16 y/o | INFP | He/Him | PH
Hi! I'm dp!
I'm just a casual watcher of K-Dramas, mainly what is on-air and suits my preference
Personal Preference:
● Anything that shows how society/humanity interacts is one of my interests
● Any on-air and related series will have a good chance to end with my ongoing watchlist
MyAnimeList: https://myanimelist.net/profile/diiipiii
IMDb: https://m.imdb.com/user/ur153807293/watchlist/
Personal rating system
Applies to my personal MDL, MAL, and IMDb account either in episode/s or the series/movies itself
0 - Not Rated Yet, maybe still realizing it, or did not decide to vote.
10 - Absolutely good! Would recommend it!
9.5 - Absolutely good!but drawbacks is minimal
9 - Absolutely good!, but have drawbacks, would still recommend it tho
8.5 - In between Absolutely good and Good enough
8 - Good enough..., Would still recommend it
8.5 - Minimal weirdness
7 - Good enough..., something weird within the story, Would still recommend it tho
6.5 - A little disappointment
6 - Good enough, but would recommend to those who might still want
5.5 - A little positivity
5 - Stucked between positive and negative, wouldn't say I recommend it or nah
4.5 - Swayed me a little, but still bad
4 - Bad enough, but maybe not my type of story
3.5 - Liked it a little
3 - Bad enough, didn't like it
2.5 - Liked it a little, but still shit!
2 - Absolute shit, but still giving it a chance to others
.5 - Absolute shit! But didn't dropped it, Stay away from it still!
1 - Absolute shit! Should've dropped it, Stay away from it!
0.5 - Absolute shit! The lowest star I can give!
Effective Dec 30 2022
May applies to ongoing, rewatched, catch-upped or re-rated series
This rating system is inspired to a user that has it. Forgot her/him/their/it's name
Thank you | Maraming Salamat | 감사합니다 | ありがとうございます