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Lost in Dramaland


Lost in Dramaland
Love Tractor
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

The cuteness and pouting are a little too much for me.

Subjective Rating - 7.75

I needed something light after a stressful watch, and “Love Tractor” seems like a good idea. However, I am not as impressed with it as many others.

Is Ye Chan cute? To a certain extent, yes. But his cuteness also grates on me after a while, especially his pouting. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever met a 20-year old act like this, in real life or in drama-land. Oh, he also does not look 20 (the actor is 25 in real life). I am also not a big fan of the persistent chasing after a guy to the point of being stalkerish. But since this is Yoon Do Jin’s first drama, I think he does a decent job.

Do Won is a more experienced actor and his portrayal of Seon Yul is more subtle. I do like him more towards the second half of the drama. The drama gives us enough to get to know him and his background story.

The plot itself is simple and that’s okay. I was not expecting deep characterization or a very complicated story to be told within 8 short episodes. I enjoy the scenery and villagers who are not annoying. The side characters do not distract me from the main characters.

The romance is a little lacking. I am not feeling a lot of romantic chemistry between the two. Seon Yul appears to treat Ye Chan as his annoying but cute little brother. I see no reason why they would fall in love with each other.

If you are looking for something simple and light, and the cuteness of Ye Chan doesn’t bother you, then this is a good watch. However, I don’t think it suits my taste, or what I am looking for at the moment.

Completed: 7/3/2023 - Review #326

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Bad Genius
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

A stressful watch that keeps you on the edge of your seat!

I did not watch the movie version, so my review is totally based on my impression of the drama. I read that the personalities of the characters in the drama differ from the movie. I think “Bad Genius” is probably the first drama I watched that I felt really stressed out throughout the whole series. The story is based on a real-life cheating scandal in Thailand. I gotta say, these kids are really smart to come up with ways of cheating.

Throughout the drama, there were several cheating methods used. I was quite impressed with the barcodes. But the large scale ones were not as believable and quite farfetched, thus creating all these stressful situations and me worrying if they were going to make it or not. I have so much to say about Bank’s plan in the last scandal, but I don’t want to give out too much. Let’s say it was not as impressive as Lin’s previous schemes, but there’s also a reason why this is Bank’s project. There are quite a few unexpected plot twists throughout the drama.

I am really impressed with the acting of the young cast. This is June P’s second drama and Jaonaay’s first. You could not tell from their performances here that they are such rookies and they had amazing screen presence. Even if Blank is such an introverted/anxious character, you can’t take your eyes off him. Their subtle slight romance lightens the drama quite a bit. But we don’t see much of it. There was a lot of internal turmoil going through these two geniuses, and I think both June and Jaonnay portray these complicated feelings very well. Ice (as rich kid Pat) and Nana (as the actress normal girl) did pretty well. I was quite impressed with Ice’s scene when he was confronting his father. Nana on the other hand, might have delivered a weaker performance among the four, but she still did a pretty good job.

As much as this drama is about the students fighting against the education system, in a way, it’s more about the inequality of society. The four main leads have their own reasons for gaming the system. They might seem like they are friends and teammates. But behind this facade, there’s a lot of betrayals, blackmail, harassment, backstabbing and under-the-table deals. It’s sad to witness two good and hardworking geniuses resorting to this.

In the end, I also miss the old Bank. The Bank that would help a child get his balloon back.

Completed: 7/3/2023 - Review #325

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The Curse of Saree
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 8, 2023
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Interesting Political/Mystery plot, Amazing Chemistry, Beautiful Costumes

“The Curse of Saree” is the perfect drama to satisfy my desire to watch a lakorn without over-the-top acting, with traditional/cultural aspects. I’ve learned that I do not know how to enjoy Thai humor, thus, I try to prefer lakorns with a more serious or a melodramatic tone. I do enjoy learning about Thai cultures and seeing the pretty dresses they wear. But historical dramas tend to have time-traveling or body swap themes, which I don’t prefer. Historical dramas also seem to have many annoying characters, such as servants with comedic parts that I don’t enjoy. Therefore, “The Curse of Saree” is the perfect fit for me.

We follow the journey of two Thai sisters to the country of Mantra. I am still not quite sure if Mantra is a part of India, or a fictional copycat India. The younger sister, Pat, is going to marry the Crown Prince of Mantra but is faced with opposition from the Queen and many political leaders. The elder sister, Nuan, travels to Mantra to support Pat. Both sisters are sucked into Mantra politics and play an important role in helping the royal family in establishing their autonomy from evil rich businessmen and political leaders.

This drama was decently-paced for the majority of the show. I only found it somewhat slow in the last 3-4 episodes. Mind you, these episodes are long and I am still not used to watching 1.5 hour to 2- hour long episodes. But there’s enough going on during the drama to keep me entertained - politics, mysteries, adventure, slight horror and also romance.

