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Lost in Dramaland


Lost in Dramaland
Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2
8 people found this review helpful
Aug 21, 2022
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Different Tone from Part 1 - Court Politics, Revenge, Romance and Angst

Completed - 8/21/2022

Part 2 has a different tone and feels like a completely different drama. While Part 1 sets things up and gives us an introduction to all the characters, it has a focus on family and friendship with a dash of romance. Part 2 on the other hand focuses on court politics, revenge and our main romance. We have a more serious drama that’s full of angst and sadness with a dash of sweetness and comedy.

What I Like:

Cheng Shao Shang (FL) - I like that she is true to herself throughout the drama. Because of her childhood, she has abandonment issues. You can say that she has a lot to learn to be someone’s partner or wife, and has to learn how to love and trust ML. Yet, she is quite a feminist. She believes in her ability, and that she doesn’t have to follow the traditional footsteps of women to get married and be defined as someone’s wife. I like her revengeful attitude and her protectiveness of those who treat her well. I tend to like strong and badass female leads, but I have grown to like Cheng Shao Shang and she has become one of my favorite female leads.

Acting - I was not impressed with Leo Wu’s acting in Part 1, so I am very happy to see that his character is giving him more to showcase his ability in Part 2. He is excellent in all his emotional scenes, and he melts my heart when he smiles at FL. I really do feel his pain and internal struggles. This might be the best role I’ve seen Zhao LuSi in. She’s known for her cute and outgoing roles, and then she branches out to a more conservative role in “The Long Ballad”. But in “Love Like the Galaxy”, her role as CSS really allows her to flex her acting chops and to show how much she has grown as an actress. From being the naughty and petty 15 year-old, to becoming a mature and strong woman at the end of the drama, Zhao LuSi is the star of the show. Leo Wu and Zhao LuSi are still so young. They really have a bright future ahead of them. Supporting these two young leads is a very experienced supporting cast. I love the royal family - the emperor, empress and consort Yu.

Emperor/Empress/Consort Yu - What a lovely trio we have in this drama. Where else can you find a trio like this in a historical drama? The Emperor is hilarious and he’s the biggest fan of ML and doesn't hide his partiality. He also is the biggest cheerleader and matchmaker of the leads. I love all his funny moments, especially the last scene. I am so glad that CSS found the mother that she always wanted in the Empress. Under her love and care, CSS is able to grow and learn to love, and be the best person she could be. The sisterhood between the Empress and Consort Yu is lovely to see as well. This drama has a different type of harem, even if the princes and princesses do not always get along with each other, we also do have people killing each other for the throne. Maybe this has something to do with the awesome parents that they have. Lastly, my new favorite character, Consort Yu. I love her sassy retort. I look forward to all her scenes and want to hear what she has to say each time. No one dares mess with her and it’s fun to see her interaction with the Emperor. They are a match made in heaven. It would be interesting to get a side story of when they were younger.

What I have Mixed Feelings about:

Main Romance - I am very glad to finally see their romance begin in Part 2. However, the early development is what I have mixed feelings about. I feel that they have more chemistry when they are bickering and arguing with each other, than when they are speaking sweetly. I already know ML is deeply in love, but the way FL falls in love is quite a mystery. One episode she is still hesitating whether to marry or not, then in the next episode or two, she’s already very in love. I want to see the slow development as this feels pretty abrupt and unbelievable. However, once I got past this initial stage, I got what I wanted - the love, the sweetness, getting to know each other, angst, and understanding. I am also glad that the angst is not due to misunderstandings, but it’s actually because they understand each other too well due to their different upbringing and thoughts of the same situation.

Battle/Fight scenes - I applaud Leo Wu for his effort in all the fight scenes. You can see him and others are not just swinging their swords aimlessly. These are hard fought battles and the drama doesn’t shy away from some of the more torturous and bloody scenes. But what I don’t like is the slow motion. This is not a wuxia drama and doesn’t have continuous fight scenes. You really don’t need to slow down a slash or a jump. This makes the exciting fight sequence less exciting.

What I Don’t Like:

Uneven Pacing/Weird or underdeveloped plots:
I find it hard to follow all the characters involved in ML’s revenge plot. In the middle episodes of Part 2, I became quite confused about all the names mentioned. Some characters appeared in Part 1 and I sort of forgot their names or what happened. But the drama name drops all those involved, I had to pause and think who these people are. Eventually, I figured it all out, but those episodes have a lot of talking and court politics, thus, also slowing down the pacing of the drama. Some minor supporting characters disappeared for most of the drama, and then popped up again at the end to seek revenge. They seem to have come out of nowhere. So much happened in the last 5-7 episodes that it feels rushed. I am not sure if it’s because of the editing or the writing.

A few other weirdness:
1. What happened between Cheng Shao Shang and Yuan Shen after they visited CSS’s home?
2. When did FL’s 2nd brother and XiXi become so close that there are talks of marriage? Didn’t they only have one kiss?
3. I needed more scenes between 3rd Prince and ML to justify the behind-the-scenes happenings
4. Well, the rebel leader also seems to have come out of nowhere.
5. The way that our smart FL got in trouble in the end by falling into the schemes of the two female supporting characters is repetitive and underdeveloped.

Other Random Observations:
1. Leo Wu frowns a lot when he does his serious General face.
2. Impeccable hair even after fire/explosion/battles
3. Enjoy the background music and songs are not overplayed (actually I don’t notice them much).
4. So glad Yuan Shen is not an annoying high school boy anymore. He’s matured to be a good support for FL.

Waited this long and I didn't see the wedding???? It’s been talked about for 29 episodes.

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8 people found this review helpful
Jul 10, 2022
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Inconsistent plot, acting and storytelling BUT definitely Sexy!

Completed: 7/10/2022

"KinnPorsche" is such a hyped up mafia BL drama that I figured I would check it out to see what it's all about. I then realize this is not really a mafia drama, but a mafia slice-of-life drama with a good-looking cast and many sexy scenes. I was expecting an action-packed mafia drama with a side of romance. But it turns out to be a romance drama with a side of mafia action.

What I Like:

1. Sexy scenes - Not going to lie, if you are 18+ and enjoy sexy scenes, this is the drama for you. The scenes are shot beautifully and well-acted. You can feel the emotions and the sexual tension. The scenes are both sexual and sensual, and they definitely could make you blush. Kinn and Porsche's kisses are a treat and they really put in the effort.

2. Good-looking cast - Yes, this drama is full of good-looking guys. Isn't this one of the biggest attractions? Of course, we all have our preferences, but for me, Porsche and Kim are my kinda of handsome.

