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The Three GentleBros thai drama review
The Three GentleBros
7 people found this review helpful
by pandainspace
Dec 8, 2022
18 of 18 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

Overall, a fun light show!

I started this series without any expectations, since I found it out of nowhere while it was still airing.

It's about a mother who tries to set up her three sons with girls she thinks they're the best for them, but she finds that it's not easy when they all fall in love with someone else.

I confess that I decided to watch it mainly because I wanted to see Tay Tawan in a comedy, because he can never disappoint, but I have to say that my favourite storyline was Arty's, played by Gun Atthaphan, who keeps being an amazing actor.
I thought it was pretty funny how Gun can still play teenage characters when next year he will be 30, but he's very convincing anyway. There is something to be said about the actresses who played the love interests as well! They carried the storylines as much as the main boys. Overall, it was a very well defined cast, that worked pretty well.

The stories were fun to follow, even though the way some of them ended disappointed me a little, because they felt a bit rushed. Although, I appreciate how the series was built, dedicating six episodes to each of the brothers and their own stories and backstories.

In conclusion, I have to say that it was a pretty light and easy to follow series, which is always nice to find, even though I don't think I'd rewatch it anytime soon; but the theme song will stay in my head for way too much time!
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