The four main lead characters are very likable. They are brave, kind, loyal and basically good people all around. I love the main leads, Nuan (elder sister) and Prince Kirij (older prince). They started out on the wrong foot and bickered through the first couple episodes. Kirij is old-school and family and Matran people first, while Nuan is a free-spirited, famous Thai fashion designer. But deep down, they are the perfect couple and love their siblings fiercely and will do everything they can to see them happily married. I was initially not attracted to Kirij. He frowns too much and gives off a very standoff-ish vibe, which is to the credit of the actor, Sean J. But Kirij grows on me and I have learned to love his character. Sean is able to act proud but the subtle display of emotions towards Nuan - affection, admiration, love, shyness - totally melts my heart. Nuan is a strong female character. She is not affect to speak her mind, has a great sense of justice and loves her sister dearly. Baifern P is beautiful and plays her role beautifully. The lead couple has amazing chemistry, even without a lot of skinship. There are a couple unsatisfying kisses, but it’s the unspoken affection that provides the sizzling.

On the other hand, Pat and Crown Prince Chathat’s love for each other is more innocent and pure. All they want is to get married to the one they love, but they are faced with obstacles on all front. Their chemistry is not as sizzling as their siblings, but they give off a different vibe. Pat might seem shy and introverted, but her inner strength and stubbornness guide her through this difficult journey. It was hard to watch her going through physical and emotional abuse. Chaithat is the Disney Prince Charming. He loves Pat but is bogged down by royal responsibilities. Poor guy tries to balance it all but is quite useless in a way. He really can’t do much.

The brotherhood and sisterhood of the drama are great. It’s lovely to see siblings who truly love and care for each other. This is a rare Thai drama without family rivalries. No one is fighting for inheritance or for the throne.

The villains of the show are right out for you to see. You sort of know what to expect from them, and what they would do to stop the marriage from happening. I wouldn’t say they are cartoonish villains, but they are definitely Thai villains.

Without giving out too many spoilers, the underlying plot is to solve the mystery of the saree, thus, the title of the show. The mystery component is interesting and the horror part isn’t too bad. The CGI is bad though. I think money is spent on all the beautiful sarees in this drama and it’s a feast to the eyes. I LOVE all the modern and historical looks for the characters and not just the leads. From the King and Queen, to the evil and beautiful girl, to the main leads and their servants, everyone dresses impeccably.

As much as I love the drama, it is not without faults. I find inconsistencies in the plot here and there, e.g. 1) If you are freezing and having hypothermia in one room, you might want to move to another room before “that grand romantic gesture”; 2) If you are supposed to be hiding, you might not want to walk around the palace openly at night. They do not dampen my enjoyment of the show, but if you think clearly, something’s missing. As mentioned, the CGI is not great. Some scenes are cartoonish. Although there’s minimal exaggerated acting, I do think the camera wastes too much time on every single character’s facial reaction for dramatic purposes.

Overall, I had a great time watching this. I love the main lead characters/chemistry/romance, solid acting all around especially the two main leads ( esp. when they were holding back tears and still acting strong), beautiful costumes and an interesting political/mystery plot.

Completed: 4/7/2023

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The Love Proposal
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 28, 2023
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Great Chemistry, Hot Guys and Passionate kisses - A lot of Slapping/Punching/Grabbing

Subjective Gut Rating - 8.25 (rounding up to 8.5)

Trigger warnings at the end of the review (might be spoilery for some).

I think it would be better if the title of this drama has something to do with ‘Time’, since the concept of time is constantly mentioned in this drama. “The Love Proposal” just sounds so common and cliche. Time management and bad timing seem to be the recurring theme, as our leads Time (ML) and Nut (FL) just can’t align their timing properly. I am still trying to get used to these long episodes (1.5 hrs each). The pacing is decent but I feel that it slows down towards the second half.

What I like:

Flirting - I know this is a weird #1 but it’s been a long time since I saw a male lead openly flirt with a girl while courting her in a very cute way. It’s very old-fashioned and typical in a rom-com, but for some reason, male leads don’t do that anymore. We see too many ‘cool’ guys or ‘cold on the outside’ guys that don’t seem to flirt with the ladies. It’s so cute to see Time trying to flirt with Nut in the first couple episodes. I would love to see more so that it creates a stronger foundation of their attraction and affection, before we go into all the family drama. Their chemistry is great.

Likable Main leads - Aside from the visuals of two handsome guys and a beautiful woman, Time (ML), Nut (FL) and Touch (2ML) are all very likable in their own way. Time is loyal, passionate, caring but could be emotional and impulsive. Some might not like his actions early on when he just couldn’t stay away from his sister-in-law. But you know what, he was blindsided by the surprise when he was trying to do the right thing to wait and get to know Nut. It’s really hard to stay away when the girl you like is living in the same house with you and you don’t have time to digest all that happened. But Time’s love for Nut is unwavering and I like Tre’s portrayal of him. Time does so much for people he cares about, you want to be loved by him, as a lover, a friend or a family member. Nut is in a tough position to want to wait for Time but can’t afford to. Throughout the drama, she appears strong in a calm way, rational and definitely not a pushover. She might not speak much at times but that’s because she knows when and when not to speak. She tries to do the right thing and distance herself from Time but it’s so darn hard. Dear Touch is such a sweetheart. He was dealt the worst cards. He’s so kind, giving, and considerate, and trying to shoulder the pressure of the family business. I was rooting for him and really wanted him to find a guy who cherishes him and have his happily-ever-after ending. The casting of these three roles is perfect. Tre as Time has the handsome, charismatic, cool guy look. Fern as Nut has the girl-next-door and lovely look. Toy as Touch as the quiet, shy and sweet guy look.

