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Largest Democracy


Largest Democracy
My Name korean drama review
My Name
0 people found this review helpful
by oppa_
Jan 6, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 6.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
This review may contain spoilers

It wasn't on Script
HAN SO HEE wasn't even informed but director assume that she would do it because she is that kind of woman FOR them, because she has done proactive roles.
Director and ML just wanted to see her topless that's all.

Giho takes forever to die and did not die even after that many stabs, i find this 5ft guy more stonger then THE UNDERTAKER of WWE

ML has selective hearing ability during the fight with rapist guy he only hear whatever favours FL and miss everything that reveals her identity why because he wanted to screw her in the end...

ML Was introduced as asshole who look down on women but suddenly there is his dead sister
He was acting like he was born out of a man's anus
But because he is ML we need to ignore him looking down on FL
FL Is good fighter when it come to fight anyone but she is weak and lose everytime she confront ML why because director wanted to protect MLs cheap Pride that he can't be defeated by a woman he look down on.

MDL high rating Is 🐂 shit
FL why she is taking revenge for a father who never tell her his own name ?
A man who make her live like a criminal her whole life and Destroyed her youth, she spent her another 5 year between criminal to take revenge for that guy ?
It was story of FL but director can't resist himself from sucking to ML

Nobody feel a shit when he got a hole in his head

Why rapist guy left FL to die with ML
I would have kept her with me to rape anytime i want or shoot her in head, if i am that pscho.
Why he don't rape her after he catch her because ML wasn't ready to protect her that time so villian did not thought of raping her... How good is bad guy

Mujin could have shoot both of them but he choose to shoot only ML because dude is poor to afford another bullet, he wanted to provoke FL for final fight which he wasn't able to fight because all he wanted was to die

I give it 6.5 because it was good when you watch it for first time you will believe everything the told you but if you rewatch it then half of things would look NONsense

Mujin Was framed for a murder that was done by FL and nobody no soul objected like whole police department was ON IT.
FL wasn't even question after murder why she shoot ?
It like there is nobody above GOD GIHO(ultimate Ninja)

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