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Woo Ri the Virgin
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 17, 2023
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

I regret not dropping this drama…

I had already dropped it but decided ehh, let me just see how it ends. It had potential. I was interested for a while but eventually just everything somehow fell apart. Let’s just say I skipped through it a lot. I did come to like the main characters but the acting wasn’t it for this one. It felt awkward many times and I didn’t connect. There wasn’t that spark for the romance, or that thrill for the mystery…the flow was messy too. I will highlight tho that I appreciate her final choice… he was always there for her. It was also nice how it highlighted the family bond. But yeah, I wouldn’t recommend this drama at all. I’ve been upset over endings before but this is more than upset at the ending, it’s more like overall. Which is why I’m mad at myself for not dropping it. I think this is the first drama I seriously regret watching. Hopefully this teaches me how to drop dramas with less attachment lol. Anyway, if you do, watch at your own risk haha

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A Time Called You
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 12, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

overall it was a creative story line with unexpected plot twists which was nice

ending was alright but left me wanting more :(
but overall it was a pretty good drama. I've never seen the original so I can't compare.... but it was a creative plot I'II give them that and they had quite a few plot twists I didn't see coming so that was nice, but something about it felt off. like I was interested but not necessarily hooked.

i personally wouldnt rewatch it and i would recommend it to a friend only to get their take on it/talk about it and to see if they have trouble understanding all the timelines (cause i didnt but in the comments sections it seems like many did haha)

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Exclusive Fairytale
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 20, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10


I just finished watching it and I can’t get over how good it was!! This is my first cdrama. I had to watch because of Jun and OMGGG! best decision ever!! first 2 episodes didn’t really hook me but before Ik it I think I was hooked by 3rd episode and on. I absolutely loved the FL. she has to be one of my fave FL of all times. I loved her clumsy, funny, lively, carefree, caring and kind way of being. how she was so sure of herself and was always looking out for others. a Queen!! I loved her sm!! And omg her chemistry with Jun was on point!! their mundane ways of looking out for each other were my fave and all their sweet and romantic scenes had me smiling and blushing like an idiot. and don’t even get me started about Jun!!!!!! I came for him and left even more in love with that talented mannnn! what can’t he do?! acting abilities were FIREEEEE! he portrayed Ling Chao so well. like the character felt so real to me. he did an amazing job!!! AND GOSHHHH WAS HE DREAMY!! LIKE CAN I PLEASE HAVE A LING CHAO FOR MYSELF?! he played my weak spot, a serious guy who only has eyes for his girl. I loved that whole “cold guy on the outside” but “reliable, detailed, caring on the inside”.
also the way they smoothly took their story from high school to college to adult life with glimpses into childhood, was impressive. I had always wanted to watch a drama following the main characters like that and this might be my first and I was so satisfied with the whole trajectory and development. it’s gonna take me a while to recover from such a drama high and let me tell you that few dramas leave me this happy until the very end!
oh also! the second male and female lead were great too! I also cheered them on and loved to see their story unfold throughout. all the characters were lovely.
in summary, it’s the perfect chill comfort show with the cutest main couple EVERRRR! I’d definitely 100000000% recommend this drama. would I rewatch it, HECK YEAH!!!

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