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watching BL in the corner of my room


watching BL in the corner of my room
HIStory2: Right or Wrong taiwanese drama review
HIStory2: Right or Wrong
3 people found this review helpful
by Unpopularopinionbydemand
May 3, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Not Interested

This is one of those series where you have to be interested in the concept of student/teacher, and that, I am not. I can't really get behind people with jobs, and lives, and most likely a family that goes and somewhat ruins it all for a student. Not that these two ruined it or anything, but it just felt wrong the entire time.

Let's Dive In

I really like the two main leads, just in general. I loved how caring Shi Yi Jie is to his daughter, and I liked the charm that Fei Sheng Zhe had. I don't usually enjoy the first episode of a new series, but I was really impressed with this one. I liked how it drew us in, and we got to see their lives, and how it's been for them. I did really like how close Fei Sheng Zhe got to Yo-Yo, and how easy it was for them to build a healthy relationship. By far, the best scene was them at the park. Even though I don't enjoy the relationship that builds between the leads, I did like that Shi Ye Jie was willing to wait for Fei Sheng Zhe when it came to sex. There was consent, and that is truly all I ask for in BL.
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