OST - I love all the songs in this drama. The theme song, "เวลา" (Time) by Pop Pongkool is beautiful and fits the drama so well. It speaks of bad timing, passing by and waiting for each other. It describes Time and Nut’s romance perfectly. Aside from that, the use of songs and lyrics in the drama was very well done. There was a scene during a car ride when Time and Nut were listening to this song, speaking of the inability to express one’s feelings and missing someone. That’s the perfect song and lyrics to describe what’s happening on screen. In addition, while playing the ‘guessing song’ game at the house party, each song sung and selected further describes the chaotic relationships between the characters there. The camera pans towards Time’s face when these lyrics were sung “The one who is forever sad is me not you”. Also panning the camera to those involved when these lyrics were sung, “The heart never stops loving the person that I love. My whole heart is with you. I don’t know what to do…the love that shouldn’t happen. I try to give up on you but I can't do it”.

Brotherhood - The tight bond between Time and Touch is lovely to see. They love and support each other through thick and thin, from start to finish. Touch always worries about Time and spoils his little brother. Time is loyal and looks up to Touch, and does a lot of the behind-the-scenes work to support Touch’s business dealings. Lovely their night time poolside chats and big bear hugs.

Acting - Pretty good all-around acting by all. The leads did a good job in some of the lighter moments, as well as emotional scenes. There’s quite a lot of crying by Time and Nut, but the crying doesn’t seem exaggerated and they still both look lovely with tears falling down their cheeks. The supporting cast isn’t bad either. Time’s friends are a fun bunch that provide some comic relief. In other lakorns, there’s always a veteran or two that I think outshines the younger cast. But for this drama, I have to say the main cast outshines the veteran actors. I also appreciate the lack of extended camera focus on a villain’s exaggerated look that happens so often in lakorns.

Hot guys in hot suits and hot kisses - Well, there are some good-looking guys in this drama and none of them is shy in showing us their nice toned upper body. This drama has a fantastic wardrobe department because I love all the nice tailored suits the men are wearing. They are stylish and colorful! I might not be a big fan of Touch’s light pink suit, but I love the bright blue and maroon ones, and also the casual wear that fit their bodies so nicely. Additionally, the women also look beautiful and their outfits match their personality quite well. Marisa wears bold red and sexy dresses, while Nut in lighter and flowery patterns. The mothers also dress nicely. On the other hand, we got some nice passionate kisses and sexy scenes. These scenes, though not many, are believable and shot nicely, and really added some romantic elements to this otherwise pretty serious melodrama.

What I Mixed Feelings or Don’t Like:

Slapping/Punching/Grabbing - I don’t think I’ve seen a drama with so much slapping in the face. We have women cat fights and repeatedly slapping each other. We have guys punching each other and getting into fights. You rarely see blood during these violent acts, until the plot needs some blood for a DNA test, then one punch will give you a nosebleed. There’s also a tremendous amount of wrist and arm grabbing. I haven’t seen too many lakorns, probably 5-8, and this drama has the most grabbing and slapping that I remember.

The other romance - Without spoiling too much, I might not like this pairing and romance as much as others. I am happy to see Jam as Sarut after seeing him in “To Sir With Love”. Sarut is in love with this woman but the drama never explores how and why he fell in love with her. The woman also goes from having a good and friendly impression of Sarut to falling in love with him in no time, after escaping from a certain difficult situation. I don’t feel the chemistry between them and don’t find their love story that interesting.
Action Scenes - Time can fight and he’s better than many of the bad guys. Why is he so good? Did he train in martial arts? I have no idea. The fight scenes are OK. They are not laughable but also not believable. I am most dissatisfied with how unrealistic the last couple episodes are. There’s no way a civilian could do so much, fight so many and come out unscathed. I also dislike the drawn-out, slow motion escape but I guess they need to match those scenes to the song.

Gay romance - I wish I could see more and find out why Touch couldn’t forget his ex. I wanted more than just a few flashback scenes. If you watch this drama thinking it’s a BL, you can stop. The gay romance is a side plot, and you will not find any fluffy scenes, maybe a couple kisses only.

Other Random Observations:
1. When ML’s mother passed out and was carried to the couch, I’ve never seen a character immediately put a pillow on top of her legs so nothing is revealed under the skirt!
2. The doctor is an all-purpose doctor - he’s there for your stitches, when you have a cold, when you need surgery and when you are in the ICU.
3. A CEO of a huge company has so much time in his hands to watch a commercial shoot.

Potential Triggers: domestic violence/abuse, suicide, S&M

Completed: 3/27/2023

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Like in the Movies
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 25, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Coming out vs Pulling back in

Subjective Gut Rating - 8.25

As I start to watch this drama, I was wondering why the high praises? How come all the reviews are rated 9s and 10s? Isn't this just a simple drama about cohabitation and falling in love?

