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The Thieves korean movie review
The Thieves
1 people found this review helpful
by SieL68
Jun 17, 2020
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

Jam-packed with amazing plot and casts , more than just a heist film

This film is thrilling, exciting with a lot of stories in one.

The plot of the film is an art on itself. At first you might think this is just a heist film that will amaze you with their cool trickery to perform the heist, deceit and betrayals but it's totally more than that. It actually gave a little bit of almost everything from romance to drama altogether without ruining the mood of the film. The ending is also correlated to how it started so it's one of the best wrap up in the movie that I've seen.

All the actors were actually known as veteran actors and actresses that actually gives more excitement on each and every scene. Although everyone performed well, I specially notice Jun JiHyun on this film. It might be my personal bias because I really watched this film because of her in the first place after I heard that it was filmed while she was pregnant given that most of her scenes here were actually wire scenes. I was amazed by the fact she was doing that. After watching the film, I realized that this films seems to be a premonition of her succeeding dramas like how sassy and goofy her character is on My Love From The Star partnered with Kim SooHyun and also Legend of the Blue Sea from the pool scene.

If you're into films that's more than just what it seems, this is highly recommended.
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