Actively started watching kdrama this year (2021). My main goal is to reach 50 kdramas by the end of this year. The secondary goal will be to maybe write up a review for a couple of kdramas this year.
Favorite Genre:
However, I will watch all genres
My Rating System:
10 - It's nearly flawless, especially for the genre it falls under. I would love to watch it again.
9 - It's nearly flawless, especially for the genre it falls under. I wouldn't mind watching it again.
8 - Has some flaws but overall enjoyable to watch.
7 - Enjoyed it enough to just finish it. I would not watch it again.
The lowest rating I will give for a completed kdrama is a 7. If the kdrama can't even get to 7, then I probably dropped it mid-way or near the beginning. Yes, I'm aware there's a dropped section, and maybe in the future I will use it.