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Kono Koi Atatamemasu ka japanese drama review
Kono Koi Atatamemasu ka
0 people found this review helpful
by vivi_1485
Jul 18, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Warm, Holiday Feels - Least Weird J-Drama I've Watched

This was a surprisingly sweet, warm, comfortable, holidayish watch. It didn't feel like a jdrama - the characters didn't act like they were animated or had just jumped out of an anime. There were no "WTH DID I JUST WATCH?!" moments, though I kinda hate the way jdramas allow SMLs to make non-consensual moves on the FLs.

FL: Mori Nana reminded me of Park Bo Young's Do Bong Soon. A cutie who has been dealt an unfair hand in life, but with determination, seeks to find another passion.

ML: I loved the way this guy was written. I went in expecting another arrogant, emotionally stunted tsundere CEO, but he surprised me. This guy is sweet, listens well, can humble himself, and wears his goofy side on his sleeve.

Both leads had excellent comedic timing, and contrary to many commenters here, I thought they had chemistry from beginning to end. It was plain as day for anyone to see that they liked each other, but they took a long time to recognize it. I loved their back-and-forth banter, and the way they had the same dream and different skills to accomplish it.

Another thing that can act as both a pro and a con is that there are no bad characters. SFL and SML are both extremely nice people, with their own flaws, but sometimes so nice it was difficult to watch their hearts break.
The supporting cast was lovely, and it was so nice to watch the convenience store group be each others' best buddies. On a whole, i think this will be one of my holiday picks when that time of year comes around :)

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