The first 6 episodes are cute. It has my favorite tropes of cohabitation due to individual circumstances., bickering couple learning to live together harmoniously, getting to know each other and falling in love. We've seen this plot many, many times in both BL and non-BL dramas. The songs are great, the actors are cute, and we have a couple fun supporting actresses in the sister and the neighbor. It's all good but nothing we have not seen before.

Then episode 7 happened and now I realize why this drama is so highly rated. Coming to terms with your feelings for someone and realizing that one is gay, are already two huge milestones. But coming out to your family and to the world?. That's a whole different story. It's important that one is given the time and the choice to do so at their own pace without being forced.

But what if you are already out of the closet (and it's not easy to do) and now you fall for someone who's not quite ready? Is it fair that you get pulled back into the closet? Is it fair to not be able to love the way you want to? What if you want to show the world and the person you love how much you care for them?

It's rare to see a drama explores this dynamic. And I am glad to discover "Love in the Movies" which takes the time to show us a different side of a gay romance that's not being talked about enough.

I'll end this review with the quote from the drama during the ending credits:

"The real fight is on the outside. We will welcome you when you are ready."

Completed: 3/24/2023

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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 18, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

An addictive but frustrating train wreck I can't look away.

This is usually not the type of drama I would watch, but I saw it on Viki and clicked “play” out of the blue. I would describe this as a frustrating train wreck of the lack of communication. A train wreck I can’t seem to stop watching. It’s addictive and definitely a guilty pleasure.

Infidelity seems to be a common topic that J-dramas love to explore. Another thing I find happens more in Japanese dramas than other Asian dramas, is the use of different perspectives when storytelling. “Liar” gives us the inner thoughts and monologues of both leads, and not just from the female lead’s perspective. I’ve seen this in “Rinko Wants to Try” (for an episode) and also in “My Beautiful Man/Utsukushii Kare”.

Despite knowing the male lead’s perspectives, it’s still frustrating to watch him not communicate his feelings to FL. FL has been pretty open but ML just stays in his own little bubble and is unaware of others around him. In a way, these frustrating moments, push-and-pull, angsty miscommunication is why this drama is addictive as well.

Acting is solid and the pacing is fast (maybe too fast). My main criticism of the plot is the lack of foundation of love between the leads. I think they got together too fast, and I don’t know why they fell in love with each other in the first place. Without this foundation, it makes it hard for me to believe their deep affection can last for so long. I also have mixed feelings about the last couple episodes with the family drama. Is it necessary? Should the drama have ended sooner?

I wouldn’t call this an excellent drama, but I thoroughly enjoy it and as I say, I got suck into it and can’t seem to look away. This is a short drama if you are in the mood for it.

Viki has the spin-off episodes mixed in with the regular drama. It might be better to just focus on Ichi and Narita’s story first, and then watch the spin-off with a focus on Deno’s story.

Completed: 3/18/2023

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The Gifted Graduation
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 22, 2023
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Darker and more Mature Sequel; Fast-paced with plenty (or too many) plot twists.

“The Gifted: Graduation” is a darker and more serious sequel to its predecessor. It covers a lot more ethical and moral issues regarding the discovery, use and control of potentials. I can see why many find this sequel not as good as season 1 because of the tone shift. Personally, I am fine with the change, and find the pacing continues to be well and fast.

After a couple years, the young actors and actresses have honed in their skills and I think are better in portraying the more complicated emotions. I critiqued the female cast’s acting in season 1 but I have to say, Claire was a lot better. We don’t see much of Mon, unfortunately, and Namtarn only got a few minutes of screen time. The male cast continues to be the star of the show, with the exception of the twins. Their potential really doesn’t give them much in the grand scheme of things, aside from being a telephone. I think season 2 continues to have the challenge of balancing a big cast’s screen time. In addition to the original cast, we added at least 3 more main characters.

Even though the pacing is fast and you won’t get bored, I do think the overwhelming number of plot twists make it hard to breathe and absorb what just happened. There are a couple episodes when the twist happens one after another and we’re given an explanation via quick flashbacks. I am not sure if it’s an editing issue or a writing issue. Nevertheless, you won’t feel bored and lost your interest. I also find it interesting how the smart Director would just disclose his plans to everyone. I know he's supposed to be super confident in his plans, but isn't that kinda dumb as well? On another note, this main character really shouldn't trust him after being burnt so many times.

It’s been a while since I last saw a Thai drama with so many in-your-face product placements. Maybe because they need a larger budget, or this is a 2020 production? Within the first 7 minutes of the show, we already got a lip balm ad. These products come fast and furious and never really subsides. We have lip balm, ice teas, water bottles, snacks, noodles, face wash, etc. And on top of that, there are a few mini skis at the end of the episode to further showcase these products.

Overall, this is a pretty decent sequel. However, I enjoyed season 1 more. I think the distribution of comedy, ethic/moral issues, thriller and suspense was more well-done in season 1.

Completed: 1/22/2023

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Choco Milk Shake
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 12, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Interesting general plot but Lacking in Execution

I like the general premise of “Choco Milk Shake”. A cat and a dog came back as humans to help their former owner heal from loneliness, have closure and pursue happiness. However, the execution is a little lacking. The pacing of this very short drama is slow, and I am not sure if it’s because I watch this after a long day of work. But I fell asleep watching the first half because there’s a lot of silence and pauses. If the director is aiming for beautiful aesthetics and setting a mood, then they forget about adding some substance to the scenes. What is up with the empty Royal Saloon until the last couple episodes?

