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The Untamed chinese drama review
The Untamed
4 people found this review helpful
by frankly
Aug 27, 2022
50 of 50 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Wonderful adaptation

It's my first BL drama and was unsure about watching it. The first couple of episodes were confusing and the CGI in the opening fight scene was just laughable... However, I'm so happy I stuck with it because after the first 10 episodes or so, it just kept getting better and better.

I liked how the bond between WWX and LWJ developed over the episodes and how they cared for each other. The two leads were amazing in the roles and the chemistry between them was palpable. I was invested in the characters so much that even when the plot/storyline was somewhat slow in parts, I stayed interested...waiting for the leads to pull me back in again.

I highly recommend watching fact, I ended up re-watching this a couple of times! The OST is beautiful.
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