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At subway.


At subway.
Her Private Life
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 14, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
This is a must see romcom. It’s so fresh and funny. I really liked it. Park min young is a genius as always. Always pushing the limits as she progresses through her work life. I love the story line and the chemistry was indeed pleasing to the eye, one of the best I’ve seen so far I feel like it would have been more natural to a certain point it felt forced but overall it was really great. I loved the supporting roles very much they added so much variety to the drama. The setting of an art gallery was really creative and new. It was really fun to see what goes one it that part of the industry. The directing was awesome with the help of each actor that gave a wonderful performance. It’s filled with love watch it!

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Longing for You
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 26, 2023
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers

Longing for a great, but just OK

I've been waiting a long finish this drama. very happy I'm done. Longing for you had so many mixed feelings. at first, it was slow and unamusing and then it picked up and then died down again and then picked up AGAIN. The writing was very inconsistent. it made me feel like the writers were confused and didn't know what they wanted to achieve or what they wanted their audience to take away. Not only was the writing subpar, but the editing didn't make any sense. The sequence of scenes was a bipolar affair. we would go from seeing bloody ankles to being at a fish restaurant cracking jokes. And while I love a good detective drama this one was sooooo underwhelming. the investigative methods were mediocre. 90% of the time they would boast on very very circumstantial evidence and were always saved by "physical evidence" appearing from nowhere at the eleventh hour. It felt like they gathered the C-tier detectives and prosecutors and put them on the case. The acting was....left to be desired. for such strong themes, they would have picked a stronger actor. Now I love Na In Woo, but he's not versed in this type of stuff. nonetheless, it was really great to see him branch out of his comfort zone and build his craft. I wish he would have done better but there's always other dramas. For the rest of the cast, it was okay, nothing stood out. TBH Kim Ji Eun was okay. I felt like she would have done better if given better source material. Kwon Yul was okay too but those outbursts and monologues at the end were just a lot of screaming. I didn't hate it but I didn't like it either

There were good parts to this title though. The chemistry between them was nice. I loved to see platonic relationships being represented (even if they spoilt it at the end). I really like the way the investigative team worked together. I liked the relationship with Jin Sang's Mum, Yeong Joo's mum & Dr Choo, it was funny and cute. I also think they tried their best to make the plot work. were there holes?? MANY. but at ep7-8 it became way much fun and didn't sizzle down as quickly, it managed to retain some of that charm. OST also smacked. A lot of English songs (which i think is a theme this year) and the scores were great too. Overall it was a decent watch, I won't recommend it but if you want a passive & casual drama to watch with half your brain cells i would say watch it :)

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Swing Kids
2 people found this review helpful
Apr 21, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
The genre of this movie can not be defined. As I emerged myself into the story I had a hard time coming out. It was thrilling, suspenseful, funny and undeniably saddening all at the same time. I'm not one to watch movies about war as I hate anything surrounding that context, but this movie got me interested in everything that happened during that period in time. The movie circles around a man Rho Ki Soo, played by D.O, and his growing love of tap dance in a time and environment where the main mindset is to kill or be killed. His love for dance makes him see his surroundings in a different way, putting aside differences of ideology and violence with the rest of his team members. I think one thing I loved the most was the main character growth throughout the movie, in character and heart. he really translated a lot to me as an audience and I took a lot away from this film. It showed how people can come together putting behind their differences to do something so amazing and refreshing in a very hard time. The cinematography is amazing in every single way, I think the director did a wonderful job in putting this movie together.

At times I would forget what genre I'm actually watching. The dialogue between each character made every scene refreshing, from the interactions with Rho Ki Soo and Jackson, with him and his fellow comrades and with Yang Pan-rae. The music and performances both acting and dance was like one seamless work, with no errors. They put in a lot of work and it really showed. I was so surprised when I found out filming was only 4 months and 30 days.
I learned a lot about the hardships of war in terms of people in color and women, it really showed how much of a strenuous thing on the lives of those fighting and their families too. I really cried at the end and not because of what happened or what didn't happen, but because of how beautiful the cinematography was pieced together and ultimately the things I learned.
Watch this movie, I swear you won't regret it, shout out to D.O, I see an oscar in your future.

