Monday Night
14 people found this review helpful
Aug 14, 2017
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 10
Really good show!! got me to stay up the entire night to watch it! really nice!!! but you should watch left ear (another chinese drama) first
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Dana Sh
4 people found this review helpful
Oct 15, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


The Last two episode cleared doubt and regret, towards DUAN BO WEN.

A Touching-Realistic story I guess...

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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
The female lead is what truly kept me going to finish this drama. As the drama neared the end it felt like it was rushed and there wasn't any details near the end. this is hard to explain with out giving any spoilers, but I wish that there was a least a show of how the FL developed throughout college. The side story of the supporting female felt as if it was just that a side plot, i felt like they showed more of her plot rather than the main. I hear this drama is based on a book, so maybe it's one of those situations where live action doesn't portray the book or story well. Overall this was a good drama and I would recommend.

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1 people found this review helpful
May 1, 2024
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers


I have watched many of the movies Chen plays in and I will say, this one I was upset with thru most of the episodes. And if this had of been the first. "Chen " drama film I had seen. I most likely wouldn't of watched anymore of anything he was in. It may of been better for me if the ending wasn't so cut short . And allowed them really to make it up to her.
Bowen was to heartless towards a childhood friend, that was pretty much his family. It was okay to be helpful. But why was it so okay to see the hurt in (Chizi) face every day like that, just to be on call 24hrs a day to an outside girl (Yu) Who clearly was using anything in any way that she could to cause such . Even after awhile it wasn't even about getting info on Ms Li anymore. Clearly Yu had turned it into something personal as to where she just wanted to be able to call Bowen and keep him away from Chizi whenever she wanted to do so and Bowen would go running. And he know it wasnt right, because he would even lie or not answer when Chizi would ask him about such , why is it that she (Yu) couldn't tell Chizi her secret? even if Chizi couldn't share his secret? Chizi was a good friend to them both, and they both took her through ALOT of useless pain and not even give her some type understanding !!! and yet she still remained such a good friend for Chizi (even tho she tried to distance herslf) and when she did speak out or act out Chizi whom was supposed to be like a brother to her made sure she to kick her for it while continuing to allow Yu to cause pain with her antics as well, Yea this is the most upsetting film I have seen of " Chen" films. Honestly, I fast forward thru alot of the episodes, because I didn't want to see how they were continuing to cause Chizi all that pain, for no real good reasons at all. Tho I did want to see Chizi get to be alright at some point, and how she got to be okay, is why I skip thru and just get to the end. And then to go thru all of that and pretty much get to the end and make it better with a kiss....smdh

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Yukjei Chong
1 people found this review helpful
May 30, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 2.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers


All about secrets is a romance, youth drama which is directed by Rao Xue Man. It is set in a Chinese secondary school and stars Zheyuan and Landy li.
Duan Bowen is a very handsome boy who is also a great basketball player. Although he has everything in his life, he faces a lot of family problems with his parents especially his father and his stepmother ( his real mother died when he was young). Yu Chizi a girly and cute girl and her best friend Si Jiali are trying their best to help Bowen. In the last episodes Si Jiali and Bowen are together in relationship and Yu Chizi alone with a man who works in a small shop with magazines. To conclude, in this story everyone has a secret about their life so the drama is titled "All about secrets".
All about secret shows everthing that can occur in our lives. The plot has unexpected twists and is interesting with funny and touching moments. The cast is great and play their rolls in an excellent way and the directing is really good and pretty real. Moreover, because I am so honest, I have to say the true. I disliked the music. The soundtrack didn't much with the scenes that much.
This drama is ok but definitely not my cup of tea. Although I was entertained and stood out all the night to watch it, I found it a little bit boring. I wasn't pretty sure that I liked that much and the end of the series was so and so. But it is a must-see!

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Dropped 15/24
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 19, 2024
15 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Had potential but dragged too long

When I started this, I was really enjoying it. It felt like a fresh coming of age story, and I enjoyed the plot of these teenagers coming to understand their feelings.

Once you get halfway through, the story feels disjointed. Scenes happen with no greater narrative arc. FL is mad at ML, then they hang out, then she's mad, then they're laughing, then they're arguing. It didn't really seem to be going anywhere other than dragging out the resolution. So I dropped it. I think the first 12 episodes are worth a watch though.
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3 people found this review helpful
Jul 29, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Un de ces school dramas qui vous touche en plein coeur!

