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Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress

Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress
I Have Not Done My Best Yet korean drama review
I Have Not Done My Best Yet
16 people found this review helpful
by Sugar Crown
Apr 26, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

multi generational slice-of-life disguised as a comedy

This drama is deeper than you would expect.
It made me feel for the characters and it was painfully relatable.

It may not be another "My Liberation Notes“, "Lost" or "My Mister" but in a way the characters and their way of living reminds me of these dramas.

A (grand)father that worked hard all his life, his middle aged son that never really achieved anything and refused to grow up in many ways and his teenage daughter that is quietly suffering as she lacks the support of her father and her growing resentment against the world.

This drama also has some really, really good guest roles & supporting characters whose story will touch your heart.

This drama isn’t for people who like lighthearted comedy, as the comedy part is mostly portrayed by the things that happen to ML & his journey as a (mostly failing) webtoon artist and some of his neighbors but other than that I would categorize it as a slice-of-life drama.
It’s also not for people who like morally perfect characters.

The ML was selfish and not an attentive father. He was human, as raw as it gets.
This drama didn’t sugar coat characters or situations in order for them to be more likable for the viewer… but that’s exactly what I appreciated.
I found it to be refreshing. People are not perfect, people hurt other people.
That is life.
But they still love each other in their own way. I could write an entire essay on the complex father/daughter relationship and how it affected Sang Ah (the daughter).

But the comedy won’t leave you hanging and there is healing as well as growth.

Oh and… the first few episodes might not seem too promising but it really does get better & deeper as you get to know the characters more. The second half was my favorite.

This drama positively surprised me and I suggest you give it a try if you’re looking for a deeper slice-of-life with observational comedy but mostly very ordinary people who are struggling and whose life is anything but flashy.

Kim Do Wan was an absolute scene stealer. His blonde hair, his bruises, his motorcycle,… ~ call me smitten.
+ The OST is really good! It’s now part of my daily playlist ^^
+ it has a tiny bit of romance among the youth & older generation

Trigger warning for graphic attempted aliven‘t & some other things.
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