The overall acting is pretty good especially since this is the first drama for 3 out of the 4 main leads. Choco and Milk portray the mannerisms of a dog and cat well. Jung Woo and Uncle are OK as well. If I have to pick, I believe Milk might be the better of the bunch (I also think he’s the cutest one).

I am not a pet owner, so I have some trouble believing in the main romance between Choco and Jung Woo. I am under the impression that Choco loves Jung Woo unconditionally as a pet towards its owner. Is that love between two adult humans? I am not sure. I have an especially hard time believing Jung Woo would fall in love with his pet dog which he has raised from young. Is he in love with Choco as two adults, or as a pet owner? The drama does try to show us some cute scenes, some petting and Choco following Jung Woo around (like a puppy). But their interaction is not enough for me to believe in this romance.

On the other hand, it’s easier to root for Uncle and Milk. They do seem like two adults liking each other. The chemistry is a lot better despite not having better romance plot development. I would have liked to see more interaction between the two before they get drunk together. Nevertheless, I enjoy seeing Milk fighting the attraction and yet couldn’t help himself with the look Uncle gives him. If there’s a side story, I want one for Milk and Uncle.

Completed: 1/11/2023

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Love in Time
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 26, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

A good mix of Romance, Fantasy and Crime Investigation

“Love in Time” is Chinese adaptation of the Taiwanese drama “Meet Me @ 1006”, which I also watched. But it’s been a while and I don’t quite remember the details. “Love in Time” has a good mix of romance, fantasy and crime investigation. I think romance might be stronger and has a larger plot than “Meet Me @ 1006” (but I might be wrong).

Storytelling using multiple timelines could be confusing but I think “Love in Time” did a pretty good job. It shows clearly on the screen whether it’s in 2021 or 2022 and it actually isn’t hard to tell apart even without the words on screen. If you are really picky about consistency and things always make sense in different timelines, then I am not sure if this drama will satisfy you. What happened to the jealousy of the co-workers? How about paying at the convenience store when you’re not from the same timeline?

I think the strength of the drama is giving the three genres (romance, fantasy, crime investigation) equal time and integrating these elements well throughout the drama. However, even though the drama is only 24 episodes long, there are moments that I felt like the story is not moving fast enough. Technically, there are two big “events” that the main characters want to change, and I feel certain smaller events are repetitive and could have sped up the pacing.

I enjoy the acting by the two main leads, especially Yang Xu Wen as the male lead. He basically plays two characters and you can tell just by looking at him which timeline he’s in. He looks so handsome in this drama in nice tailored suits (better looking than in his period dramas). I enjoyed his acting here a lot more than “Strange Tales in Tang Dynasty”. The female lead, Julia Xiang, did an admirable job as well. I really like her character in the first half of the drama. She’s adorable and smart, and has a strong sense of justice. I also want to see more of her challenges as a newbie reporter. But towards the second half of the drama, she cries too much and I miss her brighter personality.

Unfortunately, I do not think the acting of the supporting cast shines as bright as the leads. Wang Men Li (as actress Wu Ji Rong) and Xu Kai Xin (as reporter Mu Shi Ming) are especially disappointing and bland. I had high hopes for Dai Gao Zheng after seeing his sexy acting (aka abs) in the popular web drama “Maid’s Revenge”. Unfortunately his role as Jiang Sheng Hao will not be his breakout role. He was OK, but he didn't stand out. I also think the script for the supporting cast is not doing the actors any favors. There’s barely any character development and the supporting cast only serves to move the plot along. This show is made for the male and female leads. Anyone else is an afterthought without depth.

As a romance junkie, I am satisfied with how the romance develops between the leads, in both timelines. I really do feel like the romance takes center stage in this drama. There are fun enemies-to-lovers bantering, cute and sweet scenes, a couple kisses and some really good, genuine hugs. I am glad that the male lead doesn’t turn dumb and useless after falling in love. He’s still smart and still level-headed. He really does have character development and has become a better person at the end of the drama. The second half of the drama becomes a little more melodramatic (because of the plot). I still think the female lead cries too much and I wish there are more heartwarming and sweet scenes here and there to balance out the melodrama.

I am satisfied with the ending of the drama. I was worried it’s going to be a cliche ending where someone would wake up from a coma or recover lost memories. Since this is a fantasy drama, I can’t use the word ‘realistic’ to describe it. But I would say it’s reasonable and not abrupt. There’s time between the end of a certain important event for the lead to recover, adjust and slowly come to terms to how they feel and to finally move on.

Other Random Observations:
1. I’m glad the actors are using their own voice. But I wish there’s more live recording and less post-production voice over. The quality of the dubbing isn’t great.
2. like Yang Xu Wen even more after this drama. But for some reason he is giving me a playboy vibe, which is weird because his character is definitely not a playboy.
3. My notes reminded me that I criticized the FL in the Taiwanese version for not showing enough of her judo. I think FL here does a little more MMA, butI still not enough. I want to see her beat up some bad dudes.
4. The apartment here is really big and nice. The Taiwanese apartment has a little more character and fun, definitely not as swanky especially for a down-on-his-luck lawyer.

