Oh. My. God.
I just finished this yesterday. After beginning the same day. I don't know why, I don't know how... but I watched every episode sequentially, one after the other, no breaks in between... I didn't eat, I didn't shower, I didn't step out of my room. This is the kind of addictive bad, alright? I knew this was bad as I watched it. But I didn't realize that this downright sucked until I finished it.
This thing is the s***. And I'm not saying that in a good way, because for me s*** means poop. And this should be crowned for being the biggest and smelliest poop out there. Where should I begin?
1. Story: sucked, big time. What in the world is this? Someone needs to get fired. There are no words to describe how bad it was. And there were some random events... oh my God. This story is like the horrendous soup my little brother once tried to make. He had a recipe, and as he began and gave me some sips to see how it was turning out, it was good. But as he progressed making the soup, he began to add every single thing in the refrigerator to make it tastier and more original. And he failed. BIG TIME.
2. Lee Ga Young: I would've been more satisfied if what had happened to Young Gul at the end had happened to this idiot, too. Bella Swan called! She wants her stupidity back. This girl, the only thing she literally did was cry, cry, and bounce back from the two male leads.
3. Young Gul: I'm actually glad of his outcome. Am I the only one who hated him so much? His character was a complete idiot with a spark of motherf*****.
4. The clothes: this is supposed to be a fashion drama. Why in the world am I seeing so many tacky outfits? And I'm not going to use the excuse that I'm not Korean, and that that's why I'm not used to the fashion in this show. But from other dramas I've seen, where I've loved the fashion, I can come to the conclusion that there was no fashion sense in here... AT ALL. Anna was the only one whose style I liked.
5. The ending: The actual f***? I had read reviews for this, but I'd never come across the ending. So when I saw it I was laughing, shocked, amused, and mad at the same time. That was probably one of the most random things in this show.
Look, the first episode was good. I even found myself thinking that this drama wasn't as bad as people said it was.
But it was.
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