3. Production - I am not sure if this is considered a big budget production in Thailand, but I enjoy all the scenes in the Main family house. Beautiful rooms with sweeping views of the city, gorgeously decorated interiors with high end furniture/props/chandeliers, etc . Oh, can't forget the gardens, fountains, koi ponds and the swimming pool (both indoors and the one with city view). Great cinematography, nice tailored suits for all bodyguards and the leads. Some of the action scenes are well done and don't seem too fake.

What I don't like or have mixed feelings:

1. Plot - There is no central plot to the drama. It's very character-drive the majority of the time, and it seems like a slice-of-life drama about bodyguards. It's not until towards the last couple episodes that a certain family plot becomes more prominent. There isn't enough about the mafia, and the focus is on relationships/romance. Some scenes and episodes are great and interesting, others are cringey and give me that "What the heck did I just watch" feeling.

2. Comedy - The comedic moments in this drama are too over-the-top for my taste. I am sure many love it, but I don't think they fit the general feel of the drama. I can take small doses here and there, sprinkled throughout the drama. But when the comedy is concentrated on a certain episode, that's too much for me to take. Thus, I feel this drama is very inconsistent.

3. Romance - Yes, I like the sexual and sensual scenes. But on the other hand, some of the scenes are too cringey. Two adult men are acting like teenage girls in love for the very first time. I thought these guys are in their late 20s, or early 30s, and have already been in different relationships before. All the romantic relationships in this drama are quite toxic and unhealthy. These guys are walking red flags. Relationships full of lies, mistrust, dishonesty and not always consentual.

4. Inconsistent acting - I feel that all the actors are best with the more emotional scenes. I particularly enjoy Porsche and Vegas' acting. Kinn's acting doesn't always hit the mark. I do not particularly like Porchay (I know it's an unpopular opinion). I find him too awkward and I don't know why Kim would be interested in a little kid like him.

5. Illogical plots holes- Let's just say there's no way we should still see Vegas after the final credits. All wounds heal ridiculously fast. No one needs to wear any bulletproof vest because even though you're showered with bullets, you won't die.

I will recommend this Thai BL drama if you want something with a mafia theme, sexy scenes, high production value and a good-looking cast. But don't expect an amazing drama with a good script and perfect execution. I enjoyed it for its entertainment value and WTH moments that make me laugh, thus a rating of 8.0. There are better Thai BL dramas out there, e.g. "A Tale of a Thousand Stars", "Not Me", and "I told Sunset About You".

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10 people found this review helpful
Mar 2, 2024
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

Super Cringefest that's only fun if you watch with friends and laugh together

If I have to use one word to describe “Playboyy”, it would be CONSISTENT. How can a drama be so CONSISTENTLY cringey, sappy, nonsensical with poor acting all throughout the 14 episodes??? That in itself is an amazing feat.

I debated whether to rate this lower than my lowest rated drama “Coffee & Vanilla”. I finally decided to give this a whopping 4.0 just because of the entertainment value. So, now it’s my second lowest rated drama. Watch this with an open mind and enjoy the ride. Nothing makes sense!!!

A few quick thoughts as I don’t even know how to write a proper review:

1. BAD acting all around. I was hoping they would get better, but nope, it’s one of the worst-acted dramas I’ve ever seen.
Well, at least some guys are hot and have nice bodies.
2. I am fine with all the sex and the different fetishes, fantasies, etc. In fact, I wanted the drama to go bolder and more explicit. 3. It ended up wanting to be unique but not quite achieving that. All the sexy scenes are just cringey.
4. I also cringe every time the random English dialogs pop up out of nowhere.
5. Too many names and I don’t remember who’s who. I barely recognize all of their faces. Gotta go with the nicknames.
6. There are some crazy outfits worn in the drama, especially by Nant.
7. I wonder if the actors all get boxes of underwear as part of their deals. There’s so much product placement in this drama.
8. I quite liked the romance between Zouey and Teena (Greek god) in the beginning, but then they disappeared after they got together, and became the most boring pair. The drama threw in a twist in the end and then gave you the worst writing ever.
9. What the heck is that ending??? Is there going to be a season 2? Did the drama run out of money to write a complete season 1? The screenwriter got to be fired.

Unfortunately, I did not join any watch parties. This would be an amazing drama to watch with friends and laugh about it. Do I recommend it? Definitely NOT unless you have nothing better to do, or you just want a cringefest to laugh with your friends.

Completed: 3/2/2024 - Review #411

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The Best Day of My Life
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 20, 2024
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Simple, Predictable but Sweet and Heartwarming Contract Relationship

Subjective Gut Rating: 8.25

“The Best Day of My Life” is a short, simple, predictable but heartwarming and cute drama. The premise is simple - high school seatmates reunited due to work, and entered into a contract relationship as a consequence of a drunken social media post. Of course, we know how the story ends.

This is a stress-free watch for me. The drama has what I like in a romance drama - a contract relationship, unrequited long-term crush and the guessing game. There is no plot twist and you have probably seen the same plot many times. But what sets this drama apart is the Miss Green Flag, who is not a goody-two-shoes or Mary Sue. We often rave about Mr. Green Flags in dramas, and we have that here as well. But the female lead, Xu Mu, is likable, mature, smart, quick-witted, caring, sweet and generous. It’s no wonder the male lead falls in love with her at first sight, and for 12 years.

This green flag couple is easy to root for and I really enjoy their interaction and cohabitation, especially in the first half of the drama. Watching them put a smile on my face. But I do have to say it loses its momentum in the last few episodes. The lovey dovey scenes in the end are great, and the kisses are satisfying. But it doesn’t leave me the same happy feeling as in the first half of the drama. I love ML’s secret glances and smirks when he’s enjoying the fake relationship. I was also a little disappointed with the big confession scene and how FL found out about ML's long-term crush. The story of starting point/destination is great, I just felt the execution/writing could be better.

The secondary romance is a good contrast. I am not in love with the secondary couple, but they are not too bad either. I like the unique groom suit during the photoshoot on the beach. That has to be a first in a drama and it’s fun!

Overall, this is the perfect stress-relief for me at the moment. I would not say this is a must-watch. But fans of contract relationships and long-term crushes could check this out, especially since it's such a short drama.

Completed: 8/20/2024 - Review #474

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Follow Your Heart
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 16, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Great Chemistry and Interesting Romances but could be Shorter and Tighter

Subjective Gut Rating: 8.25

For some reason, a non-suffering Luo Yun Xi is not attracting a big crowd to watch “Follow Your Heart”. Don’t you want to see him not spit blood and be happy for once? LOL.

For the most part, “Follow Your Heart” is a really enjoyable drama. It is just a tad too long (like many C-dramas) and then plot holes start to happen when you’re unable to keep up with the writing. The first ⅔ of the drama is great, especially the dynamics between the two main leads before they are officially together. The side couples are sweet and there really aren't any annoying characters.

