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Rio Claro - SP - Brasil


Rio Claro - SP - Brasil
Bright Eyes in the Dark chinese drama review
Bright Eyes in the Dark
0 people found this review helpful
by Gabriela
6 days ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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The story is too depressing

In "Bright Eyes In The Dark", Lu Xiao is a captain in the firehouse and Nan Chu is an actress that goes there to shoot a documentary, but the drama isn't about their romance, rather is about the lives of the firefighters, how much this profession is important and how they are committed to save lives, even risking their own in the process.

It's not a light romantic comedy and that's what I was expecting, 40 episodes it's too long, the story ends up becoming repetitive and draggy, if it had half the episodes, it would be better.
There are depressive moments, like when Zhen Gang lost his leg and his purpose in life, because he couldn't be a firefighter anymore and Qi Lei dying to save someone else or Da Gang, that even after being fired, died saving someone. I get the purpose of all this, to show how dangerous this profession is, that the firefighters risk their lives every day and don't get the right treatment, but it was just too much.

I also didn't like the open ending, I wanted something more concrete. In my opinion, Lu Xiao is dead, he must have sacrifice himself in some mission and Nan Chu's dance showed that. There are two distinct moments in the final sequence, we see Nan Chu dancing in a red background and Lu Xiao is not in audience, there's an empty place and there's the moment when Lu Xiao walks in alone, there's no one else besides him and Nan Chu, the scenery is different, lighter and with snow, like she's glowing. I saw that was a sign that Lu Xiao was seeing her from heaven.

It's a good drama, but like I said, it was too long, it lost my attention way before the ending.
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