Completed: 12/25/2022

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The Classic
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 26, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

A timeless classic love story even when watching this in 2022

"The Classic" really is a classic. It doesn't matter if I am watching this in 2022 or in 2003. The love story might be simple and uncomplicated, but I think that's also the beauty of it. I enjoy the two parallel timelines when telling the mother's story and the daughter's story. I would say the focus is in the older generation's romance. It's much more romantic, beautiful and impactful. Who Joo Hee ends up with in the end is not surprising. But watching how the story unfolds from beginning to the end is a beautiful thing.

My only criticism of this movie and the reason I am not giving this movie a 9.0 is the modern day romance. It pales in comparison to the older timeline. I would have loved to see Ji Hye and Sang Min's story develop a little better and with more screen time. I don't need to see more of the annoying Soo Kyeong, but I need more interaction between Ji Hye and Sang Min. I think it's a waste of Jo In Sung's talents and his character. Because I am not as invested in this couple, it makes the ending scenes not as impactful as they should be.

It's really interesting to watch this in 2022 and see how innocent-looking and adorable these big stars were. Their talents shone even when they were so young. The acting is great all-around and the OST is beautiful as well.

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Hello Stranger
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 8, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Thin in plot but Thick in sweet innocence

The second Filipino drama I watched that's shot during the Covid-19 pandemic about meeting someone special online. In comparison to "Gameboys", "Hello, Stranger" is a lot sweeter and more innocent. I feel all sorts of emotions with our main lead, Mico. This drama really touched my heart and rejuvenated my tiring and cynical heart. I love all the awkward and shy moments.

However, there isn't much going plot wise, and if you are not interested in this sweet romance, this is not the drama for you. It's not as impactful as "Gameboys" and the use of social media as a way to tell the story is also not as creative. Not to say this is a bad drama, but just different and maybe my comparison to "Gameboys" is unfair as well (I can't help it though).

Acting is not bad and there's no irritating character, or annoying 'Baby' (sorry, my last comparison 😆) The teacher is hilarious and the friends are caring and supportive. This is a short and easy watch.

Random Observations:
1. Tony Labrusca (Xavier) reminds me of the Chinese actor Wang An Yu in "Forever Love". Both are so handsome and I love their shy smiles.
2. On the other hand, Vivoree Esclito (Kookai) reminds me of the American actress Vanessa Hudgens (who is part Filipina).

Completed: 11/7/2022

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Love Destiny
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 2, 2022
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

If you love or want to learn about Thai culture/tradition/history, Watch this!!

Rating - 8.25 rounding up to 8.5

“Bhuppae Sunniwat” aka “Love Destiny” is only my second non-BL Thai drama after “The Crown Princess”, so I am very new to this genre and my thoughts are reflected in a way that I am still not used to some of the acting or comedy styles. This is also my first Thai historical drama and I learned so much about Thai traditions and history. Characters from “Love Destiny” are based on true historical figures, but I am not sure how accurate the portrayals are.

What I Like:

1. Thai traditions and history - I really enjoy learning about the different Thai traditions, foods, rituals and history. I never knew Thai ladies folded and shaped the petals of unopened lotus flowers when doing floral arrangements. I’ve seen plenty of lotus in ponds in C-dramas, but never knew they could be presented in another beautiful way. There are many similarities between Chinese and Thai traditions, especially with respect to how they treat the elderly or senior members, high-ranking officials and their slaves/maids/servants. In a patriarchal society, wives did not have the same rights and treatment as men. I love the traditional costumes that all the women wear, from accessories to scarves to beauty products. Watching this drama also led me to Googling about the French influence in Thailand. If you are interested in Thai culture and traditions, this is a great drama to watch.

2. Acting - Female lead, Bella played three very different characters in this drama. I can really see the difference in her portrayal of the vicious and mean Karakade, the sweet and nerdy modern Kadesurang, and the new and improved Karakade. What a beautiful and talented actress! Bella is paired with the equally talented and handsome Pope. He really can act with his eyes and his shy smile and stolen glances melt my heart. I love watching him slowly fall in love with Karakade. The other two couples are equally talented and good-looking. “Love Destiny” has a pretty large supporting cast - family members, servants, royal family and government officials, and everyone did a good job and there isn’t anyone too cringey for my liking, acting wise.

3. Overall Plot - I enjoy the overall plot of this drama and why it’s called “Love Destiny”. Without going into spoilers, the drama does give an adequate explanation of how one woman came to live in another woman’s body, and how everything is destined that way. I would have loved to learn about the reason sooner, and have the drama focus a little more on that part of the story.

