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Theory of Love thai drama review
Theory of Love
2 people found this review helpful
by zeesqueere
Sep 20, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 2.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Painfully Bad

How is this show so well-rated and beloved?

I've seen other shows with Off and Gun paired together, so I know I can't blame their lack of chemistry on the actors... but damn if their characters Khai and Third have literally nothing going for them. You can't even blame the ratings on it being a steamy show because there are only a few kisses between the leads and they're all awkward as hell. Honestly, you know it's bad when the only pairing with any on-screen chemistry is the 'teacher emotionally cheats on fiancé with student' one.

The plot is ridiculously slow and Gun's narration constantly lampshading the fact Third is stupid for liking Khai doesn't help; if anything, it only makes the watching experience more frustrating because it destroys what little audience buy-in there was to begin with! Why should I care to see Third get treated like shit for 11 episodes of a 12 episode show? Gun's definitely a beautiful crier, but I still got bored of his constant tears by episode 2.

Meanwhile, Off's performance is, dare I say, off-putting. His coming out scene is so wooden and flat that I had to walk away. As a bisexual who didn't come into my identity until I was well into uni myself, I was hoping for more: more enthusiasm, more confusion, more distress or relief or incredulity. More anything. And it never got better. There was no sense of physical attraction between Khai and Third at any point in the entire show. A more generous read would be that Khai is a homoromantic heterosexual, but the stupid boner jokes undercut any credibility there. Instead, we're merely told that Khai thinks Third is attractive rather than that ever being shown.

Final verdict: 2/10 stars, direct to video.
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