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Lovers of the Red Sky korean drama review
Lovers of the Red Sky
2 people found this review helpful
by Thais
Oct 27, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

My first and favorite (so far) historical drama!

There are no words to explain how much I loved this drama. The story, everyone's acting, the special effects, the settings, everything. Cheon Gi and Ha Ram have been through so much, including similar things like the loss of their parents and blindness, and yet they remained steadfast and strong because they had each other and loved each other.
With each of their sufferings, we suffered together. With each achievement and happiness of them, we vibrated together. And that's what a plot, story and acting on another level is.

Cheon Gi was an amazing woman, resilient and fearless. She has been through so many things since she was just a little girl and it made her stronger and stronger. She faced everything and everyone to take care of the one she loved, even if it put her life at risk.

Ha Ram was the male version of Cheon Gi, but a little more serious and calculating. He also went through a lot since childhood and in the focus of getting revenge on those who did him wrong, he discovered a lot that made him evolve and become an even better man than he already was.

In fact, they made an excellent choice in the actors who played Ha Ram child, Ha Ram adult and Ha Ram's father. All three reminded each other a lot.

Throughout the episodes, what we feared most was that Ha Ram and Cheon Gi would not have a happy ending, after all, it was disgrace after disgrace in their lives. But luckily, everything worked out in their lives. They managed to seal the demon, Ha Ram regained her sight just as Cheon Gi still has her sight (even in the middle of the last episode she was momentarily blinded). Ha Ram found out that, unfortunately, it was the demon through him that killed his father. But on the other hand it took away that desire for revenge he'd carried in his heart for years.

The king's return was a key part for all this to have happened in the best possible way. If he hadn't resurfaced, even more misfortunes would have happened.

Ha Ram and Prince Yul continued that friendship that was beautiful, even though Ha Ram wanted revenge at that time, and even though they liked Cheon Gi. This trio is awesome!

Speaking of Yul, this was a true prince of a nation. He liked him and his attitudes a lot, except when he tried to separate Ha Ram and Cheon Gi.

The performance of the villain prince was awesome too. Many times I found myself wanting to get into the drama and choke him because he was so angry at us.

Despite the regrets, the happy ending came as a golden key to end a story as incredible as this one and which deserved an excellent ending to compensate for so much suffering.

Ha Ram and Cheon Gi married, parents, both with their eyesight intact and with all the happiness and good things in the world, which was something they'd deserved forever. I couldn't have been happier as it was the happy ending I wanted from the bottom of my heart for it to happen! In fact it happened even more than I expected and wanted.

Just that epilogue of the war between the princes that was left as a loose end. Was it a sign of season 2 coming? Since it showed the beginning of the war but not the result of it. If it happens, I'll be looking forward to it!

I missed an "I love you" between the couple in the last episode, but it was irrelevant next to all those happy moments between the two of them.

It was the first historical drama I watched and I couldn't have chosen a better one for such a feat!
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