At first, I only wanted to watch because of Bolin Chen. He, my friends, plays Li Da Ren in the series, and is a SERIOUSLY attractive man. But after I got sucked into the story, his looks didn't even matter to me anymore because all the elements in this drama are so exceptional!
I learned so much life lessons from this series, not just from Ariel's list (watch the drama to find out about it!) but from the way she handles herself and her life struggles. Her character truly is an inspirational woman and I'm so glad that I watched something that impacted my life SO MUCH!
I love that the outlying themes were also life changing as well, from competing with the younger generation in the workplace to trying to keep up with the trend of the times as you get older because the main focus of society is mostly on the youth. I LOVE that Ariel's character was a strong symbol of a woman that was capable of handling herself amidst all the social stresses AND the relationship stresses!
Definitely recommended for EVERYBODY! And hopefully when you finish watching it, it'll impact you as much as it did for me!
Negative one percent score on Acting/Cast because sometimes I didn't believe Li Wei's acting sometimes (specifically scenes where he's mad) and minus one on the Music because I'm not a fan of Bolin's singing.. Other than those scenes where Li Wei wasn't mad, everybody was EXCEPTIONAL in acting and portraying their characters in their environment!
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