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100 Days My Prince
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 19, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
I normally stay away from historic dramas but this one was so intriguing I couldn’t stop watching it. I love the fact that this drama like all historical dramas hold parts of their culture and really educated not only Koreans but others who viewed it. Nam ji hyun always makes me laugh in every given role and she did it again. Big hand to the directing I loved the view in which every character was portrayed and the supporting cast was amazing especially the people in their community and you watch deeper into the drama you start to realize such an important role which they play in the lives of the leads. I would say if you’re into historical stuff and you like comedy and romance then watch this there is also a good hint of mystery in it which makes it even more interesting.

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Eulachacha Waikiki
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 19, 2019
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
The first thing that came to my mind when I was watching this drama was “Who writes these things?”
Undeniably funny, there is no way you can sit through these performances and not be moved by their humor. A big bow to the screenwriters their talent is without effort but still so deep. This drama is the funniest I’ve ever watched and it’s not only the actors that make it funny but the storyline itself was really well thought of and handed to the audience for amusement only. If you’re having a bad day watch an episode of this you won’t regret it , you won’t even want to stop honestly this was really great about to go watch it again

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Graceful Family
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 5, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

Chaebol Madness.

Graceful family revolves around the lives of a family and their journey of uncovering secrets from their past on bad relationships, affairs, and murder. With Im Soo Hyang as Mo Suk Hee, who plays the only daughter of the family, Heo Yoon Doo, a man who is affected by the lies and shortcomings of their family and Ms. Han, who risks it all in the name of their company.

First, to Im Soo Hyang, a bad bitch who made this character ever so entertaining, I believe she is the highlight of this whole drama, her role was so much fun to watch a very strong female lead if I do say so myself. This drama is very standard in terms of performances, the storyline, and the perspective of the director. I loved the performances especially from both Im Soo Hyang and Bae Jong Ok who killed their roles I loved and hated them to the extreme. The OST made up of mostly scores was dramatic enough to fill the atmosphere of the drama, they absolutely killed it with every score choice for each scene, and the diversity of characters in the drama was subtle but still alive. I loved the internal conflict of each character but I would have loved to see more character in-depth on Ms. Han, the things that kind of pushed her to her decisions. She kind of felt like the cold character who just didn't care about anybody without reason.

Overall, it was very fun, the supporting roles were great too. I had a lot of fun watching this piece. The story is predictable in some aspects but there are enough plot twists to keep it fun, and apart from the rich family drama vibes there's also a bit of law involved to add to the genre. The basic lessons too about humanity and compassion, empathy were not missed it really showed what things different people value in life as a good piece should. Don't expect too much but its definitely worth the fun. WATCH IT!!

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Tune in for Love
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 15, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

Romance For The Romantic

Tune in for love is a movie is about 2 teenagers as they grow in the late 1980s in Seoul and their struggle to keep their love for each other even as they age with many odds around them.

Firstly, I applaud the performances which were amazing they really embedded the feeling of growing up through the years and the way they kind of went through those experiences with the audience was eye-catching and very interesting. it is very much a romance movie not much of comedy and I could feel the director's mind in the way the scenes where sequenced. The storyline, however, is not much original they did convey it in a very unique way but you could feel and feel the mainstream romance theme and lines in some of the scenes. I do however love the fact that they came from struggling backgrounds and how it affected them in different ways throughout the course of their years. The coming of age theme is very imputed in the story and it goes from teenage delinquency to youthful pleasure all the way to adulthood turmoil up until their early 30s.

One thing I did not understand was the need for them to completely feel like the world was against them being together when it really wasn't. There were some scenes that decisions made would have turned out in a smoother result not only for the characters but for the audience as well. I had my differences on how they went about their relationship at the latter end of the film.

