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May 19, 2013


Cute family overall, but the father is really annoying and the mother is pretty weird.

I hope the comedy-parts will become a little more natural.

Aaand I hope Kazuo won't have to work as hard anymore! It's horrible, I hate dramas like that. He's supposed to be a kid. The father should work.
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MONSTERS Episode 3
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May 19, 2013

No more..

Repeating the same structure every time can only be good if the cases are actually interesting and the interaction between the characters is entertaining.

Hiratsuka is weird, Yamapi's acting is really awkward and everything seems unnatural. Don't get me started on the mob of officers that are so useless it's not even funny.

Sooo.. I'm going to take a break from this. :(
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May 19, 2013

Getting farther with the story!

Woah, so much happened! I was a little sidetracked so it's hard to remember everything.

Oh! Yes! Pa Rang's perfomance in the beginning of the episode.. Oh man poor little one. And it's so cute that he slept in Kang Ha's bed all the time. He should get back to that. :D

I started feeling a little bad for Jae Young last episode and a little worse in this one. But I still don't like her. She just seems the most humane in her villain-family - Not counting her Grandfather of course.

Who finally found Pal Gang! Yay! But now some drama is going to happen because otherwise he'd give them money and a home and baaam we'd have a Happy End, but there are still 12 more episodes to go so - No Happy End yet. ;)

(And a villain-girl-Jae-Young-look-alike appeared. I want her to not appear again. Makes Joon Ha look bad.)

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May 19, 2013

Nice episode!

Now see if Pa Rang still favors you, Kang Ha! And just about as I started to think he was becoming entertaining (really? The scene with Nam Yi? It was actually funny ;)).. Now I hate him again. Nice work.

Can't believe the computer cafe guy is letting Ju Hwang work - and especially work nights. Has he lost his mind? Really weird.

I like how Pal Gang is trying really hard. That's a great progression for her. She has some amazing character development going on..

And I would actually like if she fell for Joon Ha! I usually don't want anyone to fall for anyone and no romance to happen, but those two are pretty cute together.

Actually I would be okay with everyone but Kang Ha. But I guess that's hopeless.

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Jan 3, 2013


How could Minho choose Yumi over Beom? No way. Yumi is one of the worst drama characters ever. I don't like a single thing about her.

Even Haemi is better than that. :/

Apart from that it was a funny episode. For once Haemi and Minyong were actually entertaining instead of annoying. ;)
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Nov 5, 2012


Aww, are they really falling for eachother right now? They kind of match perfectly. And this time I felt so sorry for Eun Gi. I mean, she may be naive and emotional but it's not right for her father to treat her that way - And seriously, what does it matter to him whom she's dating? It's not like Ma Roo told him he was a murderer. :P

And Choco again, that poor poor girl. She's still weird, but she's growing on me. She's totally misunderstood! :(
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Nov 3, 2012


Wow, I can't believe Jae Hee actually sued him after all he's done for her. That's like.. inhumanely cruel. I was so shocked.

I kind of feel sorry for Choco, but her character is so weird - I don't get her at all.

And what about the motocrossing in the end? There's no way poor Ma Roo can afford a hobby like that. ._.
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Oct 13, 2012


What kind of a weird beginning is this? The whole episode was so awkward and it told me nothing about the characters or the story.

I honestly don't want to watch any more. Weird acting, too.. :/
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Dream High Episode 9
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Oct 5, 2012


What, he has to resign? No way! I want my director - Yes, he's mine :P - to come back and fix this. Immediately. :(

And the dances in the competition where really amazing.

Also, I don't like how Pil Sook's character changed along with her body.. :(
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Dream High Episode 7
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Oct 2, 2012


Nice fake show. It was really impressive and I'm sooo glad that Jason took part in it. He and Pil Sook are really cute together. I wonder if he will be moved to the College Prep Class for skipping the real show.. tehe. ;)

And who are those guys who abducted Jin Kuk? Am I supposed to know them? And why wasn't he at the fake show? I didn't want to see him singing with Baek Hee.. :/
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Dream High Episode 2
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Sep 30, 2012


Uhm.. How often is she going to need to be rescued? This is getting ridiculous.

Well, I'll wait for the next episodes.. at least Hye Sung is really cute. :P
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Sep 30, 2012

Cute :D

Aw, this time the ending "interview" was really cute. They were all laughing.. :)

Not the ending I expected, but okay. I'm glad Ichii didn't abandon her son, but I'm not glad they broke up and I'm also not glad that Yu is alone now! Well, at least he gained a friend (Aoi).

Overall, it's a nice ending and it was a nice drama. Oh and not to forget: Mine hugged Yu! Awww! ;D
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Sep 30, 2012


Somehow Mine and Ichii are perfect for eachother, but I feel so horribly bad for Yu. :(

And Tomi has some weird opinions, too! He should stop acting like that..

Oh and I hope Ichii is not going to abandon her son. But I wonder if he'd want to go with her..
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Sep 29, 2012


And suddenly I like Aoi. Except for her always mentioning her sad past and for her being horrible like that towards Yu. I'm glad she's going to concentrate on her job. :)

And the president has cancer.. that's horrible. I hope everything will go alright with her operations. :(
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Sep 29, 2012


Poor Yu.. So poor. :(

And I still feel sorry for Ichii. And Hoshida going mad was hilarious, Mine was so awkward. :P
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