4. Por Date (ML) - I have something to pick on the main romance, but I do like Por Date. He has a strong sense of family, traditions and loyalty, but also not so inflexible that he would oppose all the new things that FL introduced to him. Despite being a self-proclaimed jealous and possessive fiance, he never once acts out of character, openly expresses his annoyance, or gets overly physical and possessive when he’s jealous. He might pout and walk away, but he’s gentleman-like. He also has a way of subtly flirting with FL. Though his love lines could be interpreted as cheesy and corny by some, I am eating that all up, because coupled with his loving gazes and smiles, I am also very much in love with him myself 😍 I also LOVE the thoughtful present he gets for FL from France. Not something he bought, but something he spends a lot of time and effort on, because he knows FL well and knows that she would treasure such a gift.

5. ML’s Father - A kind and caring father who openly accepts this weird future daughter-in-law into his family. He’s so accepting of FL’s vicious and non-traditional behaviors. Despite FL making all these mistakes and breaking traditions, he is always patient and understanding. In a patriarchal society, he could have easily punished or kicked her out of his home. He also has a way to control his wife and her servant from acting up. Just a quick look or a word of two to put them in their own place.

What I have Mixed Feelings or Don’t Like:

1. Modern Karakade (FL) - It is fun to see Karakade acting all modern and crazy, and speaking a different language. The blunders she made are a fun comic relief. However from a character development standpoint, it seems quite uncharacteristic for her to not want to speak or act properly, even after living in historical times for a couple of years. I know it’s more fun to teach your servants to speak your modern language, but if you decide to stay there, shouldn’t you make more of an effort to fit in? She got in trouble repeatedly, never seeming to learn from her mistakes and causing great harm/punishment to her servants. She seems to regret her impulsive and thoughtless decision each time, but still makes the same mistake over and over again. For a smart, independent modern woman, she also makes some dumb decisions. I love and find her annoying at the same time.

2. Por Date + Karakade Romance - If you like enemies-to-lovers and slow burn romance, this is it for you. I enjoy seeing them slowly fall in love, especially when Karakade unintentionally melts Por Date’s ice. It took a really long time for them to officially become a couple and when they do, there’s finally some PDA. But it was such a long and teasing drought to get to that point. There are so many instances where ML sneaks up behind FL’s back, approaches her, flirts with her, FL turns around and leaves and is held back, and ML ALMOST plants a gentle kiss on her cheek and then nothing happens. This is such a tease and is so repetitive that it slows down the general pacing of the show. There also way too many accidental trips and falls into someone’s arms.

3. Production Value - As mentioned, I love all the costumes worn by the characters. I also like the set designs, the different houses/rooms and the open floor plan. Inside the palace seems somewhat small, but I don’t watch enough Thai dramas to know if that’s always the case. I just realized compared to Chinese palaces, this one seems quite homey. I also like to see all the foods and desserts and even the boats and rivers. I am a big fan of natural lighting and we see this in “Love Destiny”. I like seeing how the servants put out land lighting lanterns/fire to indicate the change of day. But some scenes are too dark and I wish there were more lanterns. CGI/green screens aren’t great. The palace looks really fake when the characters are on a boat passing it. The music sounds nice but it’s so overplayed. The romantic song is played during EVERY single romantic scene, and there are many. No matter how much I like the song, I became very annoyed. The editing and scene transitions are also a little off. Maybe if I watch the extended version, the issue won’t be as prominent?

4. Pacing - Each episode is 1 hr 50 minutes long, and they are and feel really long. The drama spent a lot of time on home life, but there aren’t enough exciting events happening to keep me entertained and not looking at my clock to see when this very long episode will be over. For the most part, the drama focuses on romance and family life. But then a few episodes are dedicated to just politics, mainly in the second half of the drama. I would have liked to see politics introduced in a more balanced way throughout the drama.

5. Nang Prik (Old maid) - She was fun for a while and provided some comic relief. But her actions and constant meddling into her master and mistress’ business becomes too annoying. A servant should never have such audacity to criticize your masters/mistresses no matter how long you have served in that household. Her irritating behavior lasts way too long.

Other Random Observations:
1. It’s hard to keep track of all the long names and title changes.
2. The men in this drama don’t seem to need to work, esp. In the first half of the drama.
3. I like the duo Nam Yam and Nang Pin. They are fun without being annoying.
4. Love ML’s expressions when FL showed him the French greeting. A different expression on each cheek!
5. It’s somewhat hard to tell the passage of time. This drama spans many years but no date was ever shown on the screen.

Completed: 10/31/2022

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Gameboys Level-Up Edition
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2022
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Interesting storytelling by using different social media platforms

“Gameboys Level-up Edition” is my first Filipino drama and it took me a while to decide to watch this. Watching a drama with the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown while we’re still in a pandemic might not be a good idea. But I am ready to move on and try to live a semi-normal life, so here I am. And I have a surprisingly enjoyable time watching this.

What I Like:

1. Acting - I almost dropped this drama after the first episode because everything seems so cringey. But then, the emotional scenes started and wow, I am very surprised and impressed by the two leads’ acting. I was expecting some not-so-good acting, similar to other BLs I’ve seen with idols and inexperienced actors. Looking into Elijah Canlas’ profile, I found out he has won multiple acting awards and at such a young age. I have to say, he was really great in this drama. After I got over Kokoy de Santos’ cringey and cheesy scenes, I discovered that he can act pretty well. Both of these young actors are great in their emotional scenes and when tears slowly welled up in their eyes and dropped down their faces, I cried with them.

