Idk what do you think, but.......
I think the cast sucks. Seriously.. Kim Soo Hyun (Lee Hwon) was not really appropriate as a king, and seems to force himself to act coldly when he was far better in acting as a cheerful, clumsy Sam Dong in DH.
I also have difficulties in liking the adult Wol/ Yeon Woo. Ga In's chipmunk expressions are the most horrible focus scenes. But, I like MinHwa and Prince Yang Myung adult's faces!!!! Heo Yeom's terrible, Bo Kyung? Pretty....
Besides cast, everything's great. The story, music, it also have high rewatch values. But if you read the novel's version, this drama was FAR behind. The screenwriter did a lot of amazing scenes, but cutting MOST of the kissing and romantic scenes between Wol and Hwon? That sucks....
The ending? Hate it... Why should everyone suffers for only Yeon Woo and Hwon's happiness?
This IS OF COURSE NOT the best sageuk i've ever seen, No doubt.
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