What I Like:

Jiang Xin Bai (ML) and Yan Nan Xing (FL)
Luo Yun Xi and Song Yi did an excellent job in portraying the two main characters. They are experienced not only in acting, but also in delivering lines without the use of voice actors. I really appreciate that very much. Jiang Xin Bai and Yan Nan Xing are both intelligent characters with fun banter and dynamics. The chemistry is great and I enjoy how they slowly develop from strangers to comrades to lovers. The romance develops slowly and naturally. They trust each other and have honest communication.

Ryan Cheng
It’s nice to see Ryan in a role where he’s not just cold after all his mini dramas and “My Journey to You”. In fact, he’s hot-headed and impulsive yet a little dumb and adorable when in love. It’s a different side of Ryan Cheng that I haven’t seen. Acting alongside Luo Yun Xi and other veterans, he holds his own.

Platonic Friendships
I love the found family trio of Yan Nan Xing, Tong Sai Er and Liu Ruo Qian. They are just three very different individuals who happen to all settle into Yan Nan Xing’s shop. They support and care for each other. It’s lovely to not see any romance developed, and yet they help each other out in the romance department. This trio brings a lot of joy to the story. On the other hand, I am also very glad to see another platonic friendship between Shang Bie Li and JIang Suo Luo. I guess they are united because of their hatred/animosity towards Jiang Xin Bai. But this pair is mature and supportive, and really look out for each other’s best interests in a non-judgmental way.

Supporting Romance
Oftentimes, the secondary and tertiary romances are not as fun as the main romance. But in this drama, I really enjoy all three pairs. Each pair has a unique story and I root for all of them to live happily ever after. It also helps that we don’t have an evil, jealous secondary female lead who won’t take no for an answer. In a way, this is refreshing and nice.

Production Quality
I think aside from two supporting characters, all actors use their own voices. There’s a mix of live recording and studio recording (and dubbed over). I am a big fan of actors using their own voice, even if some are doing it better than others. “Follow Your Heart” also has good and high quality-looking costumes and hairstyles, sets and accessories. Even though the everyday costumes are simple, they look nicely made and not cheap. There are quite a few weddings in this drama, and I admire all the wedding gowns and beautiful headdresses and fans. The OST was not overplayed with songs that suit the moods of the scenes. There are a few very well-choreographed fight scenes. I actually wish I could see more of them throughout the drama.

What I don’t like or have mixed feelings:

Length/Plot holes/Writing
My biggest criticism of the drama, as mentioned earlier, is the length of the drama. It takes forever for the real villain to be exposed (I did guess it might be that person). 30 episodes are probably enough to tell the whole story. There are a couple plot holes, especially in relation to FL’s secret. She kept that secret for so long, and all of a sudden towards the end, so many people knew about it. No one seems to take it to heart that it is a BIG secret and you might want to gossip with doors closed. ML’s secret, on the other hand, was exposed without much fanfare. How the drama deals with the revelation of both secrets was not written well and very anti-climatic. I was expecting more, especially when the writing was pretty good in the first half. The love triangle at the end started too late. It needed more depth but instead, it’s hard to believe the guy fell in love so quickly and deeply in such a short period of time, and made enormous sacrifices.

FL’s secret
The face change plot takes a backseat in the first quarter of the drama. The secret was introduced but it doesn’t really affect what’s happening that much. I wonder if this disappoints many viewers. Although I appreciate this secret is not exaggerated to be full-on comedy, the writing and the usage of the face change could have been better.

Gu Zi Cheng (as Liu Ruo Qian)
Li Ruo Qian is a very likable character. He’s good-looking, smart, kind, sweet and a crowd pleaser. He’s a total green flag! However, there’s something about Gu Zi Cheng’s acting that doesn’t seem very genuine. When he smiles, that smile doesn’t always reach his eyes. He’s a handsome actor, but his acting does not seem natural. He’s not bad, but compared to solid actors like Luo Yun Xi and Ryang Cheng, he’s not quite up to that standard.

Overall, I had a good time watching this drama. The writing could have been better and tighter, but the overall acting and chemistry of the cast are really good. The veteran actors add a lot of flavor to the story, especially the multifaceted queen (ML’s mother).

Completed: 8/15/2024 - Review #471

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We Are
4 people found this review helpful
Jul 30, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

A Drama with No plot but full of Cheese and Fanservice

Subjective Gut Rating: 7.25

I decided to watch “We Are” because I wanted something simple and light-hearted, a stress reliever. With that in mind, I made the right choice. “We Are” is so easy, and too easy of a watch. It’s a drama full of fluff, cheese and cringe.

Unfortunately, the drama does not hold my attention. “We Are” has no plot whatsoever. The whole drama is about a big group of friends hanging out, pairing up with each romantic partner, professing their love and kissing their loved ones. While I enjoy seeing the tight bond of these friends, especially the 5-some of Peem, Q, Tan, Pun and Chain, I cannot consume 16 hours of just hanging out. The drama is way too long for its lack of content. It ended up not really what I am looking for, but this might just be the right one for you.

The acting of the cast is OK. There really isn’t anyone who stood out as being excellent. The big selling point of this drama is Pond and Phuwin as the two main leads. I enjoy their chemistry and their scenes together. They are obviously comfortable around each other. Pond and his handsome face and loving gazes are what keep me going and not dropping it.

I also feel that the introduction of such a big cast at once causes some confusion. I was trying to figure out the first 5 and then the drama introduced another 6 guys to the mix. Aside from the main romance between Peem and Phum, I really didn’t care for the other pairings. Some characters are more annoying and cringey than others. The drama has many unnaturally long gazes and slow motion shots for every single supposedly romantic gesture or kiss. It’s somewhat trying to manipulate how the audience should feel.

“We Are” is a pure fanservice drama. I don’t think I’ve seen a drama with so many kisses from all romantic pairs, and so many “I love you” spoken. The kisses on the lips are actually not bad, much better than the pecks on the cheeks or forehead (don’t they know you should also extend your lips a little?). I would recommend this drama if you are a fan of the cast.

Completed: 7/29/2024 - Review #468

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 30, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

A Must-Watch for Qin Jun Jie Fans - History with a side of Treasure Hunt & Wu Xia

Subjective Gut Rating: 8.75

There’s so much to unpack in this year’s “Heroes” that I don’t know where to begin. I think to fully enjoy this drama, having a little cultural and historical context during this time would be helpful. Veteran and esteemed reviewer, PeachBlossomGoddess, wrote an excellent review providing some political background info. You should read that as well. I am not a history buff, so I don’t know much. But I know that during the setting of this drama in 1911, it was a time of change and towards the end of the Qing Dynasty. After watching many Republican era dramas of spies, I know that the fight for this change doesn’t end until a lot later. 1911 is only the beginning for the revolution.

