The TV channel TV Tokyo is about to launch a morning drama, "Shimakko-san". Endo Kenichi, Oosugi Ren, Taguchi Tomorowo, Matsushige Yutaka and Mitsuishi Ken are sent to the filming location, but for some reason they arrive at desert island. To survive, they will have to collaborate. At the same time, the filming of the morning drama has to start... Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: バイプレイヤーズ~もしも名脇役がテレ東朝ドラで無人島生活したら~
- Also Known As: Byplayers - Moshimo meikwakiyaku ga tereto asadora de mushinto seikatsu shitara , The Supporting Actors 2
- Director: Matsui Daigo, Yokohama Satoko
- Screenwriter: Fujiki Mitsuhiko
- Genres: Comedy
Cast & Credits
- Mitsuishi KenHimselfMain Role
- Matsushige YutakaHimselfMain Role
- Taguchi TomorowoHimselfMain Role
- Osugi RenHimselfMain Role
- Endo KenichiHimselfMain Role
- Kita KanaJasmineSupport Role
This review may contain spoilers
Sou da sou da
Different setting from first season - our favorite "by-players" (minus Terajima) got stuck on an uninhabited island.Unfortunately I could only watch the 2nd season raw. My Japanese is enough to understand the main story, but I am sure I missed out on all of the subtle jokes/references :(
Still, good acting overcomes language barriers, as they say.
----- spoilers below--------
turned out that they did go to the right island, but landed on the wrong side. but since they were late, filming went ahead, their characters were taken over by other actors. they ended up being this motley choir crew shouting "sou da sou da" at the end of the main characters' lines. (I dont understand why Endo Kenichi was in drag though....)
as in the 1st season, each episode features a special guest "byplayer". there is even one episode where the focus are on female byplayers
and RIP Sugiren :(
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