
  • Last Online: 2 days ago
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Where The Cherry Blossoms Fall
  • Contribution Points: 8 LV1
  • Birthday: May 05
  • Roles: VIP
  • Join Date: November 9, 2021
  • Awards Received: Flower Award4

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Where The Cherry Blossoms Fall


Where The Cherry Blossoms Fall


I’ve been a fan of all things Asian since I was a young teenager which led me from watching animes to eventually discovering dramas. My first Korean drama was Boys Over Flowers and I continued watching Korean dramas exclusively until I found When A Snail Falls in Love which was my first Chinese drama. Since then I’ve branched out and seen numerous Thai, Japanese, Taiwanese, and other dramas as well. I don’t have a specific genre that I stick to, I’ll watch pretty much anything, though I probably do trend more towards romance/happy endings and generally avoid horror as I’m not big on being scared out of my mind. I am absolutely a binge watcher. I cannot stand waiting every week or even a day for a new episode, so I’ll wait till they’re all out and watch them all at once.

I’m very much an introvert and since I work from home, dramas bring light to my socially non-existent days. Lol I accept all friend requests and am happy to chat about dramas any time!


97d 14h 29m
2,416 episodes, 236 shows
14h 25m
10 movies

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