This is an interesting time to have a wuxia drama. A drama that brought together three very different individuals with different ideals and backgrounds towards a common quest of treasure. Their approaches are unique to them, and they clash and fight and become frenemies. I’ve enjoyed each of their individual journeys.

There’s so much I want to write in this review and I don’t know how to organize it. Some random categories then.

Qin Jun Jie (Men San Dao) - I have always liked Qin Jun Jie and he has never disappointed me with his acting. He was FANTASTIC in this drama. He plays the main character, Men San Dao, a serious former emperor’s personal guard who was imprisoned for 12 years after the failed attempt of the emperor’s 100 Days’ Reform. For the most part, QJJ plays a very solemn guard. But you can also see the controlled emotions on his face, the softening of his eyes and expressions when he’s facing GeGe (the love of his life) and the slightly mischievous look when he’s with Lucky and Liu Lin. He has great chemistry with Maggie Huang (GeGe) even though they have very few scenes together. I can still feel their attraction and love, even if they never touch one another. The scene when Men San Dao was lost and confused in front of the emperor’s tomb, was heartbreaking and beautifully acted by QJJ and brought tears to my eyes. I can’t see anyone playing this role but QJJ.

Pang Han Chen (Wan Jia Luo) - I don’t recall seeing Pang Han Chen in previous modern dramas but I think he did a great job as Wan Jia Luo, the stubborn, righteous constable who never gives up on chasing and seeking justice. His character might not be the most endearing and is rather frustrating to watch, but PHC portrays the character well. I feel his uptight righteousness, his shyness when he’s with his girl and the frustrations especially in the last couple episodes. He also knows how to make an entrance! I do wish his character would use his heart and his brain a little bit more. His stubbornness costs him a lot, but also saves his life many times.

Liu Yu Ning (Zhuo Bu Fan) - I enjoy his acting here a lot more than in “A Journey to Love”. I do believe LYN’s acting has steadily improved. However, there are too many acting powerhouses in this drama, thus, I think he’s the weakest out of the 3 male leads. He’s such a tall guy, but he doesn’t seem to have good posture. As the #1 Swordsman in the country, he doesn’t exude charisma to live up to this name. However, I am pleasantly surprised that his fight scenes do look pretty good.

Romance - We have three forbidden romances, yet the writing or acting did not fully take advantage of this. It’s unfortunate because they could be so much more memorable. Of the three romances, the one that I actually feel something is between Men San Dao and GeGe. I might be biased because I like Qin Jun Jie, and this pair also has the fewest scenes together. Yet, I can feel their chemistry oozing because of two amazing actors. They don’t have to touch each other for me to root for them. Unfortunately, the other two romances have more screen time, yet are so bland. I am not sure if it’s Liu Yu Ning’s acting but I am not sensing his controlled emotions towards Huo Qin. This pair has no chemistry at all but their story could be the most heartbreaking. Jinna Fu (who plays Huo Qin) looks like an older sister to Liu Yu Ning. LYN is not responding to her affection. Lastly, Chen Si Che’s portrayal of Lin An Jing might be the weakest of the cast. And maybe because of that, I definitely do not feel any chemistry between Lin An Jing and Wang Jia Luo as a couple. I do have to say the last scene of them together was moving (mainly because of Pang Han Chen’s acting) but it was too late for me to like them as a couple.

Action Scenes - First things first, I still think there’s a little too much slow-mo fight scenes. However, compared to other wuxia and xianxia dramas, it’s not that bad. As a wuxia drama, there are quite a few well-choreographed close combat action scenes. The drama also does not shy away from blood, violence and deaths. The several duels between Men San Dao and Zhuo Bu Fan are very satisfying to watch. Both actors, QJJ and Liu Yu Ning, also did a great job and act like they really know how to fight. I do not see any actor who is just swinging the sword like they’re dancing and not fighting.

Lucky + Liu Lin - As individuals, both of them are quite insufferable and annoying at times. However, when they have scenes with Men San Dao, I like them both very much. Lucky just babbles way too much in the beginning and when he’s doing his sales pitch. But when he’s being roped into Men San Dao’s plans and they have scenes together, they have great chemistry and are quite hilarious. Lucky also brings out the mischievous side of Men San Dao that he doesn’t often show. Similarly, Liu Lin’s preaching can get a little much. But I do enjoy her arguments with Men San Dao. They are like siblings bickering with each other, though I think Liu Lin might actually like Men San Dao. Men San Dao probably just treats her as a little sister. But no doubt they both admire each other’s strengths and dedication.

Smart and Strong characters - It’s so nice to watch a drama with intelligent characters trying to outsmart each other. Everyone is trying to figure out the next person’s moves. We have smart villains and smart protagonists. Women play a pivotal part in this drama as well, and none of them is a damsel in distress. They hold their own - emotionally, intelligently and physically.

Acting/Voice - “Heroes” has a very strong cast, especially the supporting cast which features many veteran actors. I might have picked on a couple of them, but overall, the acting is excellent. It also has a wonderful cast of guest roles. I was immediately impressed with Yin Zheng’s very short scene as the Emperor Guang Xu. He only showed up in Ep 1 but his voice and his acting leave a very lasting impression. I was also very glad that actors are using their own voices. I also really enjoy the actors using different accents and dialects when they are at different cities/regions. For a drama with such historical context and so many important conversations, hearing the actors' own voices really highlight the acting and give watchers a different form of viewing pleasure.

Opening themes - I noticed there are few opening themes for this drama. The main one includes real historic footage during that time, mixed with drama footage in the same old-style cinematic color tone. Then there are two that have monologues from Men San Dao and Zhu Fu Fan, speaking of their experience, beliefs and regrets. There’s another romantic cheesy one featuring the supposedly romantic pairs and a few supporting cast. This one is weird but funny! I am one that fast-forward all opening and closing credits, but when I see the cheesy one with floating roses, I had to pause, rewind, and make sure I did not miss it.

Flashbacks - The drama uses several flashbacks to tell us the background history of our characters. They are not long and they don’t keep on repeating to annoy you. The one I like the most is the montage in the earlier episodes detailing the romantic history of Men San Dao, GeGe and Zhong Hai Chao. It was so well-done that it broke my heart.

Subtle moments - This is quite a serious drama but then once in a while, it will drop a scene that gives me a chuckle. It could be Men San Dao holding a black vase that can break up a marriage, or the three leads playing cards while killing time. On the other hand, scenes like tightly grasping a sword, or nonchalantly wrapping a necklace/bracelet around the wrist could mean something but not openly verbalized. Or the first real conversation between GeGe and Liu Lin is full of subtle flaunting of who is more closely associated with Men San Dao. This type of jealousy is shown through witty conversations and not petty behaviors. Many of these scenes you have to pay attention to because they come and go in a flash.

