Midori is a coming-of-age drama set amongst the heady high school world of peer rivalry and sexual awakening, featuring an emotionally-detached high-school girl who, her parents dead, lives with her brother and his overprotective wife. After being sent out of class due to a dizzy spell, she becomes acquainted with Shun, a boy in the class below, in the school sanatorium. As the two begin feigning illness together on a regular basis, their uncomfortable flirtations soon blossom into a full sexual relationship. Meanwhile, Midori has been left a suicide message in the form of a video tape by a former classmate named Kobayashi. Shot just before he died, it contains incriminating accusations against his parents and teachers. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 物陰に足拍子 より MIDORI
- Also Known As: Green
- Director: Hiroki Ryuichi
- Screenwriter: Ogawa Tomoko
- Genres: Romance, Life, Youth, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Nakajima HirokoYoshinari MidoriMain Role
- Kato HaruhikoIto ShunMain Role
- Taguchi Tomorowo Support Role
- Kubozuka YosukeMinoru KobayashiSupport Role
- Irie Masato Unknown
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