Overall, it was very interesting and its a kind of scenery and fewer lines movie, it kind of hits like that and I love it. Shoutout to the director of cinematography and the director, I really loved the way it was portrayed at various angles and shots and to Kim Go Eun and Jung Hae In who did absolutely wonderful in this title. If you like the portrayal of a relationship with a coming of age theme this is definitely the movie to watch. WATCH IT!

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Be Melodramatic
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 3, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers


Be melodramatic or Melo is in my nature is a drama for millennials. The drama revolves around 3 women as they advance into their 30s and how they view life at that point; their encounters and the people they connect with both platonically and romantically.

To start, I applaud the writer for not taking such a traditional route common in the industry. It might have been hard but I believe it paid off completely. This piece is of originality and its humane. The storyline is very unique like I mentioned briefly, I would have loved to see it in book or novel form I feel like I would have enjoyed it much more. It deals with daily struggles and it is exaggerated to the point where it needs to be in order to appease the traditional audience and rating junkies but still peak in a realistic ordeal. The characters all go through things that have weighed them emotionally, although they have been friends a while their individual struggles don't affect the way they relate with each other, there is a kind of respect in the way they comfort and relate with each other. For example, Eun Jung (played by Jeon Yeo Bin) experiences the loss of a lover as she deals with it she develops Complicated Grief Syndrome and although she doesn't realize it initially her friends do and they help her by openly comforting her in little things like when she seems angry or sad sharing a meal in silence or being goofy in a soft way and still trying to get help for her to the point where it isn't suffocating, They also confronted the reality of therapy and how it isn't easy, they translated that by going through some of that process with her and how sometimes it's needed in the healing process of any hurt.

One thing I also adored was the depth of the different kinds of relationship romantically in terms of lovers in the prime of their youth or lovers who loved at the wrong time, lovers who are not accepted by the majority, lovers who loved past their time and lovers whose love burned till it turned to disdain and more importantly they portrayed and normalized the platonic relationship manner between a man and a woman on different points between the drama and it was even more of a learning experience as they were all working in the general entertainment industry, in production, documentary, writing and directing. Jin Joo (played by Chun Woo Hee) writes a script depicting her life and the lives of her friends so in a way she narrated the drama but in a third-person view which I think is brilliant because she not only learns more about the people around her but mostly about herself. I learned a lot from this piece, there was a line I think in episode 16 that said 'No one has the perfect idea of who they are, people who believe they know themselves perfectly are the ones who will get hurt even more in the future'. I think the writer, from my perspective, tried to cause internal conflict in the minds of her audience. it's like 'hey I'm giving you this red cube' and you believe it's red and then shes opens it up and it beige inside and you're like wasn't this red. Maybe to be more specific I am referring to Jae Hoon and Ha Yoon's relationship, throughout the drama it felt like there was an obvious wrong on one end but towards the end, the ambiance of self-righteousness shifted and they both realized they were in the wrong in the relationship and that theory also goes beyond their relationship but between several connections in the cast.

The performances were great, although I could see the perspective in which the director had in mind I felt some scenes came off awkwardly in both good and bad ways, there were a lot of comic moments too which elevated the whole feeling. I would say it felt like a sitcom even if it's in the melodramatic category. All in all, I enjoyed it and even though I did stretch the watching period longer than usual it was worthwhile, I believe some dramas need to be watched in intervals to fully take away its blessing. This review is hella long if you've read this far thanks for entertaining my thoughts, it isn't even a review its more of a monologue. I enjoyed this drama in conclusion and if you like stuff that puts you in a million perspectives to widen your thoughts then you'll love this drama. WACTH IT!!