I strongly recommend this drama if you are interested in history with a side of wuxia and treasure hunt. The pacing is good and there’s a lot going on to keep you interested and invested. Pay close attention to the well-written conversations and the subtle moments to fully enjoy it. There’s romance, but not central to the plot and not really done well.

Completed: 6/29/2024 - Review #454

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Boys Be Brave!
4 people found this review helpful
May 22, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Not a romantic comedy but has its cute and comedic moments

Subjective Gut Rating: 7.75

Even though “Boys Be Brave!” has a comedy tag, I would not classify this drama as a romantic comedy. There are supposedly comedic moments, but they are not my favorite moments. Instead, there are other deeper meanings regarding each character and their past. This drama is more than a crush moving into your house, and you can’t hide your feelings anymore.

Although I enjoy the general plot and a more mature tone, I think the acting and writing could be better. None of the characters are perfect and are actually flawed, and I like that. However, I also do not see why anyone would like Jin Woo. I personally do not like his personality and the actor’s portrayal of him. Kim Sung Hyun’s acting is the weakest of the four guys and he also has the worst styling (aside from Ki Sub’s hair extensions). I admit, I don’t find the actor attractive. Jung Ki Sub is supposedly the handsome one. He’s not bad looking, but his character is introduced as such a scatterbrain that he’s not attractive either. However, I can see how opposites attract.

On the other hand, I am far more interested in secondary romance. I wish the drama has spent a little more time on their story and a little less time on how ditzy Ki Sub is. We barely hit the surface of their romance with a couple dates yet they have much better chemistry than the main leads. I am not sure if it’s the translation, but I sure wish being a ‘better’ person is much more than being rich. I also think this pair is better looking. LOL

“Boys Be Brave!” is an easy and short watch with a predictable story, if you are looking for something not too fluffy but have cute moments. I like the songs and for a lower budget production, I don’t see any much product placement. I watch this on Viki and I am not sure why it’s rated R. Aside from a few kisses and maybe a more mature plot, this is not one to watch for sexy scenes.

Completed: 5/21/2024 - Review #442

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Memory in the Letter
4 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Cute...Interesting....Weird... and Creepy

What attracted me to watch “Memory in the Letter” is the interesting plot. What’s going to happen when you move into a new apartment and find someone living inside the mirror in your room? What’s even more weird is that a novel is detailing your experience with the guy in the mirror and you have no idea how that happens and who the author is.

The two leads, Parky and Beck, are pretty new to dramaland. I think their acting is decent for newbies. This is Parky’s first ever acting gig, and he’s done a lot better than others. Beck is adorable and is able to shoulder his first drama as a main lead pretty well. Can Atirut is quite a handsome guy, but he seems to always have a fake smile on his face with too much makeup.

There’s enough story to make this short drama into a full length one. Because there are only 6 short episodes, everything happens very quickly. In the first episode, not only have the leads met but they also fell in love right away. The first four episodes show us the quick romantic development, and they are really a cute and adorable pair. When a handsome stranger approaches you at a coffee shop and is super kind and helpful, one starts to wonder what his motive is. The mystery of the novel is interesting and is solved rather quickly.

Episode 5 tells us Songjam’s side of the story. Even though it’s important to learn of his experience, I miss Aksorn here. I think the best part of this drama is when Aksorn and Songjam are together and doing little romantic things. With Aksorn’s absence, I lost a little interest.

Spoiler……Episode 6
This is when the creepy part comes in. It’s an interesting twist that we finally find out the identity of this mysterious kind stranger. But if I do the math right, he’s at least 40-45 years older than Aksorn. I cannot for the life of me see him acting all smitten and lovey dovey with Aksorn. This age gap is quite hard to accept when he’s the one who helps bring Aksorn into this world, literally. The romantic feelings I have in the first 4 episodes are all gone. What’s left is a creepy old guy (who looks the same for the past 20 years with a fake smile) trying to rekindle old flames and flirt/court a 20 year old.

I am not sure if the drama follows the web novel well and if it also feels creepy in the end. It’s unfortunate as I really enjoyed the first four episodes despite everything happening at lightning speed. But this is a low budget Thai drama, so I am willing to overlook that because Songjam and Aksorn are adorable with good chemistry, and it has a couple nice songs. With that positive note, I am not rate this lower than 7.5.

Completed: 5/21/2024 - Review #441

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Goodbye My Princess: Director's Cut
4 people found this review helpful
May 20, 2024
55 of 55 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

More Political than I anticipated - It's tough be be born into the royal family

I have resisted watching “Goodbye My Princess” for the longest time because I’ve heard how sad and angsty it is. Due to a watch challenge, I am finally watching this classic. I have previously watched clips of the drama and have definitely adjusted my expectations. I believe due to a combination of a few factors: 1) I watch this in 2024 and not 2019, 2) I’ve adjusted my expectations, 3) I’ve seen clips of the drama, 4) I am somewhat of a C-drama veteran, “Goodbye My Princess” did not hit me hard emotionally. I was moved at certain points of the drama, mainly due to the passing of a supporting character and not due to our leads’ story. Nevertheless, I had an enjoyable time.

Main Romance:
My main criticism of this supposedly heartbreaking romance is the lack of screen time of Li Cheng Yin (ML) and Xiao Feng (FL) together in the long middle part of the drama. The palace politics took up a very large portion of the plot, and the lack of happy and fun times did not give me a solid foundation of the continuation of their romance. Without the contrast of super happy times, the sad times just didn’t give me a big gut punch, one that I was expecting and have heard so much about. The beginning of their romance is lovely though. ML and FL look so innocent and happy together. They really do have great chemistry.

Other Romances:
No one is happy in the romance department. This drama is full of one-sided loves that really do break your heart. I almost had second lead syndrome. But I think a big part is because Shawn Wei plays such a beautiful/handsome Gu Jian. Gu Jian as a character is quite common in the C-drama 2ML world, but Shawn has such expressive eyes. One look and he conveys the unspoken and subtle emotions so well. I was quite attracted to his role as Gu Jian, well, up to the part where he started to lie to FL again. Zhao Se Se is another pitiful character. Her love for ML saddens me but I’m glad she’s not the typical evil 2FL. For the most part, her actions stem from her love for ML and jealousy towards FL.

Before I watched the drama, I was under the impression that romance is the main plot. After the initial 10 or so episodes, the drama took us to the capital, and I realized I was wrong. The central plot is about palace politics - fighting for the crown/power, harem cat fights, wars/battles, government officials scheming and plotting against each other. Romance is actually a subplot. It’s my fault that I was expecting something different.

Great acting all around. I’m quite impressed with Peng Xiao Ran and Chen Xing Xu. This is their first drama as the main leads and they did a great job. PXR is especially great as the innocent but not naive, happy-go-lucky princess. Her emotional and crying scenes do break my heart. She is such a beautiful actress. CXX did pretty well too but might have overact just a little in the earlier episodes. I’ve already praised Shawn Wei’s emotive eyes. This drama has a solid young supporting cast and a very impressive veteran cast.

