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Good Morning Call: Our Campus Days japanese drama review
Ongoing 10/10
Good Morning Call: Our Campus Days
1 people found this review helpful
by sasharama
Jun 13, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 4.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

don't watch if you have a brain

I watched this drama for basically 2 reasons:
1) I wanted some japanese listening practice
2) I am a masochist.

if you reached season 2 you probably already watched the first one and let me tell you... they are basically the same thing.

we meet again naochan and ueharakun and nothing changed.

NAO is still a dumb, selfish obsessed girl that acts like a 10 years old kid.
uehara Kun is still a bear incapable of expressing emotions, still treating NAO like shit and caring only about himself.

I get that these two are the main characters but I find them so unlikable. everyone is in lobe with them for some reason and surprisingly everyone is a better match for them than the other lead.

NAO has no live. she only thinks about uehara Kun. even when talking to other people the things she says are said bevuase ahe is thinking of uehara Kun. basically, she doesn't care about other people's lives unless is something she can apply to herself. she has an idea of how a romantic relationship should look like and uehara Kun, unlike other characters, is unable to give that but she persists for some reason.
she is basically fixated on her first love and that's it. there is no other reason for her to like this dumbass.

uehara Kun is incapable of having a romantic relationship. he struggles to show affection even after almost 2 YEARS OF DATING.
he never thinks about NAO unless someone is getting closer to her and remembers she exist. basically it is a possession thing.
he only treats her kindly when she is already on the ground and other people tell him NAO is struggling.
at least unlike NAO she seems to have a resemble of a life outside of nao.

the other characters have little screen time but could potentially be more interesting than the main couple.. but sadly... they get involved with these 2 dummies.

the drama is boring, repetitive and the most annoying part is that there is no doubt they will end up together even though it doesn't make any sense.

I know I know, it is a shoijo manga and I'm not the target audience. I get it. but I still think there is much better stuff out there for young kids. this drama is just dumm and frankly far away from educational or being a "coming of age story". there is nothing to learn from these two.

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