The actors did awesome job, and I like them for it. But this whole script needed only tiny changes to still keep it enjoyable and meaningful, even a drunk reviewer might be able to make that change if he knew the basics of love. morality aside, this is plain stupid. Did they think this will tug the audiences heart more? No, this leeches off undefended psychology of many viewers, while even better result could have been achieved without leeching off of these people. Where is humanity? And what is love? Or has it become plainly and cruely profit oriented? But that doesnt make sense as small changes could have made this drama equally or even more profitable. Or are they that dull? Or is this a satire, parody, or any noir or something? No!! clearly it itself portrays as a love story. which mean this is scripted by irresponsible people who know s*** about love. (sorry, no other way to convey it.)
Or has money prevailed responsibility now? But this drama does show a family (su dooh woo's mother) who want value to their life over money. I positively am hopeful that in the next story the scripters write they keep in mind to add some value to the story.
Being out of convention is good and keeps it modern, but destroying human personalities by knowingly or unknowingly creating irresponsiblity in audience is considered cruel and a crime (within humanity's jurisdiction).
Yeah, plainly, this should have been a story about how their marriages got fixed even though emotional affair possibilies occured. Or atleast show a bit of concern for the kid when their parents split up. But instead, this story falsely portrays happy ending which will by all means is unreal and will be unhappy in real life.
And KBS gives a best couple award? Well, the couple they chose are fake to the core, Untrue, and if they were real, they would have been unhappy for many reasons not even considered to portray in this drama. This is, on overall, a very low intelligent drama about an intelligent soceity, but unfortunetly created by professional and talented cast and direction. And somehow everyone agreed to be irresponsible, or were forced to be.
Like another reviewer here on MDL said, this writer shouldnt write anymore. (I dare say, he please become more responsible, and please realize that being responsible too will bring profit.). And I wish people became more responsible with what they participate to create in.
Note: I dont know whether this review is going to be reported by the brainwashed fans, but I hope it still remains in the vicinity to help save the minds of atleast a handful of people.
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