I love all the costumes in this drama. All the women look beautiful with elaborate and layered, good quality-looking costumes and hair accessories. Actually, some of the costumes seem quite sexy and revealing for a historical drama. The men look handsome and dashing. There’s a white outfit that Gu Jian wore that I really like. It was layered and fashionable for a costume drama martial artist. The different sets look nice with beautiful cinematography in the desert. I would have liked to see the use of natural lighting in some of the indoor scenes and not big bright lights. There are a couple OK fight scenes, but for the most part, they are not very good. The songs from the OST sound fine to me, but nothing stands out and I like enough to add to my Spotify playlist.

Overall, I had a great time watching this. If you are a veteran C-historical drama watcher, you might not find this as heartbreaking. I think I was hurt more badly when watching “One and Only”. This is a beautiful drama with interesting leads and supporting characters. This version has 55 episodes and it doesn’t feel too long and draggy.

Other Random Observations:
1. I do not like the dubbed voices for Xiao Feng and A Du at all. I find Xiao Feng’s innocent and happy-go-lucky voice a little annoying. A Du’s voice sounds too young and naive when she’s such a tough character.
2. Peng Xiao Ran is BEAUTIFUL!!!
3. I like Chen Xing Xu with his hair down as Gu Xiao Wu more than his look as the prince.
4. I don’t hate Li Cheng Yin (ML) at all. I found his actions understandable given his identity and what he has to do. I pity him.
5. Thank goodness for no annoying character.

Completed: 5/20/2024 - Review #440

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Sword and Fairy 4
4 people found this review helpful
Mar 9, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

An Average drama with a focus on Friendship, Adventure and Growth (not romance).

Heard some good things about this Sword and Fairy 4, compared to the Xu Kai version. This drama has a strong focus on different types of relationships through the adventures of the leads. I think this is a pretty decent drama with average acting, average production value and average quality. Nothing stands out that I love big time, nor anything that annoys the heck out of me.

The friendship and strong bond between the 4 main characters, Yun Tian He (ML), Han Ling Sha (FL), Murong Zi Ying (2ML) and Liu Meng Li (2FL) is the focus and the strength of the drama. It’s lovely to watch a period drama where these friends genuinely care and like each other from beginning to the end. It’s a relief to see no backstabbing 2FL or psychotic 2ML. The characters are very likable and they support and trust each other. Aside from the main four, I really enjoy the friendship between Yuan Tian He and Xuan Xiao. It’s a complicated friendship/brotherhood, but is also very interesting. I always look forward to their scenes together. I also want more scenes between adult ML and his father, played by the handsome and sexy Baron Chen.

A very simple plot for a xianxia drama and not too complicated to follow. The drama is well-paced, but also feels like there are certain storylines could have been explored more. You always have the supposedly good sect versus the supposedly bad sect. If you watch enough xianxias, you know the good people are always the bad ones.

If you are not a big fan of romance but a big fan of adventure and friendship, then this is the perfect drama for you. The romance storylines are kept to a minimum. In fact, I am quite dissatisfied. I enjoy the banter and fun relationship between ML and FL in the early episodes. I like how it’s not love-at-first sight, but a slow growing affection for each other and a realization of feelings. However, there aren’t that many romantic, emotional, and heartfelt moments between the leads. They do get hurt and try to save each other MANY times throughout the drama. But I miss some of the more quiet and deep moments. Instead, it seems like FL and 2ML actually have more one-to-one heartfelt conversations. The chemistry is OK and the leads look good together. I also wanted more flashbacks of the romance between ML’s parents and Xuan Xiao.

Overall the acting of the four main leads are OK. I thought I might get more annoyed by Ju Jing Yi but she ended up being fine. I haven’t seen Mao Zi Jun in a while and I miss him. However, his acting isn’t as good as I remember him in “Killer and Healer” or “Marvelous Women”. Chen Zhe Yuan with the main role meets my expectations. He reminded me a little of his character in “Handsome Siblings” but in this drama, he definitely did better with the more emotional scenes. Mao Xiao Hui did fine as well as the 2FL. My favorite character is Wang Duo’s double role as Xuan Xiao/Xuan Ying. I love gray characters and playing two characters allows him to flex his acting chops. I remember really liking him in “Bloody Romance” where he played another gray character. I love his styling in the later episodes. But honestly, the scene stealer is the veteran actress Wang Yuan Ke as the leader of the Sect.

Production Value
If I have to say one thing I really dislike about this drama, is the dubbing. All of the actors' voices are dubbed and they pick the most annoying voices for the two female leads. The guy who dubbed Xuan Xiao always seems to be whispering instead of speaking at a normal volume. The dubbing is very disappointing to me. The CGI of the fight scenes and the monsters are OK. They are not horrible and not bad. The fight choreography is not praise-worthy. In fact, I find the fight scenes quite flimsy as if the actors are not using much strength when fighting and just mindlessly swing their swords. Costumes, hair, makeup, sets and props are of inconsistent quality. Some beautiful and nice-looking ones and then a few episodes later, they look like cheap quality.

If you read my review all the way to this part, you will not be surprised to see that I am summing this up as… a very average and OK drama. I would not recommend this if you are looking for romance (cute, fluffy, or angst). But if you want a simple adventure with a group of great friends and likable characters, then this can be an easy watch. Even the ‘evil’ characters are not that bad. However, if you have limited time, then this is not a xianxia I would waste my time on.

Completed: 3/8/2024 - Review #414

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Amidst a Snowstorm of Love
4 people found this review helpful
Mar 4, 2024
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

A Sweet & Fluffy Romance but Not a good Sports Romance Drama

Subjective Gut Rating - 8.25

If you want a fluffy romance, then you are at the right place. The romance between Lin Yi Yang (ML) and Yin Guo (FL) is the central plot, and everything else is to support their romance. They have excellent chemistry together. If you are looking for a sports drama, you will be bored in the ⅔ of the drama, but a little more delighted in the last third.

