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Golden Blood thai drama review
Golden Blood
0 people found this review helpful
by huang renjun
Feb 23, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
This review may contain spoilers

literally what is going on

This show amazed me in a way that i've never been amazed before, but I do not mean that in a good way. So many things just make zero sense whatsoever. How can a mafia be a mafia without illegal activity??? That is literally not possible. It shows in the first episode that Sun just randomly got a call and casually became Sky's bodyguard, but then we learn that he's been training his entire life to be his bodyguard??? How come they have never met before if his entire reason for living thus far has been Sky??? ALSOOOOOO THEY TELL EVERYBODY THAT THEY ARE COUSINS, BUT THEN JUST DROP THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DATING ONE DAY AND NEVER SPECIFY THAT THEY LIED ABOUT BEING COUSINS. SO TO EVERYBODY'S KNOWLEDGE THEY ARE LITERALLY COUSINS AND DATING!!!! Don't even get me started on how the end of this show was literally worse than anything I could have come up with to end this show. A SIX YEAR NO CONTACT BREAK IN THEIR BRAND NEW RELATIONSHIP. Sorry but who is waiting 6 years to be together... there is a certain point where I say just disrespect your father and date. Speaking of the father why was he literally the worst man in the entire world and we were just supposed to ignore it. He "tested" sun by PRETENDING HE WAS GOING TO KILL HIM. AFTER RAISING HIM AS A LITERAL BLOODBANK FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS OF HIS LIFE. FREE SUN AND SKY FROM THIS TERRIBLE MANNN WHY DID THEY FEEL THE NEED TO GET HIS APPROVAL SO BAD.

Okay now let's talk about how the two girls in the friend group are the real victims of this show. They were literally strung along and given hope for the entire series that their crushes liked them back. Literally from episode one Sun could have told Juno that he did not have feelings for her. And then when Sky asked Toktaeng on a date ONLY because he wanted to get back at Sun??? Oh that made me hate him so bad. I never liked Sky but that was a new level of hatred I felt for him.

Anyways the show wasn't even that bad and I was entertained most of the time I just thought the inconsistencies were rly funny tbh . The second couple was cute too so.
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