Un de ces school dramas qui vous touche en plein coeur!
Le synopsis est plutôt simple : Chi Zi et Bo Wen sont amis depuis presque toujours. Bo Wen est un étudiant populaire qui cache aux yeux des autres ses problèmes familiaux. Seule, son amie d'enfance Chi Zi est au fait de ces secrets. Sa propre famille y étant étroitement mêlée à ces histoires de famille. Jia Li, une des meilleures amies de Chi Zi, espère apporter son soutien à Bo Wen, se rapprochant petit à petit de de ce dernier. Quiproquo et malentendu se tissent alors lentement entre Chi Zi, amèrement jalouse de cette promiscuité, et Bo Wen.
Une très bonne surprise, malgré un scénario simple et qui sent le déjà-vu, un drama qui m'aura pourtant gardé éveillé pendant 2 bonnes nuits. Je ne mentirais pas, j'ai une préférence pour les schools dramas, qui plus est si ce sont des "childhood sweetheart". Syndrome d'Adachi, je suppose.
Je pensais avoir affaire à un simple school drama, rapidement je me suis aperçue que celui-là était un peu différent de ce que j'avais déjà pu voir.
Yu Chi Zi est attachante autant de par ses qualités que par ses défauts. Sa joie de vivre, sa gentillesse mais aussi ses travers comme sa jalousie et sa hargne, toutes ces émotions auxquels chacun d'entre nous avons eu à affronter au moins une fois, nous sont dépeints ici sans fioriture. Cela la rend moins parfaite, plus humaine. Plus proche de nous. Il est aisé de s'y identifier. De retrouver l'adolescente que j'ai été il y a...une éternité. Yu Chi Zi ne cesse d'avoir ces réactions que l'on pourrait lui reprocher. Sa jalousie la rendant parfois mauvaise, parfois pathétique. Et parfois juste nous. Je n'ai pu qu'éprouver une profonde sympathie à son encontre.
Sa relation avec Bo Wen m'a fait battre le coeur durant ces 24 épisodes (cela ne m'était pas arrivé depuis belle lurette).
J'ai tout simplement adoré leur relation conflictuelle. Leur interaction nous montrait toute la subtilité et la frontière entre l'amitié et l'amour. Cette minuscule ligne rouge qui très souvent ne s'alarme pas lorsque nous nous en approchons d'un peu trop près (oui, quelques souvenirs d'antan...). Tout le long du drama, et cela ne m'arrive pas souvent, je me suis mainte et mainte fois demandé si Chi ZI et Bo Wen finiraient ensemble ou pas...
J'ai adoré Bo Wen. Personnage nonchalant, honnête et droit, il apparait de premier abord un personnage classique. Rapidement, je me suis posée cette question, et cela jusqu'à la presque fin, "est-il amoureux de Yu Chi Zi?" (voui, question existentielle quoi). Frustrant? non, pas vraiment, car bien que la romance de ces deux amis d'enfance soit en filigrane, les liens qui les unissent sont omniprésents. De par les flashback. De par leur chamaillerie. De par leur complicité. Mon petit coeur s'est plus d'une fois serré devant les regards éperdus de Bo Wen, ne comprenant jamais les raisons des éclats de colère de Chi ZI. J'ai apprécié de le voir totalement perdu et confus face à Chi Zi, ses sentiments pour elle étaient tellement justes. D'une certaine façon, intenses. Sans aller dans l'extrême. Une amitié qui se cache. Le fait de se fâcher avec elle, de rire avec elle, de se moquer d'elle pour au final ne revenir que vers elle, j'avoue que cela aura bien fait battre mon coeur plus d'une fois.
C'est un drama qui m'a beaucoup touché, surement dû aux souvenirs que cela a soulevé dans mon inconscient, des émotions presque oubliées, des images fanées par le temps mais toujours vivace, voilà ce que ce drama m'a fait vivre. Un peu comme l'extraordinaire "Lovely Us" ou "When we were Young". Sans avoir les qualités de ces deux derniers drama, il reste un coup de coeur, un drama que l'on sirote doucement en hiver.

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