Love Fight (2008) poster
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Ratings: 6.7/10 from 123 users
# of Watchers: 320
Reviews: 2 users
Ranked #105590
Popularity #16222
Watchers 123

Minoru (Kento Hayashi) and Aki (Kie Kitano) have grown up together from a young age. Contrary to wimpish Minoru, Aki, who normally looks ladylike, is very strong at fighting, hence Aki has always protected Minoru from being bullied. Their dynamics remains the same into their high school years. Wanting to break out of this situation, Minoru starts going to a boxing gym run by Oki (Takao Osawa), whom he met by chance. However, Aki, who gets wind of it, is fascinated with boxing as well, and joins the same boxing club. Minoru feels depressed as he is again unable to break free of Aki's influence. Through boxing, however, Minoru realizes that he has been running away from Aki and not facing her properly until now. Edit Translation

  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • Norsk
  • Country: Japan
  • Type: Movie
  • Release Date: Nov 15, 2008
  • Duration: 2 hr. 6 min.
  • Score: 6.7 (scored by 123 users)
  • Ranked: #105590
  • Popularity: #16222
  • Content Rating: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

Cast & Credits


Love Fight (2008) photo


9 people found this review helpful
Apr 26, 2012
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
1-The reason I watched this : It seemed interesting at the time, staying home in a rainy day and having nothing else to do so I gave it a try.

2-Storyline/Plot : At first, I admit that I was intrested because the way it started seemed promesing. However, as the film went on I felt like something was wrong, the general story isn't bad but the way events were combined together didn't look great to me.
The storyline took a wrong turn since events became to sound so dull and uninteresting. Moreover, this isn't a unique special story to give it credit for its originality.

3-Acting/Cast : I'm not familiar with the leads plus I didn't like any of them but I've got to admit that the acting department was well done so it was fair enough: Good acting but bad characters.

4-Music: I don't actually remember the music even though I haven't seen this film a long time ago.

5-Rewatch value : I can't imagine myself watching it again, I thought it was a mistake watching it once how about repeating it.

6-The ending : The kind of ending that you would imagine it from the beginning so no big deal.

7-Overall : Not the kind of film that i would recommend but everyone is free to choose what they want; it's just my opinion.

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6 people found this review helpful
Jan 27, 2012
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
What a cute movie!

Story (9/10) - This movie is about a wimpy boy who is always protected by a girl ever since they were kids. After years of being chased by local hoodlums(because he was friends with Aki[his "protector"], they wanted to be introduced, LOL), he comes across a boxing gym and decides to take up the sport. Wimpy boy learning how to fight, strong girl, we know where this leads, yes! A showdown! The mainstory line was great, but I felt that it did go off on a tangent once in a while with the substories. This movie was a great refresher from the norm and I definitely enjoyed watching it.

Acting/Cast (8/10) - Enjoyable, theres plenty of quirky moments as well as downright weird from what I thought of it. The more serious moments of the movie were moving as well. There was no overdrawn tears, or 4 minutes of crying with multiple angles, emotions were well enough conveyed that I felt sadness, anger and happiness when called upon. Also, I know the guy lead in this was supposed to be "weak", but I was just annoyed by him >.< There will probably be parts where you yell at the screen and say "JUST DO IT", and I'll know exactly how you feel.

Rewatch Value (7/10) - I can definitely see myself snuggling up on a cloudy day and rewatching this.

Overall (9/10) - Great movie! Im glad it was just a movie though, I feel as if a drama will drag too much, even if there are only 9 episodes that are 45 minutes long.

Side Note : If you end up watching this on dramacrazy, the subtitles are messy...

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  • Movie: Love Fight
  • Country: Japan
  • Release Date: Nov 15, 2008
  • Duration: 2 hr. 6 min.
  • Content Rating: 13+ - Teens 13 or older


  • Score: 6.7 (scored by 123 users)
  • Ranked: #105590
  • Popularity: #16222
  • Watchers: 320

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