocChamp. Except for type's bald egg, they were the cutest, most unproblematic couple. But we hardly got to see them because of course, they weren't toxic so why would we? Right? But I loved them regardless because they denoted hope in a way and I always looked forward to their scenes.
Leo and Fiat were cute too but only when they were on their own. The constantly crying Fiat hurt my eyes and honestly, I was least interested but I wouldn't have minded more LeoFiat. They had endless oppurtunities with the side couples but ended up taking advantage of none. All we saw was the same toxicity again and again on a loop.
For me personally, this show was worse than the first season. It was a complete disaster. Every week I watched because I was one episode closer to the end. MewGulf are extremely talented actors and I would really like to see them in another series again and hopefully something good. They did a great job but the storyline was just not it for me. I'm glad this show is over because we really don't need any more of it to be honest.
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Another Finale, Another Disaster.
Imma just dive into it. All that suspense, built-up, for what? All the back shots, Wayu’s constant suffering, for what?Talking about the big reveal first. Personally, I feel betrayed and conned by this. Because I was extremely hyped and excited to see Pha’s comeback but i never expected to see a 40 year old looking man with an illegal hairstyle. I don’t know how to say it without sounding shallow but Pha was not it for me considering that his looks had to compensate for all the shit he put Wayu and us through . The way Pha was portrayed throughout the season, I expected someone at par with Thanu’s looks at least( for fair competition purposes) . Now that i’ve got that out of the way, moving forward.
MarkKit did not get the screen time they deserved at all, considering this season was supposed to be devoted to them. Once they got together, the whole focus completely shifted to the Wayu, Thanu, Phai debacle, which was very disappointing because considering that the second season is going to be about them anyway, more time could be devoted to MarkKit, they were the saving grace of this season for me and I loved watching them on screen but their screen time kept contracting with each passing episode. In fact, I would’ve loved to watch more MarkKit than the whole extremely unpleasant Tong and Pok scene in the finale which was just torturous to my eyes. The finale didn’t feel well planned at all and it felt as if most scenes were fillers just to delay the big reveal till the end of the episode.
Now onto the part I did like, evil Sandee. I dig it a lot and not just because it adds spice to the basic love triangle plot, but also bec I really want SandeePhai. It’ll be refreshing to watch Phai with someone who actually cares for him and doesn’t treat him like an option. It was also not cringy and engaging according to me. Also, the build up to the final scene, it was well done. Wayu receiving messages, red and white roses from Pha and Thanu. The whole sequence kept me on the edge of my seat and it was exciting to watch.
I’m not going to lie, this season was good entertainment and it got interesting in between but the finale was not as appealing to me. I’m still looking forward to Pha’s redemption arc and what season 2 has in store for us. ( except for the love triangle, of course). i’ll be praying.
ALSO, if i didn’t mention it before, MarkKit KINGS I STAN
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Trash. And not the good kind.
Imma keep it simple for y’all. This show is unwatchable garbage. The trailer might trick you to think otherwise but the more I watched this show, the more I hated the storyline, the characters, everything.There’s nothing redeemable about this series, tbh.
Starting with the storyline, it was nothing new- Guy is straight, Guy meets another guy and realises that he in fact, is gay. This trope this sooo overused in BL dramas that it has now become a genre. But it’s okay, it can work if you do it well. Which was definitely not the case here. It is very evident that they intend to tell us that Tonhon is not homophobic multiple times on different occasions. (for eg., “Chon is a man and he should be with a woman. How can he be with a man?”). This dialogue hints that Ton doesn’t understand that there can be a relationship between a man and another man beyond friendship because of his homophobic asshole dad. But lemme tell you, they failed miserably. First, I don’t understand how a grown ass man who seems to know so much about the world doesn’t understand this concept? How dense can you be? and secondly, ??? it’s just so dumb. Majority of the episodes, Tonhon is just shaming and hating on gay people. And suddenly within a span of few minutes, he loves Chon, doesn’t hate gays anymore and is making promises to be with him, about living together forever and what not? Worst writing ever.
Tonhon was literally such a shitty human being in general. Sorry can’t find any other adjective to describe him.
He constantly hurt Chon, disappeared, came back when it was convenient for him and didn’t even think it was necessary to apologise. Also, gave pathetic excuses for kissing Amp constantly. He had the guts to do it but not to accept the fact that it was entirely his fault. He has no control on his thoughts and actions and it shows what a mess he is.
I always felt that the redeeming quality of the show would be dealing and overcoming homophobia but NOPE. They went ahead and ruined that too. They had such good opportunities to build Ton’s and Ton’s dad character, but they were not taken advantage of. AT ALL.
Ai and Ni seemed likeable in most the episodes but then they literally forced Chonlatee to come out to them when he evidently didn’t want to and kept encouraging Ton’s homophobic ways by agreeing to everything he said and did.
Ton’s sister seemed okay at first, but she thinks outing people casually without their consent is cool, so that went to trash too.
The only well written character in the show was Na. In the beginning, his character was introduced as the one the viewers were supposed to dislike. The one who “comes between” the two lovers and it was really convincing because he did seem to be overconfident and annoying. His character development throughout the episodes is immaculate. His clarity of thought, feelings for Chon everything was sorted. He helped Ton realise his feelings, basically held the show together for me. Speaking of good characters, I think I can mention Chon’s mom because she definitely is one of the best parent characters i’ve seen in a BL series. It did go downhill when she asked Chon to talk things out with Ton because I expected better from her. Ton cheated on her son but she clearly turned a blind eye to it but considering that most of the characters were bad in the show, she was still fine for me.
Onto the other things- Amp is the bane to my existence. She’s batshit crazy. She seems to have no self respect what so ever and she’s extremely obsessive. Basically, the worst woman character you can have in a show. I have no words for her. Nueng was the best companion she could have. And of course, his character was so necessary in the series to include the same trashy attempt to rape scene so that Ton could save Chon. When that scene was over, Nueng disappeared as if nothing happened (of course) and wasn’t dealt with at all, didn’t have to face the consequences of his actions, nothing. It’s astonishing to me how rape and assault is so normalised in the BL world.
Lemme talk a little about the horrid attempt to include that plotwist at the end, that Ton has always been in love with Chon. Only did it not make any sense, it invalidated all the things that happened in the previous episodes. I don’t know if it was supposed to be a wow moment, but it definitely didn’t work for me.
However, I did enjoy Ton and Chon’s moments together in the last episode but they were just not enough to make up for the 10 episode disaster that this show was. Also, the humour in this show was really not it. It was very over the top and unfunny. I didn’t laugh once and that means something for a show that is supposedly “lighthearted” and easygoing.
Lastly, the final sudden transition of the dad. It was the worst thing that could happen to this already disastrous show. Period. No further comments except for thank god this show is over because I don’t think I could’ve suffered anymore.
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