Amidst the plethora of high-school related dramas featuring the "inspiring teacher" trope, this "Dragon Zakura" stands out for a few reasons: first of all, that the "teacher" in question is actually not a teacher, but a lawyer (and there your "suspension of disbelief" superpowers will need to strongly assist you, 'cause the guy doesn't do anything even remotely related to a lawyer's job throughout the whole drama, LOL); secondly, because as an experienced teacher myself, I must say that some of the tips given by Sakuragi-sensei and his talented colleagues (I'm referring of course to the teachers he brings with him, not to the ones already in the school - those and the moronic principal should jump off a cliff and the cosmos wouldn't be any worse for that, quite the opposite, ehm), I was saying, some of the tips Sakuragi&Friends give are not only extremely accurate, but also denote, at least imho, that they originated from someone (I suppose, the manga author, right?) with both teaching experience and wits. And that, by itself, would deserve a 10.
Unfortunately, there are a few details I couldn't help but frown upon; I've already named a coupla (the school's "teachers" + why a *lawyer* as ML, for crying out loud?!? Pardon me, but I'm afraid I'm a true Shakespearean there - LOL some of you will get what I mean, otherwise google "Shakespeare" and "lawyers" ^__-), but there are more, for example the hairstyle of most characters (basically all but Sakuragi, Okuno and Mizuno - why all those yankee/gyaru-looking characters? Thus perpetuating the typical living oxymoron of youngsters thinking that they're being rebels while all they're actually doing is to follow the musical system's dictates - which means, establishmentarianism at its worst...), the obnoxious evil twin (who would deserve to end up like the villain in Kusturica's "Black Cat, White Cat"!!!), and most of all (don't worry, no spoilers, I promise) an ending which I actually found a bit unsatisfying.
All things considered, it's still a very solid drama. 8/10
Unfortunately, there are a few details I couldn't help but frown upon; I've already named a coupla (the school's "teachers" + why a *lawyer* as ML, for crying out loud?!? Pardon me, but I'm afraid I'm a true Shakespearean there - LOL some of you will get what I mean, otherwise google "Shakespeare" and "lawyers" ^__-), but there are more, for example the hairstyle of most characters (basically all but Sakuragi, Okuno and Mizuno - why all those yankee/gyaru-looking characters? Thus perpetuating the typical living oxymoron of youngsters thinking that they're being rebels while all they're actually doing is to follow the musical system's dictates - which means, establishmentarianism at its worst...), the obnoxious evil twin (who would deserve to end up like the villain in Kusturica's "Black Cat, White Cat"!!!), and most of all (don't worry, no spoilers, I promise) an ending which I actually found a bit unsatisfying.
All things considered, it's still a very solid drama. 8/10
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