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DMD Friendship the Reality, It Takes Two
2 people found this review helpful
by Kyeos
Nov 13, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

It's Gen 4's introduction show...surprise!

I think that DMD had a really good idea when they chose to make season 1 of this show. To be completely honest the term reality may not really be applicable in this situation. If you watched season 1: DMD Friendship the Reality starring the Gen 3 of DMD (Thomas, Kong, Keng, Namping, Latte, Tee tee, Gems, Tle, Firstone) then you would realize that it's almost identical.

Surprisingly enough, it still is an enjoyable watch. I recon that DMD made this show for the talents themselves to get to know one another better and figured it would be nice if the audience could watch which is honestly a really good choice to make. The reason I can say this is that I followed along the story and got to actually know the talents beyond just a name basis. This show humanizes them showing us that even though they are talents, they have flaws and are working towards improving themselves. We get to see how the talents view themselves, how they view their friends, how they view their partners, and how hard they work to get to where they currently are.

If you want an introduction to Gen 4 then go ahead and watch this show. It's basically a guide for the fans to figure out who they are, who they're partnered up with, what their goal for their career is, and how they interact as a group. I loved that DMD brought in the older gen (Jimmy, Latte, Tee tee, and Net) to actually emphasize that "yes you'll get the partners officially on screen" This show might just be an officiating ceremony to show everyone that the ghost ships are now official.

Honestly go watch this and season 1 if you haven't. This is an easy watch with only 6 episodes total. I guarantee that you'd have fun watching this! Can't wait for the pairings official series and I'm so happy that Latte and Tee tee finally have partners!!

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Only Boo!
0 people found this review helpful
by Kyeos
Nov 13, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

One of the BEST series ever <3

For those of you who love light hearted shows then this show is THE ONE...

Only boo touches on topics that involve the behind the scenes of idol culture as well as the entertainment industry. They mask the sad topics with Keen's amazing acting as Moo distracting everyone with the comedy aspect. It is also to note that this is one of Sea Talay and Keen's first acting roles and they killed it beyond my expectations. Like I said before, Only Boo has comedic aspects to it that are very obvious in the trailers and pre-eps. What they don't tell you is how emotionally involving this show actually is. Their light hearted and comedic acting makes anyone who watches it fall in love. Watching this show makes you so emotionally involved that whenever they confess their love to each actually makes you cry.

The story line progression is amazing and I am a person who will drop a show if the storyline doesn't go in a straight line. The episodes actually take you step by step into the character's personas and daily lives that it makes it easy to follow. I absolutely appreciate the way that this story starts and ends. It makes you feel as if you've known them since day one.

The characters in the show are also amazing. Starting with Kang and Moo played by Sea Talay and Keen Suvijak. They are honestly the best pair ever. They love and respect each other mutually making them the sweetest pair to date. I love they way their dynamic is presented to us, the ultimate golden retriever and black cat energy. Their ups and downs being navigated together as characters showing us that it is easy to love each other regardless of gender. We'll move onto Potae and Payos played by Aun and Ashi. They are the problem couple. Their dynamic was within the misunderstanding troupe. I usually don't like that as it absolutely boils my blood by how easy they can solve the situation. However, with Aun and Ashi's acting? It made me so emotional that I had no time to get mad. Last are the side characters Jang, Shone, and Neth played by Louis, Book, and Milk. Honestly, they played their roles so well I actually grew to resent Shone, fall for Jang, and smile whenever Neth showed up. The perfect side characters. They really made the show more enjoyable than it already was.

The ost and cinematography was perfect. The ost was so light hearted and enjoyable that I didn't skip over the intro. I watched this show a few months ago and I'm still listening to the songs daily. The cinematography really knows how to set the mood, changing the light and atmosphere every time something different happens.

Overall, this is one of the contenders of perfect 10/10 series in my list. I loved this so much, the concept, the music, the fx, the cast, the acting, e.t.c. I love this cast and so should you in my opinion. I hope to see Sea Talay and Keen in another gmmtv series next year!

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