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Up In The Air


Up In The Air
Life: Love on the Line (Director's Cut) japanese drama review
Life: Love on the Line (Director's Cut)
4 people found this review helpful
by SmoochesAndCuddles
Jan 23, 2021
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

What's meant to be is meant to be

I'm bawling my eyes out while writing this review. I've already watched the series about 2 weeks ago and this was the only time that I was able to watch the Director's Cut. I've already fallen in love with the series but watching this movie made me love it even more because of the extra scenes or minutes that were added to it. It's rare that a series or a movie would be able to make me cry but in this instance, there were similarities in this movie to my real life so I could feel every single emotion that these two characters were going through. So, here's my take on this movie.

STORY: It's 10/10! The best storyline that I was graced to watch. It's not the typical love story that you would often see in BL series or movies. The storyline was incredible due to the fact that it showed us how Akira and Yuuki grew throughout the years. Starting from being 17 all the way up until Yuuki turned 82 (loved how the name on the bed was shown as Itou Yuuki, I really enjoyed this small detail). The love that they had for each other even after being separated for 8 years was pretty strong. It's rare to see that nowadays. I loved how the director was able to seamlessly put into motion everything that happened to them throughout the years. There was no dull moment. And that ending, there are not enough words that would describe how happy I felt to see that ending. A marvelous way to end the movie.

ACTING/CAST: 10/10! Everyone was in their game. They were able to portray their characters really well. The chemistry between Shirasu Jin (Akira) and Raiku (Yuuki) was so on point from their actions, the way that they looked at each other, the way that the characters interacted was so astounding. I was carried away every time Yuuki cried. I wanted to strangle Akira for what he did to Yuuki. I kept on saying that he deserved the sadness and the pain that he was feeling when he started to realize that he made a mistake. I felt the anger that he had when he punched Akira in Alaska. I felt that Yuuki did the right thing and Akira deserved that punch. I'm gushing at this point because I really commend the actors in this movie. That smile on Raiku's face is unforgettable!

MUSIC: 10/10 as well. The music was on point. It matched the setting, the emotions, the character.

REWATCH: 10/10. I've watched the series and I loved it and I didn't hesitate to watch the Director's Cut either.

OVERALL: 10/10! This movie and the series deserve this rating. I enjoyed watching it. I plan to watch it again. I learned a lot from it. Cried over the pain and the anger. I loved how this movie showed what it's like being in love, being in pain, falling apart, and finding each other again. It gives me hope and I love that this movie makes me feel that way.

EXTRA: Did anyone notice that Hao Ting and Xi Gu (HIStory3: Make Our Days Account) was also in Alaska enjoying the Aurora? I was so surprised and I was laughing while crying.
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