Main Romance
I am personally not a big fan of love-at-first sight, and it’s even harder to believe it happens to Lin Yi Yang, a guy who is too busy to think about love. But nevertheless, it happens to him in the most unrealistic way, and the rest is history. ML is the perfect boyfriend - smart, caring, considerate, loyal, only has eyes for FL and ignore all suitors, and most importantly, loving through actions and not sweet-talking. Luckily(?), he’s not as perfect as the ML in “Love Me, Love My Voice” (LMLMV). He actually has a personality and flaws, which makes the romance a little more interesting. There are plenty of loving and longing gazes, and Leo Wu can melt anyone with his eyes. The romance is cute and fluffy, and really does make me smile. However, after about 15 episodes of nothing but sweet romance, I got a little bored. There are a few episodes that were soooo slow and draggy that I wish FL would just go back to China already. They really only knew each other for a very short period of time, and they fell fast and hard. A week of dating and you’re already telling each other how much money/assets you own? There are quite a few of OK kisses, definitely not as extended or passionate as in LMLMV, which is a little disappointing. What’s more disappointing is FL constantly blocking ML’s kisses and rejecting him. Some say ML is a little horny. But I’d say you have limited time together and you see each other once a week, of course he wants to kiss and hold his girlfriend as often as possible before they are separated. The constant rejection becomes rather annoying and repetitive. I’d rather FL kisses back shyly than turning her head away. Having said that, this is a lovely romance from start to finish. They met as shy young adults, and grow to support each other unconditionally. I love how FL expresses to ML that she would be behind him 100% and be his safety net.

Other Romance
Well, basically non-existent. There’s plenty of time to shower us with more scenes of the smoking hot Wang Xing Yue/Meng Xiao Dong and his romance with Lin Lin. They obviously had a very interesting past and I’d like to see a more smitten Meng Xiao Dong. I want to see how they could break up 3 times, yet still are very attracted to each other. What a lost opportunity! If the drama has spent less time in the first half of the drama on a super slow-paced romance, there will be time left in the second half for this romance, and other more interesting plot.

Watching this drama reminded me of watching my dad play snooker at the snooker hall when I was little. And this is one of the reasons I want to watch this drama. Rarely do we see this profession being spotlighted in a drama, let alone an idol drama. I enjoyed all the competitions and friendly battles. The drama does not really describe the sport, so if you know nothing about snooker/billiard, you might be bored. There’s a lot of strategies involved in the sport, but this drama is not trying to educate the public. The camaraderie of the players reminded me also of e-sports. You can be friends off the court, but respectful competitors on the court. In the end, China just can’t shy away from this national pride, and the writers have to insert international competitions into this drama. I actually would have liked to see how Lin Yi Yang transforms and modernizes the club. I want to see the process and the result of his new ideas, but that plot is short-changed.

Before I watched this drama, I read that viewers dislike ML moving back to China for FL and giving up his original plan. I disagree with that. ML did not give up his dreams. Instead, FL is the catalyst and the push that he needed to really pursue his dreams. He longs to go back to China and correct what he’s done. He longs to go back home. He wants to see his Teacher again. Meeting FL and seeing how passionate she is about the world he left behind, is the best thing that could have happened to him. The second half of the drama focuses on ML’s journey home and to reconnect with those that he left behind. It was really touching when ML and his teacher reconnected.

There aren’t enough scenes of the 3 brothers in this drama. As much as I love romance, I really wish there’s more time spent on the past and present friends/brothers/frenemies between Lin Yi Yang, Meng Xiao Dong and Jiang Yang. The three men have so much chemistry together and are so fun to watch their sarcastic comments to each other. I also wanted to know how ML lived his life from when he retired from age 16 to 27.

Acting/Supporting Cast
I enjoy everyone’s acting, especially our leads, Leo Wu and Zhao Jin Mai. Leo can play a lovesick puppy so well. I don’t think anyone can be immune to his gazes to FL. He has some very emotional scenes when he speaks with his eyes, as Lin Y Yang is a man of few words. Leo did a pretty good job. Zhao Jin Mai/Yin Guo appeared quite mature when she was first introduced. But as she started dating, her youth shows and she acts a lot younger than ML. However, once she’s in competition-mode, you can see the calm maturity and fierceness in Zhao Jin Mai’s eyes. The rest of the younger cast did a fairly good job. Of course, the veterans are great, e.g. FL’s mother and ML’s teacher. There aren't any annoying characters in this drama. Instead, we have loving families and supportive team members and competitors.

I recommend this drama if you are looking for a cute and fluffy romance. Mind you, there are times when the plot is a little slow in the first half but if you just want romance, then this is good. However, if you are looking for a well-balanced sports romance, then this is not a great one. Too much focus is spent on romance and not enough on the competition or other interesting sports plot. Nevertheless, I had an enjoyable time watching this.

Other Random Observations:
1. I know all eyes should be on Leo Wu, but Wang Xing Yue is so smoking hot in suits.
2. People in Finland only speak English and Chinese? I don’t think I hear any Finnish at all.
3. I like a FL who is just as amazing professionally as the male characters. FL looks so cool.
4. Pestering a player about his love life and forcing him to confess his love during an international tournament is so UNPROFESSIONAL!!!
5. How can a player who just had surgery be selected to the national team???

Completed: 3/3/2024 - Review #413

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Watashi ga Himo wo Kau Nante
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 18, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

Not as bad as the rating but also Not a masterpiece. It's OK.

Subjective Gut Rating: 7.75 ( a little bump to up the rating)

The English title, “Hide from the Rain” sounds so much more romantic than the other title “I Keep a Gigolo”. Yet according to Google translate, the translation of the official Japanese title “Watashi ga Himo wo Kau Nante” is “I Can’t Believe I Paid for It’. Three different titles and meanings, yet they all describe what this drama is about.

As a romance-at-heart, of course I like “Hide from the Rain” more. It gives us the background story of our female lead, a smooth transition of Soichi (ML) into her heart & life, and strength to move past a traumatic event. Rainy days no longer sadden her, as her memories were replaced by more pleasant ones.

It is not wrong that the other title talks about a gigolo. After all, ML is one and you will find out about it in the first episode (so, technically not a spoiler). However, I might think of him more of a sugar baby instead of a gigolo.

Throughout the drama, Soichi (ML) gives off a very mysterious and weirdly uneasy vibe. He's definitely not a very likable ML.
As viewers, you knew from the beginning he’s not what he appears to be, yet you don’t find out his secrets until about ep 7. I wasn’t expecting the secret to be like that, as it sort of came out of nowhere. I won’t say the execution is done very well, but it’s definitely quite surprising.

The acting is decent all around. I’m glad Sumire (FL) is not the typical naive and super shy girl. Yuri is pretty and elegant, but her philosophy of lingerie went over my head (let’s just say I don’t think too deeply about the meaning but I’m sure others are touched by what she had to say). Morio is usual friendzoned best friend, no surprise there. I’m surprised to see Izuka Kenta in a supporting role as Ryo. But why does he look older and older each time I see him these days. None of the characters annoy me, yet I also don’t love any of them either (including the leads).

Even though this is not a masterpiece, it definitely doesn’t warrant a low rating of 6.7. Maybe the drama is not cute or fluffy enough? Or maybe it’s not mature and angsty enough? Or the leads are not likable enough? I am not sure but I would rate this 7.0-8.0 (finalizing at 8 to increase the rating a little). It’s short and easy enough to binge.

