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Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress

Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress
Hit the Spot korean drama review
Hit the Spot
39 people found this review helpful
by Sugar Crown
Jan 13, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Spice Up Your Life

Now THIS is one drama that will either turn you into an ahjumma saying "omo, omo, omo!!“ every five seconds OR you‘ll save it for lonely nights and giggle yourself to sleep. ;D

Its steaming hot and rated 18+ for a reason, however don’t be too shocked by the very beginning ~ it’s not like that all the way through.
There is actually a story and I really loved the chemistry. The kisses were hands down the best I‘ve ever seen in a kdrama.

The spicy back and forth of the relationship(s) hit a sweet spot for me ~
I‘m not talking about misunderstandings but rather the "we both know we'll do it eventually but now for let’s flirt“ energy.
Also the writer was such a sweet guy!
I want one for myself ~ thanks! :D

There is room for season two and it would definitely improve my rating of this season to a 9.0/10 if it will be continued but it does end positively, so it’s fine this way too.
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