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Its confusing. i loved it.
Dont mind my bad english :,)THE STORY
The storyline plays with your imagination, and at first, you might feel a bit confused, which can come off as slightly annoying. However, by the end, everything becomes clear, and you gain a deeper understanding of what's going on in Rino's mind. She believes everyone around her disappears, which seems to stem from her intense emotions and psychological state. Jun, on the other hand, forgets everything after sleeping, but as we see in the end, Rino stays with him until they grow old together (at least, that's my interpretation).
At first, Rino’s character comes off as a bit cringe, afterall she’s a young girl living in her own world, chasing after her "love" like she’s in some romantic movie (she is indeed). But you get to see more of her inner struggles and emotions, her performance becomes much more compelling. By the time the movie starts diving deeper into the psychological aspects, Rino’s acting feels more layered, and you begin to sympathize with her emotional journey.
Jun, the male lead, plays his role with an understated intensity. At first, he’s hard to read, but that makes sense given his condition of forgetting everything after sleeping. You can feel the weight of his situation without him over-expressing it. The chemistry between the two leads becomes more believable as the movie progresses, and by the end, their connection feels raw and genuine.
Both actors bring out the complexity of their characters well, making you feel their pain, love, and confusion without it feeling forced or overly sentimental.
You might want to rewatch it to fully grasp the story if you didn’t get it the first time, or just rewatch it when you're bored. It’s perfect for those moments when you want to feed your delulu ass, imagining you could find someone who would love you even if you forgot them every single day lmao.
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Btw i never did a serious review like this one so please no hate .--------------------------‐---------------------- STORY
Personally i found the story interesting but got bored on some parts, specially for those few scenes when i didnt understand a shi- + i didnt understand anything about the second lead couple and found it too much boring so i skipped a lot.
One thing that made me hate this was when the friends put some shit in bombs drink, like wtf were they trying to do, that was crazy, like how is that even a good thing? They could and kinda did damege the relationship. I think that was the worst part of all the serie.
---------------------------------------------- ACTING
The acting is a 10/10 just for the fact that this was really contagious, i could feel the saddness in Jin's eyes when he started to cry and i literally started to cry with him. I'm not an actor or studied some shi- like that so idk anything abt it but sure they knew how to make me feel like i was there.
----------------------------------------------- MUSIC
About the music... i dont personally like thai music (not valid for msp one) tbh i didnt hear anything cuz i watched it this night and my homophobic parents were sleeping. : )
------------------------------------------ REWATCH
I never rewatch any serie bc i think they are to long (it depends from serie to serie) but this one is a green pass (the friends are red flags tho)
-------------------------------------------- OVERALL
U might wonder why i put 9.5 as overall, ik it looks too much but Jin is the reason i put + 1.5 points at the first 8 i thought at the start. I just find him too cute. Sorry not sorry yall, but i have to be unfair when we talk about cutie patooties. (Yes my fav actor was Jin i think everyone noticed that, repeating that just in case yall say "9.5 is too much"
I would love to hear other people opinions and what they think about the serie and if sm1 disagrees with what i said <3 (im from albania and i live in italy so im sorry if my english isnt really good)
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Some ep. or moments are def a skip cuz they are boring or the girl gets on your nerves💀✌.its good just cuz u want to see who he choses between his bsf or g, but if he really loved his bsf he wouldnt have to choose so thats a big ass red flag. No problem cuz im miope for handsome people 🙋♀️.
Btw slay to that one girl which i dont remember the name but she's actually one of the most great character (the one who is alweys well dressed and is optimist‼‼)
Oh and the main boy gf is a psyco, damn girl go get a life, thats not called fighting for a man thats straight up ovsesssion.💀
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this is sad asf. (ATTENTION SPOILER)
i think this is one of the best serie i ever watched, even if the end was sad it fitted perfecly and shows how hard it is to confesso your feelings to other people. The start is really cute but then i started to cry and cry AND CRY, expecially when he read what the girl wrote on his shirt. There were some problems with the translating in the end that i hated cuz i couldnt understand what dew wrote on best's shirt.the acting was perfecly perfect for someone like me that doesnt know anything about it and i love the cast they seem so cute and caring☹😭. In the end this is in my top 10 fav bl 🤷♀️😕
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