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Youth over Flowers: Iceland korean drama review
Youth over Flowers: Iceland
1 people found this review helpful
by hey887984
Dec 4, 2022
7 of 7 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

Unexpected - Charming Combination

I came to watch Youth Over Flowers series after I fell in love with the Reply series. At first I watched the Youth Over Flowers: Africa and enjoyed it so much. Then, I came across Youth Over Flowers: Iceland. At first, I only watch the Iceland show because of Jo Jung-Suk, Jung Woo, and Kang Ha-neul, but mostly because I'd prefer countries with cold weather rather than the warm ones like the other Youth Over Flower series. At first, I didn't expect much since I thought most of them would be awkward and shy. Based on the interviews and variety shows I watched, Jo Jung-Suk and Kang Ha-Neul seem like introverts. However, they prove me wrong.

The chemistry are super, they're so fun to watch. They did a lot of crazy things and I love watching them bonding and travel together. The cinematography of the view is magnificent too. I never expect all of them to have similar personality, I thought Jung Woo was going to be the only one who is crazy, turns out all of them including Jung Sang-Hoon are funny in their own way.

This variety show is the perfect variety show to watch for those who loves watching travel shows and healing type of genre. I find most of the Healing genre shows a bit boring, however, I think this travel series is healing, at the same time, refreshing and fun.
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