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The World of the Married
1 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
The world of the Married( in a dramatic British tone)
Where to start, this series is a lot to take in and I can see why its currently the highest-rated drama in Korean television history. The story focuses on the life of a married couple going through their relationship, divorce, and the aftermath of that divorce. One thing I truly yielded to was the look of how the Korean society not only viewed marriage but also divorce between a man and a woman and how two individuals going through the same thing can be treated differently. This is the first storyline I've watched that goes through a divorce and they did a wonderful job making it.

First off, character development. I loved the inability of every single character to be predicted during this whole viewing period. As I watched the characters grow it often felt like they would make progress and then be brought way further back in terms of the quality of their decisions. Ji Sun Woo (Kim Hee-A) did an amazing job of bringing this character to life as well as captivating me into her story. One thing I really value is every facial expression in your performance and not once did I catch her slip in any way. the perspective she took and the way she reacted to everything going on around her, it wasn't just the script but what she added to it, and her addition made every scene worthwhile. As well as Park Hae Joon and Han Soo Hee who made every effort to depict characters to hate but also emphasize with, it shows a great deal of talent for both performers.

Overall I would say it does live up to its hype, the plot twists are able to really boost your imagination as well as your respiratory system. A big hand to the production team as well as the actors and the screenwriter. The end will leave you as a serious conspiracy theorist, it was expected but very detailed and it showed a lot of professionalism and experience In the industry. if you like good content WATCH IT!!!!

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Tomorrow with You
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 2, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Tomorrow with you is a drama for the patient. I really enjoyed this drama and even more so after I finished it. for me, the beginning was very humorous and lighthearted. It gets a lot more plot twists as it ferries down the episode but overall I believe there's a lot to unpack in this. I love the lessons and the overall feel they are trying to pass on to their audience and its to live in the moment and cherish time as a whole.

The drama centers around a CEO who has made his money by using his ability to travel through time and a woman who tries to find essence and success in her work. The performances were really great. I love Shin Min-A and Lee Je-Hoon I think they delivered to the best of their abilities. Their chemistry was balanced rightly through the context of the story.

If you're into action-packed genre and fast-paced storyline this drama is not for you, but a storyline that evolves with the love of both characters allowed a lot to shine through this drama and a lot more. watch it!!

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Search: WWW
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 9, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
This drama is fresh, new and it’s storyline is like baked cake out of the oven. When I started watching this drama I was skeptical cause I had never watched anything with these three main leads and their love interests. The drama centers around three successful businesswomen in the IT industry who struggle with manipulation of power, justice and Love in three different perspectives which is hard to find in dramas, I love the fact that they didn’t even like each other at the beginning and they all struggled with growing from and with each other facing the changes that each of them showed or didn’t show in a good and bad way, these women were bad bitches!!!. The performances in this drama was beyond words you have to watch it to really realize it. The trailer doesn’t do it justice. Shout out to the editing team who worked the hardest to make every scene fall into place looking so magical. If you’re into real drama and something to keep you off your seat but still keep you warm this is the drama for you. Watch it!

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 14, 2019
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
This drama was really funny and it’s addictive. It centres around a woman who was given a second chance in life to fulfill her dream of her youth and how she encounters people through that finding love and healing. Main roles were Ko Won Hee who starred in Welcome to Waikiki very funny in this drama as well and Shin Song Ok as the main lead. My first time seeing both on a bigger screen as main leads and they didn’t disappoint. I would recommend watching this Because the storyline was so interesting. A lot was there to interest me and I loved the concept of fashion and modeling with the love hardships and hard work being put into that industry it’s fresh and new.

I really loved how they focused on the aspect of what weight and what body types meant in the society in and away from the fashion industry and how they translated that would have been more impactful but none the less it was to be applauded for. One thing I disagree with Is the way the main role behaved towards her daughter, it was kind of selfish to be honest and some decisions made were really out of context.

The main leads did their best, and made this drama really really funny. I would love to see them on screen again cause their chemistry was great. Love the storyline and the way it was approached would have been with a little care and the ending shocked me too. if you’re into a romcom kind of self finding and healing genre. WATCH IT!

