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♡ Hiroshima ♡


♡ Hiroshima ♡
Sotsugyo Time Limit japanese drama review
Sotsugyo Time Limit
5 people found this review helpful
by Moonlight Flower Award1
May 15, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

♥ 卒業タイムリミット ♥

This drama is about a high school called Keyakidai High School there'll be a graduation ceremony in 3 days, have encountered a kidnapping incident in which their popular English teacher, Risako Mizuguchi has been abducted. Yoshiki Kurokawa receives a challenge letter from an unknown sender. The letter says "Solve the mystery of the kidnapping. Only you can understand the truth." The same letter have received to Junpei Ogita, who is a sports enthusiast in the soccer club. Mio Komatsu a beautiful girl at the school's beauty pageant grand Prix, and Kurokawa's childhood friend. One of the best talents, Ayane Takahata who is very beautiful and has a crush on her teacher. The 4 students go on this mission to find Risako san, they suspect so many people. The 4 of them gathered every night at this pub and talked about their problems . The youth mystery of young people who are sprinting and tied together with bonds. This drama was very scary but I really like Inoue yuki, he is such a talented and young actor, and he is from my hometown in Hiroshima ♥ ♥ ♥
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