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Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress

Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress
The Forbidden Flower chinese drama review
The Forbidden Flower
12 people found this review helpful
by Sugar Crown
Feb 28, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers

Rain in the Garden of Eden results in A Rainbow among the Clouds

Heads-up: This drama has THE ultimate binge factor. Although I watched it as it aired, I am certain that the experience of binging it would make me rate it a 10/10. Therefore I would recommend binging it to become fully immersed (if you like that).
TFF is a drama like no other. Sensual, delicate and touching.
Melodrama, terminal illness, FL chases ML first, large gap. Sounds like a sea of tropes, right? - Well for once I forgot those were 'tropes' because everything felt so real. This production managed to create such a beautiful story, combining alluring cinematography that makes one grateful for being able to see color with all the flowers and scenery, down to casting actors that take their roles seriously (I'd recommend watching BTS of Jerry Yan, he truly put a lot of thought into this role) and have amazing chemistry.
To call this drama a masterpiece is an understatement in my opinion, portraying deep connections and true love.

The script is not one of many words, but many emotions. It's in the details. He Ran fell in love with life again and for her Xiao Han was life. The Voice she heard gave her strength again. I read some comments early on criticizing her infatuation with him and it kind of made me realize how this drama targets an audience that knows how hard life can be, and how a tiny spark of hope can be the breath of fresh air you yearned for so desperately.

The OST has officially become my favorite of all time and will likely be on my daily playlist for a while.
+ I also loved the scenes in the inner side of the country, it's a first for me hearing a chinese accent that is neither mandarin nor taiwanese and the traditions were beautiful.


I also want to comment on the mother-daughter relationship. She was so overlooked and hated at times(by viewers) for being over protective but as her story was revealed my heart both broke and was mended. It provides a great example of how the pain of others' affects another. She not only saw her daughter be at the brink of death but she also lost her husband the same way. How can one live one after that? She is incredibly strong and human, with her ways to continue on. Her story towards the later part was so comforting. I wish everyone would find someone who takes them with all their pain.

The only minus point this drama has for me was that there is a big contrast between the atmosphere and cinematography when it comes to the story of HR + XH and everything else. Whenever HR+XH were together it didn't feel like a cdrama, even down to the way it was shot. The way the director introduced the ML in combination with light, music and angles. Damn that was so beautiful.

However the SML, college scenes and the moms' workplace were all too familiar.
All in all this wasn't bad it just slightly disrupted the perfect illusion the drama created for me.
+ and of course the censorship also had it's finger on the editing button. But luckily many of these scenes can be viewed on the discussion thread. It would have been ever better if they were kept in.

About the ending:
It's up to ones' interpretation if it's a sad or happy ending. I personally believe in the first but it was done soo beautifully that it almost didn't hurt. The creators didn't milk the situation to death by trying to create a tear filled final episode, rather it made me think - Wow, this was so beautiful and colorful. Like their love for each other.
The snow scene for me was the indicator (alongside the Lucid Dream OST) that their love story concluded in the garden of Eden, a magical place that only be reached in the after life.

Quote from the drama:

"Have you heard of this?
When you meet someone
as bright as a rainbow,
everyone else will seem like clouds.
That's love."

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