Other Random Observations:
1. Kotatsu is such a cute robot! I thought we would see more of its function but am disappointed.
2. FL's fashion changes for the better throughout the show. Though not my taste, but I enjoy seeing the different styles, cuts, designs and combination.
3. Triendl Reina is so pretty!
4. Three cameos/guest stars that don't really add anything to the drama.

Completed: 2/17/2024 - Review #404

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Let’s Talk about Chu
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Let's talk about Sex with a lot of Sex, Heart and Chemistry.

Subjective Enjoyment Rating: 8.5

This is one of the rare dramas that I think the English title better describes the drama than the original one, at least for the international audience. “Let’s Talk About Chu” focuses on the relationships and sexual experiences of each member of the Chu family. The Chinese title (愛愛內含光) is the name of the Vlog channel of Chu Ai, and focuses on sex education and her ideals on sexual relationships. The title originates from one of the verses of a poem 「曖曖內含光」meaning those with talents and positive traits shine from within (a very loose translation). How do we look past the appearance to find that special person who is right for us?

I had a very enjoyable time watching this short drama. A lot is being covered and was done at a very fast pace. I guess one of its shortcomings is the inability to really delve into the complicated relationships and spend time exploring the backstory of each character. This is also to be expected when we only have 8 short episodes.

At first, I thought this drama is similar to the K-drama “Hit The Spot” as it also has a podcast focused on sex. “Hit the Spot” actually focuses more on the podcast than this drama’s vlog. The vlog also comes at the end of the epilogue of each episode. I watched a few of them and got bored of it. The vlogs were not done in a humorous way and I found them dry and preachy.

Luckily, the actual drama is full of love, laughter and emotional moments. The acting is great and all the characters have excellent chemistry. Ok, maybe the actual acting of the sex act could be better, but that’s totally fine as they’re not porn stars. LOL. Yes, there are many sex scenes, though nothing with full-on nudity. These scenes help tell the story and I don’t find them arbitrary or unnecessary. I like that women in this show are not afraid to talk about what they want in their sex lives. They get frustrated and are not afraid to accept the fact that they’re not happy. The drama also touched on how a past trauma can affect your view of relationships and sex.

Though I am not fully invested in all the storylines, I like most of them.

* Chu Ai and Chou Ping Ke - I enjoyed their story in the beginning. I found Kai Ko (who played Ping Ke) super adorable and hot. How come I don’t remember him being so cute in “Till We Meet Again”? I must have got distracted by the pink hair. However, Chu Ai and Ping Ke’s romance lost steam towards the second half. I think Ping Ke is way too good for Chu Ai. He should have let her grovel a little more.
* Chu Yu Sen and Lee Yueh - They are my favorite! They are such an odd pair, yet they complement each other in a way. Their story is interesting and unexpected and also with a lot of heart. I love the last intimate scene. It’s making love instead of having sex.
* Chu Wei and Lin Shi Chieh - A very realistic story about married life when the initial sparks are gone. How do you keep the romance going and keep working at it?
* Mom and Dad - Not my favorite story not because they’re older, but because it’s boring.
I love that mom is watching BL on GagaooLala but Dad has no personality. I wasn't curious enough to find out if Dad has an affair or not.

Overall, this is a quick and easy watch. It doesn’t have too much time to tell a very deep story. But it touched on issues in various stages/types of relationships.

Completed: 2/4/2024 - Review #400

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Autumn's Concerto
4 people found this review helpful
Jan 26, 2024
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

It's all about Lies, Lies and More Lies!!!!

Watching this Taiwanese classic in 2024 is definitely interesting and my expectations are high (maybe too high). I can look past the fashion and ML’s ugly hairstyle, but “Autumn Concerto” has so many different tropes and illogical things. I also feel that I need to stop my critical thinking and enjoy the ride on a more emotional level. That way, the drama is more enjoyable.

I love the mature Aidy An in “Legend of Dugu”. She’s the best part of that show. But a younger Aidy An is somewhat annoying in this drama. Her acting is not quite there yet and gave me this bland expression. But I think what’s worse is I don’t like her character, Mu Cheng. She is definitely pretty in this drama, but Mu Cheng keeps a secret for way too long. She should and could have spoken up many times in various situations, instead of acting like a victim. I also do not like her voice, which is supposed to be gentle and soothing. I just find it annoying, unfortunately.

Despite not liking Mu Cheng as a girlfriend, I like her as a mother. Her relationship with her son Xiao Le is the highlight of the show. This little kid is adorable but I don’t think there’s any other 5-year old who speaks like him out there. I am going to look past that and just enjoy how kind-hearted, sweet, adorable and smart he is. Xiao Le’s interaction with every single adult brings me so much joy. Yes, even the little kid bully.

Vanness Wu is another draw to watch this drama. But I find his acting very inconsistent. There are scenes I think he did fine and was natural, but not when it comes to more emotional (angry or sad) scenes. I really feel for his character. Poor Guang Xi suffered so much and is being lied to by everyone. I was rooting for him and actually wanted him to not end up with FL. I think he deserves better.

When it comes to acting, Chris Wu is the best out of the main characters, only second to ML’s mother. I cannot believe “Autumn’s Concerto” is his very first drama (He did have a few movies under his belt). But compared to Aidy An and Vanness Wu, he’s the less experienced one but I love his acting the most. If it’s in any other drama, his character would be the male lead. His confession to Mu cheng is so touching and sincere. I want to marry him! Chris Wu is the best part of the show and he doesn’t seem to have aged.

The pacing of the drama is a little uneven as well. I found the first arc when they were all in college went by pretty fast. A lot of things happened but each mini subplot or misunderstanding is resolved rather quickly. But once we switch to the present-day timeline, the pace slows down. They spend a lot of time in the village with those loud villagers. I am not surprised they are loud but at least they’re not too nosy. Towards the end of the drama, the pace picked back up a little with the court cases. But also felt that the editing and storytelling are choppy. I also think that the drama waited too long for the shit to hit the fan (the big secret to out).

For a melodrama with a focus on romance, it’s really hard for me to enjoy when 1) I don’t like the female lead, 2) I don’t think the leads should end up together, 3) I think the secondary leads should just go and date each other and forget about the leads who don’t deserve them. For a romance-lover like me, if I am not rooting for the leads to be together, there’s no way I would end up enjoying the drama. I also need to shut down my brain because there are too many ridiculous things that happened. I don’t want to list them all as they could be spoilers.

But luckily, we have an adorable kid, a handsome Chris Wu, nice secondary leads who are not evil and Vanness Wu showing off his abs. This is enough to keep this at an 8.0 for me. Even though I like the songs, they are WAY overplayed. I wonder if I would have loved “Autumn’s Concerto” more if I were watching this in 2008 and not in 2024.

Completed: 1/25/2024 - Review #398

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