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My Star chinese drama review
My Star
0 people found this review helpful
by clau87977
May 26, 2024
24 of 24 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 5.5

Good for a short lenght drama

This one is actually pretty good for a low budget short drama…

The pace was pretty quick, every episode ended interesting.
The way FL and ML got together felt good.. I liked FL was mature, independent, busy with her own thing… not living for the ML like others do…
She finds her fiancee with some other woman and immediately breaks up… not looking back… because she has a healthy self estime … bravo girl! Well done… and no matter how much the parents were pressuring her to go back… she said No.

There is a clear age gap… not too long maybe 3/4 years? But it is acknowledged and actually one of the reasons why there are criticised as couple…
In the beginning ML looked very young, but later a bit less.

ML was cute and funny
The cousin, was the perfect villain… snob and arrogant…. Hater just because he can.
The song was pretty nice but over used throughout the series…

Overall, its a nice series… with a bit of rushed items as every short length drama is… but if they take the story and make it a normal length show… it would definitely succeed.
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