The drama tells the story of a working youth Wang Wei An who becomes a second generation chaebol overnight, and Yang Hai Yi, the daughter of a rich family that went bankrupt and she becomes an ordinary girl. Both of them bicker a lot but end up falling in love. In the midst of crisis, they overcome problems and find their true selves, love, family and friendship in the process.
Singer Hyeon Seok develops problems with his hearing (Menieres syndrome) and has to stop his recordings. He notices a picture of Hokkaido in a magazine and decides to travel there. He eventually arrives in a a small village in Hokkaido for rest. While there, he reminisces about the old days. The owner of the inn offers him a Japanese meal. There he meets a bright cheerful girl named Megumi.
Love comes in all flavors. Secret Ingredient is the story of a Korean man who gives up his entire luxurious life in Seoul in search of his childhood girlfriend, someone he’s never forgotten all these years, in the hopes that she would fall in love with him, not for who they were back then or who they are now, but for what they can aspire to be: happy, fulfilled and blissfully in love with one another.