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First Love and Other Pains hong kong movie review
First Love and Other Pains
0 people found this review helpful
by jiritwist
Sep 1, 2023
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

A movie about Mark

Although the film doesn't quite reach its climax, it is tender in that it describes an intergenerational and interracial relationship where Mark, a young Chinese student living with his aunt in Hong Kong, falls in love with his middle-aged English professor, and I don't think he is worthy of the time , was created shortly after the "return" of Hong Kong to China, and such stories can take place anywhere and at any time even in today's time...
Although the film doesn't quite reach its climax, it is tender in that it describes an intergenerational and interracial relationship where Mark, a young Chinese student living with his aunt in Hong Kong, falls in love with his middle-aged English professor, and I don't think he is worthy of the time , was created shortly after the "return" of Hong Kong to China, and such stories can take place anywhere and at any time even in today's time...
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