2. Different issues - This drama tackled some very real-life issues faced during the height of the pandemic. Not only does it explore the illness and medical cases, but also how the pandemic affects everyday communication and relationships. Of course, the focus of this drama is on the budding romance between Cai and Gav - from how Gav courts Cai, slowly falling in love, dealing with relationship issues when unable to see each other in-person, to the consequences of family members passing away. The drama did not forget to pay tribute to the brave men and women who are front line workers and first responders, and also remind us to observe all health and safety precautions.

3. Execution - At first I wasn’t sure how I feel about using social media as the primary way of telling these stories. But I do think this is a very creative way especially during the lockdown, to showcase how young people communicate. We see the characters use ‘fake’ Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Live streaming/gaming, video calls and Zoom to communicate during the lockdown. It took me a little while to get used to the changing social networking platforms, but I think I end up quite liking this refreshing format.

4. Friendships - OK, Pearl can be really annoying, Gav can be very cheesy and cringey, and Cai can be inconsiderate, but I LOVE their friendship. These guys are so funny during their zoom calls (chatting, exercising, dancing, drinking and game playing). They have really good chemistry and it’s friendship like this that helps keep our sanity during the lockdown.
5. Cai’s family - What a great and supportive family Cai has. His father’s letter to him was so touching and heartbreaking. I love how Cai’s mother gives him relationship advice and repeatedly tells him how much she loves him for who he is.

What I Don’t Like:

1. Baby Baby Baby - If I hear the word “Baby” one more time, I might have to strangle someone!

2. Cringe and Cheese - Gav is a great guy but gosh, he’s so cringey. The drama needs to dial down on this intense courtship in the beginning episodes. It’s annoying and borderline stalkerish. I am glad I persisted and didn’t drop this drama, but I bet others might not be able to stand Gav’s character and drop it.

3. Pearl - I love her as a friend and she’s super fun to watch, but she’s too over-the-top for my taste. She needs to dial down on her screaming and high pitched voice.

4. Terence - There’s something about Terence that seems very fake, even though I know he’s supposed to be sincere in some scenes. I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s his voice and the way he talks??

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Soundtrack #1
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 23, 2022
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Short and sweet Friends-to-Lovers Trope

Friends-to-Lovers is one of the more popular tropes and one of my favorites as well. When I first saw Park Hyung Sik after not seeing him in a while, my first impression is, 'He's so adorable!'. This feeling continues on throughout the drama. His character is sweet and caring, and you can't help but fall in love with him and root for him.

Han So Hee on the other hand is as beautiful as she can be. Her character, Eun Soo, is a lot more outgoing, to contrast the more conservative side of Park Hyung Sik's character, Sun Woo. But I can't help but think that she overacts a little.

The two have good chemistry together as friends, but I do feel it lacking a little in the unrequited love department. I think Sun Woo's shy and sweet personality conveys the unrequited love a little better. Eun Soo's struggles don't move me as much.

As other reviewers mentioned, this short drama boasts a pretty large collection of songs in its OST. They all sound pretty nice to me, but because there are so many, I did not get attached to any song. The songs all give a very similar feel and sound the same to me.

The plot is simple and nothing new. If you enjoy watching two friends slowly discovering that they have feelings for each other, this is a good and quick watch. The visuals are great and the cold winter adds an additional charm to the story.

Completed: 10/23/2022

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About Youth
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 11, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Completed: 10/10/2022

I slept on it before writing this review, as I think I might be very critical if I write this right after I finish watching. “About Youth” is quite highly rated and has received a lot of positive reviews. However, I just find it “OK”. It’s not bad, but it’s not excellent either.

The drama focuses on two things: romance and familial relationships. We follow the development of the sweet and innocent romance of our two male leads, Xu Qi Zhang and Ye Guang. I enjoy the innocence and shyness of this couple. I feel their chemistry and I am also a sucker for longing and shy gazes at each other. On the other hand, we also witness the more complicated romance between Ray and Ah Jian. This romance provides a good contrast to the main romance. However, due to the limited episodes, this relationship is not developed or explored enough. It could be even more interesting than the main romance, but it just feels a little disjointed to me.

The drama also continues to explore the pressure Asian parents have on their children to have good grades in school. Ye Guang battles (internally and externally) with his parents throughout the whole drama. However, the resolution is underwhelming, considering so much time is spent on the conflict. On the other hand of the spectrum, we have Xu Qi Zhang and his very supportive mother. Their relationship is so much healthier. His uncle’s scenes only provided the vehicle to create Xu Qi Zhang and Ye Guang’s first fateful encounter, and nothing more.

This seems to be the first acting roles for all four main cast members, and it shows. I would say out of the four, Shen Jyun/Xu Qi Zhang might be the best. Li Zhen Hao/Ye Guang got better towards the last couple episodes, but the first few ones were rough (except for acting cool and cute). The acting does affect my viewing pleasure a little. I like the title theme song, but it’s quite overplayed, especially for such a short drama.

Overall, the romance is light and sweet, and the more serious parts revolve around Ye Guang’s parents. It’s not a bad watch if you’re looking for a sweet and short romance and don’t mind the school/grades parts.

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