The 3rd installment in the series takes the cake! Charming, well written, wonderfully casted and a great ending, the story had me hook from beginning to end. from the moment you are introduced to the neighborhood, you want to see what happens to all of the characters. Granted like it's predecessors, the plot is the same, the leading lady will marry one of the guys that she grows up with, and you- the viewer -have to watch the show to see who it is and how she ended up with him. Which is only part of the fun and has been a major beat to all of the previous shows. However, this time around they did something different. Where as in the previous versions, the story revolved around the main lady and her struggles to find love, Reply 1988 not only introduces you to the leading lady, but to 5 unique families as well. And boy did they make this show fun to watch.
I really think that the the writer learned how to fine tune the Reply series after watching this one. It didn't drag on and was clear about presenting all of the different scenarios leading up to the finally when the husband is revealed. The other 2 in the series didn't do as good of a job. The conflicts here made sense and played out well. They didn't drag on longer than they needed to. Also, all of the cast members had equal shine. By the end of the show I gave up on picking a few cast members to "like" overall and came to the conclusion that the show would not have worked as well as it did without everyone.
Cinematography was on point. The soundtrack has already been ordered from Amazon. Yeah, it's that good. One of the best. Remixes of old songs remade that enhances the show, like Deulgukhwa's Everyday with you. Great track.
All and all, this is a great series, so do your self a favor and check it out!
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