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Calling from the Galaxy chinese drama review
Calling from the Galaxy
1 people found this review helpful
by cmschatton
6 days ago
48 of 48 episodes seen
Overall 2.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Could have been a gem

I saw the trailer for this, and it looked insanely bad, so if course I decided to watch it. It's a mini dramas, so what harm?
I was greatly taken by surprise to find it hilarious. Every overused trope in xianxia was used and ridiculed. Even when they were being 'serious' the cast were sending a little wink our way, and it was delightful.
At some point however, roughly half way through, this little comedy, no budget drama, that had used it's shortcomings as strengths, decided to take itself very seriously indeed. The comedy flew out the window, the acting flew out the window, and left us with no option but to be held to notice, almost at gunpoint, everything lacking in this drama that the comedy has previously used to captivate us. The episodes may have been short, but this is still bloated at 48 episodes.
I thought this was going to be a little hidden gem, but alas, yet another disaster from xianxia storytelling. If I found out that there were two different directors for the first and second half of this series, I would not be surprised.
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