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2 people found this review helpful
May 6, 2020
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Kim Dong Hee's performance = greatness. The rest of the cast as well as Choi Min Soo, Jung Da Bin, Nam Yoon Soo, and Park Joo Hyun gave outstanding performances in the drama series. I can't wait to see what else they have in store this year!

Extracurricular is based on the life of a student Oh Jisoo and his drive to live a normal life with less privilege than others without parents or a family he results to provide security to young women involved in sex trafficking. One thing I applaud the screenwriter for is character insight as I watched their stories it made me wonder what I would do in their situations and I think that is the essence of good work. When your audience is being translated into the storyline as if it was theirs and completely immersed by everything taking place almost making it three dimensional.
The storyline is very comprehensive and it deals with the real issues of sex workers in South Korea deviating a lot from traditional dramas. There is a lot of dark humor in this and it translates to how the characters are feeling at any given time of the story. I believe the main characters where the thought of very precisely and the actors and actresses knew how to use such a good story and make it better. I couldn't find any moment that was lacking in this series and what shocked me the most wasn't the epic plot twists but the reactions they would approach a problem, it was like I knew their characters but I really didn't know a thing. I would love to get into it but that would be spoiling the whole thing.

The cinematography was on point, they really hit the mark on what angles to shot certain scenes at, and the music, as well as the scores, were dramatic to the places they needed to be, wrapping the whole thing nicely in a big red bow. Can't wait for season 2. If you like good content, sorry, great content then definitely WATCH THIS, like WATCH IT NOW!

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When the Weather Is Fine
2 people found this review helpful
Apr 24, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

'Trust is a glass, once broken it can be mended but you'll always see the cracks'

When the weather is fine, I'll find you when the weather is nice or I'll find you on a beautiful day I honestly don't know why there are 70 names for this drama but it amuses me.
The drama takes place in a small countryside town surrounded by people who were hurt and trail through forgiveness and healing. Led by the fantastic Park Min Young, which I honestly praise for such a heartfelt performance. I couldn't think of anyone better to pull this off. I would say the storyline is beautiful. I know it was based on a book and that's why they made everything as detailed as possible. It's my first time watching Seo Kang Joon and he left quite an impression on me, it was an amazing performance.

For the characters, I was put off for the first few episodes dues to the lack of character insight and development, I almost ended up dropping the series, but I did continue and it got so much more beautiful. I loved the way they worked through relationships with different people and the main characters Mok Hae Won and Lim Eun Seob (played by Park Min Young and Seo Kang Joon respectively) had so much difference in the way they were raised. But they didn't allow that to affect the way they loved each other and for me, that was such a good way of reaching out to their audience. I would say some characters such as Bo Yeong would have had more work and insight given to her. She would show up in an episode and be back 4 episodes later to add something huge to the ongoing storyline without any background build-up. If they would have given her more to show, her scenes would have had more impact.

Overall, it's a really good series, cinematography that was nice, and I really liked the angles the scenes were shot as well as the scenery with the sets that genuinely embodied their personalities. it made it way more worthwhile, although the scores and OST would have had higher quality but it was good none the less. it's one of the few that made me tear and then smile 0.5 seconds later. A lot of good performances to be made including Lee Jae Wook who explored this genre so beautifully I honestly can't wait to see him in more content. if you're looking for lessons and a heartwarming drama this is definitely it. Watch It!!

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The Secret Life of My Secretary
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 9, 2019
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
The secret life of my secretary is pure romance. The story centers around a director and his secretary and their relationship how they find love and figure out his Prosopagnosia(face blindness) I really liked the performance. It was lighthearted amusing and intriguing to watch. I loved the surrounding characters around them, they added laughter and flare to the story. I love Jin ji joo and Kim young kwang I have seen both their works before and they are talented. They did well in this and their chemistry is so worth watching. If you’re looking for a lighthearted romance this is the drama for you. You can’t regret it . Watch it!

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